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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. Never had braces. Or a retainer. Nyah nyah nyah nyah boo boo.
  2. That joke has been going around for a while, usually with different pictures (I haven't seen the one you posted yet), but it's always the same text. Here's an example. You'll also notice on that webpage is dated 2006: IE during President Bush's terms in office. But by all means apply jokes from one administration to the next. Just acknowledge that this isn't a "Republican vs. Democrats" debate, because if you somehow mean to claim that inflation decreased under Bush (the Canadian dollar became equal to ours under his presidency, it used to be a 3:5 ratio), production increased (auto crisis, massive expropriation of jobs abroad with the abolition of trading barriers), the next generation was saved (financial crisis, inability to respond to the housing crisis, no effective legislation in curbing CO2 emissions in lieu of signing the Kyoto protocol), had his interests vested in the "little man" (nearly all of his tax breaks were directed towards the wealthiest Americans and corporations, the "pricks"), and gave us a sense of security (started one unnecessary war, made countless enemies abroad while weakening support among our allies), then I would have to fucking laugh in your face.
  3. That's too bad. There were so many on my checklist before him...
  4. What is the point of this topic?
  5. Panic is very rarely a logical reaction. Especially about shit you can't fix.
  6. being equal=/=being identical (mathematicians will disagree)
  7. It would have been better if he actually mispelled it as "Gauss", but nonetheless the effort is appreciated.
  8. I fucking hate chicken. The more carbon intensive my meat is, the better it tastes. Chickens are too efficient, I suspect a they harbor leanings towards statist interventions and communal farming communities. Eat Red meat. Counter the Red threat.
  9. Capital Letters Before Every Word Are Pretty Preachy Too. I Guess It's Made Up For By You're Lack Of Understanding On The Mechanics Of Contractions.
  10. You're also a bunch of Leninistic fucks. I've got my eye on you, Red.
  11. I mean let's admit it guys. Every Christian is a jackbooted Nazi. They are all retards, racists, and would probably be better off dead so they can stop holding back the smart people in the world.
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