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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. Your mom I know you are but what am I So is your face Insert other callow retorts here.
  2. I once knew a Raven on another forum. He was a lot cooler.
  3. I usually go for Frosted Flakes at home, and generic brand cheerios at school. I prefer to avoid cereal though, as even the "healthy" kind I find too low in actual matter to sustain me for the first part of the day.
  4. In case you and certain other people posting in this topic don't get it, this is how you talk to your friends when you're bullshitting around, not how you actually treat someone who may be mentally unstable.
  5. You've... never heard of Douglas Adams? I don't even know what to think of you now.
  6. chimes the suckling toady. Edit: Deleted your post? Who has the baby dick again?
  7. I used to have 2, but I lost one in the time warp, which saddened me because the post which got me the second one facilitated epic lulz.
  8. It's actually pretty famous in most circles that don't include the tardspewing troglodytes who populate this forum.
  9. Oscar? The fuck is this shit? Anyways, voted for Mist. For the lulz. But seriously Mist as a level 20 Valkyrie with a magic of 26 armed with the sonic sword, a magic weapon stronger than any A tome (tied with Thoron), plus mounted, she can actually kick some serious ass (especially in close range combat with Sol), I've had her solo entire levels. Too bad you have to baby her up to that point. :B But seriously Oscar fucking sucks. What's wrong with you people?
  10. The one book I remember putting down and having thoroughly enjoyed was Their Eyes Were Watching God, but I also read it in one sitting outside in the summer, so I may have had heat stroke. Anyways, I always remember that as one of my favorites.
  11. It sounds like Australia is similar to the United States in that testing varies by Provence or State. Unlike most of Europe, the United States has very few national standards (control over education is traditionally interpreted as a power delegated to the states in the Constitution), and the government usually relies one state level testing when determining the amount of federal funding to allocate for each state's education system (this money is separate from a state's own revenue and school budgeting process.) Although I've graduated from high school already, in Vermont there was a general lack of consensus over the which test to use, so we ended up taking a lot of pilot tests that had no consequence except pissing people off in general. It was fairly retarded. Vermont has no high school exit requirements (for public schools) however, so if didn't really matter anyways. However, if you live in New York state, you have to take the Regents, a statewide standardized aptitude test in various subjects that you must pass in order to graduate. I'm sure there are other states with exit exams for public schools, I am just unaware of them. In terms of college entrance the most commonly used tests are the SAT and ACT (usually one or the other, they cover the same material basically, but some people prefer one over the other), and for high level colleges they may look at your SAT IIs (specific subject tests, like US history or chemical biology), or at how many AP tests you have taken. AP classes ("Advanced Placement") are probably the closest thing the United States comes to a nationally standardized curriculum, despite the fact that the curriculum for AP classes is determined by the College Board, which despite their name is a private, for profit company which also designs the SAT. AP classes all have corresponding AP tests, which you can score from a 1 to a 5 on, relative to other people's scores (Top 20% get a 5, next 20% get a 4, etc). Some universities let you skip entry level classes if you score well on an AP in high school, to prevent you from reviewing the same material twice. Often senior year AP test results are not calculated by the time you are admitted to college, so most of the time a college will just ask how many APs you took, and not really care about the score. Of course how much credence a college gives to standardized testing is entirely in the purview of the institution. I happened to get into Harvard with SATs far below the average for students admitted to that institution, and I credit my admittance on my extracurricular activities and application essay.
  12. 278 lines of Star Wars improved by replacing a word with "pants" I read that years ago. Thanks for reminding me.
  13. You are so fucking full of shit. To satisfy an inkling, I must ask, how the FUCK do you cheat in woodshop class?
  14. I got my hair cut really short before I came to Japan (I think 1/4 on the sides, 3/16 on top), just because I wasn't sure if I would get my hair cut in the 9.5 weeks I was here. It's been about 4 weeks since I then and I quite like the length it's grown out to now, considering when I had it cut that was definitely the shortest I've ever had it. Despite this, I don't really want it getting any longer, so I may have to visit a barber here (Although I don't know if they use the same buzz lengths in Japan). When I was in High School I definitely rocked the long hair. I don't really know why I was so hydrophobic against getting it cut, since when I look back at those pictures I feel like retching. Long hair is kind of fun to have, but it really doesn't pay you any compliments (at least on a guy). Short hair simply looks more mature, which is a look I like to go for (not to mention it's a look most other people seem to go for. Meeow)
  15. ENFP Reading the description you'd think I was king of the world. No wonder people hope it's true.
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