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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. I choked up a little when I read that.
  2. I'll let that go. Why can't Helen Keller drive? What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? Dead baby jokes: What's worse than 10 dead babies in a trashcan? What's the difference between unloading a truck load of bowling balls and a truck load of dead babies? What's pink and bubbly and taps on the glass? How many babies does it take to paint a house? How do you get a dead baby out of the blender?
  3. ^ Tardspew. Also, I'm in Japan right now and have yet to see a single story about Iran on the news. I have seen at least 3 tributes to Michael Jackson.
  4. In school I was kind of a reverse cheater. I let people look at my homework, helped people with their math when the teacher was out of the room on a test, left my paper for everyone to see. I kind of fucking ruled. It's not like college where your grade is weighed against everyone elses', so why would you give a fuck if your friends could get a better grade with you?
  5. I haven't read your sig. Or any of the posts in this thread. I doubt I ever will. :)
  6. Now that you mention it, you and the real Crash Gordon mutually suck too. Funny how that works.
  7. ~80 gigs. In Japan right now, so I only brought my Asus Netbook, which is quite limited, but fits a lot better in my backpack than my fucking Aurora. I did also bring my 250 GB external hard drive.
  8. Me and my brother (Fox/Urist Mcwhatever dwarf, btw), looking ready to kick some ass. Rather than post the usual barage of pictures from previous trips and seasons, I figured I'll post some of the photos I've taken so far in Japan. I've been here for about 5 weeks, and won't be going back to the states for another month. Kanazawa, the city I'm currently living in. 3/5 of my host family, and me, at the Hyakumanroku matsuri (festival) in Kanazawa. Family shrines near Myojoji temple, Ishikawa prefecture. The bar at Kagaya Ryokan, for nearly 30 years rated the top hotel in Japan. And we got to stay there. It was so cash. Terraced paddys Cool-ass leaf fountain thing at a temple in Kyoto Zen Garden in Kyoto Kyoto, and me. Honestly, I haven't taken any spectacular pictures yet. It's been quite rainy, and I've mostly been leaving the camera at home. I intend to do some serious hiking soon though, and after my language program is over I have a week and a half to explore Japan by rail, which is when I anticipate taking the greatest amount of pictures. But these will do for now, I think.
  9. Come share your jokes. Anything goes, but I take no responsibility for any punishment you receive for content a person of authority is loathe too. Also, I reserve the right to criticise your infantile humor if your joke happens TO SUCK BALLS. Be warned, be cognizant, and post wisely. I'll start light: How do crazy people get through the woods? Who is the opposite of Christopher Reeve? How do you turn your dishwasher into a snowthrower?
  10. It's the perfect place. This is a place for nonsense, and religion is for people who are already spit-spewing crazy. :B
  11. Your comparisson is inept and retarded. As are you.
  12. Then you need to watch more Kill Bill, and that's the honest fucking truth.
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