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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. The winds of change are blowing. It's only a matter of time before the next person gets sucked off.
  2. They also have no way of not knowing that, expecially on the Internet. HURRRRR
  3. If y'all are going to hold past actions against him, then he should have been banned then. Holding things inside like this is a fucking chickenshit thing to do.
  4. If it was either of those two reasons, it would be a demonstration of fucktardedness on the part of whoever banned him.
  5. I guess the strong themes of moral relativism present in both these movies which defies the notion that either of these characters can be slotted as "good" or "bad" is completely lost on you. It's too bad, it kind of means you're missing the most fucking important part of the story. The real difference in these characters is the force of their convictions. Rorschach is a moral absolutist, with inflexible beliefs and a mode of doing whatever it takes to fulfill them (some may confuse this approach to moral ambiguity and a corrupt belief structure, however they are also wrong). Despite how badass this is (and there's no doubt Rorschach is the most badass), it's relatively thin and uninteristing, at least from my point of view. Now the joker demonstrates the exact opposite, a permeable moral system which bends and twists with whatever will gain the joker the greatest advantage. The joker is never beyond calling it quits just to reveal later on he had an ace up his sleeve. His ability to play with his morals to get what he wants stands in stark contrast to Rorschach's unwavering commitment to getting what he wants only through his code. The ambiguous, chaotic nature of the joker mixed in with his precise direction and unwavering motivation make him the far more interesting character.
  6. Oh boo everybody is piling on me and I can't take it WHY CAN'T THEY JUST AGREE.
  7. Anyone who thinks there is logic in that statement can give a Berreta a blowjob, because the world would be better off without freeloading layabouts like them.
  8. Hey guys I know a way to make it better amidoinitcorrectly?
  9. Hope he doesn't take it hard. I mean it's nothing to kill yourself over.
  10. Hey, I know it's bad, but like they say it's nothing to kill yourself over right?

  11. Oh? Is that so, Herr Jyo? You, of all people, are going to correct my spelling? I guess I don't even have to say at this point what this makes you. There are many more members on this site that have expressed much more blatant attacks on other members with little more than a suspension. DHero never made any blatant or malicious flames, he just accumulated a lot of dumb comments, stupid retorts, and things I was definitely guilty of when I was 14 and posted on forum websites. But the fact remains you can't go to federal prison for 20 misdemeanors, and banning a member for saying stupid things would require half of the forum to be banned (including several members of the administration). The fact is that vitriolic attacks have been levied against senior members with little more than a suspension. DHero never did anything worthy of that. This sentence doesn't fit the crime, and I have again lost respect for the administration of this site. Again. Quit stealin' my thunder boh-ay!
  12. The rules say "100% Warn Level is grounds for banishment, however only if the majority of the administrators, and half of the mods agree." IE, you won't get banned at 100% unless the mods feel it's warrented. The fact that half of the mods and admins felt like banning a 14 year old who was a pretty neutral troll kind of makes them look like douches.
  13. But seriously, if that's what he got banned over I'm pretty fucking pissed.
  14. It's Latin as in Romance Languages. Spanish comes from Latin, and so does Portuguese and French, all of which are spoken in Central and South America. Since you can't call it Spanish America because not everybody speaks Spanish, it's easier to call it Latin America because all of the languages are derived from Latin. Hispanic is also the Latin word for Spain or Spaniard, and considering the large indigenous and african populations in Latin America, to call it "Hispanic America" would ignore all people with non-Spanish ancestry.
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