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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. "Drills are the source of life and everything, and if you use drills you'll destroy the universe and..."
  2. By sun up, if your not the sorriest ass in all of London, you'll certainly be the sorest.
  3. Because "The shit is fucking deadly" sounds much less fishy.
  4. I don't understand the significance. Wearing orange has precedence.
  5. "The world’s most unprofessional gaming news site!" ? Guy sounded like a pussy. Gosh guys I'm so nervous! I think he needs a new tagline for his website. No offence. Edit: Oh right this is general, oops. Despite playing all of the American versions of Fire Emblem, I'm quite terrible with names and trivia. If they stuck to just the American versions I would probably kick ass, but it sounded like the got a little more involved with bits from some of the Japanese plotlines. There, I contributed.
  6. Demotivational posters are not funny. Yours, however, takes unfunny to a whole new level.
  7. The fact that the moderators are now operating under a set of rules which are incongruous to the pinned "Forum rules" topic is a contradiction which needs to be corrected. Although the new rules have been posted in the announcements section, the official "Forum rules" have yet to be updated, thus creating a problem of dual legitimacy where one could argue away or for certain punishments under two vastly different rule systems. This contradiction of de jure and de facto laws, especially considering the moderators are more likely to behave by the de facto set, creates a cultural peculiarity that may not be apparent to new members, and calls into question the legitimacy of either rule set for all members. The the old rules in the "Forum rules" topic should either be updated or taken down for the new rules.
  8. Define: BAWWWW 1. A summary of any amount of whining "BAWWWWW" Summary: "BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"
  9. I echo this statement and express sameness. Read: "This."
  10. Any reason you can't have? Also, Shockwave was always one of my favorites. Interesting to see the new show made him into a tank...
  11. I was rejected from 8 colleges and wait listed for another 4 before I got accepted to Harvard. Overall, I was turned away by twice as many colleges that accepted me. Holding your breath to get into any one of these schools is foolish, because even for the most qualified candidates in the world it's a complete crapshoot. You just have to hold out until you've heard back from everyone, and make your decision from there. Sorry about the rejection to MIT, but I'm sure you're going to get good news back from someone.
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