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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. Entry 2:

    Looks like I didn't take it out in time. Not only did I have to get major bowel reconstruction, but I lost all my llell.

    Worst day everrrrr

  2. Talking face to face with someone allows you to see they're human. Most conflicts in history come from a lack of "cross cutting cleavages" (titter titter [double pun]) in society, IE lack of interaction between people of various beliefs and social status. You're more likely to tell someone to shut the fuck up if they're bashing gay people if you have a gay friend or family member. Most often the most isolationist and reactionary groups are the most homogeneous and segregated populations (if this sounds a lot like many well, christian or religious communities, then you may have stumbled upon why there religion is an issue that often deteriorates into the dehumanization of others). The term "cross cutting cleavages", by the way, comes from various political scientists describing modernization theory, and why urbanizing societies tend to become more tolerant, liberalizing societies (namely because cities bring a lot of very different people into very close contact with each other). Look up Daniel Lerner or Seymour Martin Lipsit if you want to read more (or for my favorite account, read Ashutosh Varshney, although his specific analysis is in India and he uses the term "building bridges", which is basically the same thing). The internet however, does not really bring people together in the same way as face to face interactions, hence many individuals take the offence and often instigate inflammatory and extremist debates, only to be fed more by individuals like myself who are in it for the lulz.
  3. It's strange, as time passes on, the more I find in common with you.
  4. I tabulate negative respect. Some of you have a lot of catching up to.
  5. The more "ol"s I add, the more insincere it gets lol = that may have actually been funny (most of the time I just post ) lolololol = you're probably being a retard lolololololololololololololol = You should just kill yourself
  6. I voted yes. But then again, I respect very few people in the first place.
  7. Funny story. When I was 12 and sitting through a sermon I drew a picture on the back of my program of the pastor collecting all of the money in the church while a Ferrari was parked outside. When the pastor came around to actually collect the money, I put my program in the bowl. I'm going to hell and I know it.
  8. Hey, I was trying to download that Black Knight picture (soooo gooood!!!!!!!) and resize it for my avatar but I'm as dumb as a sack of shit and couldn't figure it out. Mind resizing it for me and sending me the file? I'll post all of my credit card information in a minute. Take as much as you think it's worth.
  9. Except I actually met one in a school in Chaing Mai.
  10. Also, suggestion. Make the eyes A LOT bigger. If they aren't taking up half the face, they aren't any good. Add some bags under them too. It'll look really good then. I'd stay away from shading too, remember: the paint bucket it your friend.
  11. This is... delicious. I... I mean, that pot roast. In the picture... must be delicious. That's what I was refering to.
  12. In many South Asian countries, transgender people have actually long been honored as a sort of preist. "Lady-boys" (their term, not mine) often preside over weddings, formal ceremonies etc. It's ussualy their parents who make the decision to start the, ah, conversion, ussualy before puberty. It's a different world out there.
  13. Rewatched Kill Bill.

    Thinking of you ~<3

  14. That would have been almost let-you-off-with-a-punch-to-the-face funny if the OP has actually said "Do you beleive in Loch Ness?" But considering he didn't, that just makes you ... an imbecile.
  15. Well, with almost 600 posts and yet barely 60 profile views, I'm going to conclude that no one wants you. Data never lies.
  16. It's amazing how much I just can't care about this issue, on either side. I mean, call me non-partisan, but this is really one of those things you can't change, no matter how loud you yell or how many fingers you point. The adamancy of any debater on this issue is completely immovable and concrete, you're just never going to change anyones' mind. I don't know, maybe I'm the only one who thinks it would be healthy to just learn to deal with this, rather than be irritated at everyone who thinks differently about it. So what if he disagrees with you? Get the fuck over it. How does his being crazy hurt you? Just... chill.
  17. Holy shit take a look at Luxlord's comments page. The guy who responded, look at what he claims his location is...

    No one is safe from the raping fury.


  18. Finish the quote challenge:

    Eh-ewww, are you really going to eat that?!

  19. I was placed in isolation today for talking to my Macaroni.

    When will I ever find love?

  20. Note for today:

    Remove condom of blow from anus.

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