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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. I think I got the hang of programming some stuff XD

  2. Aless: Wait, but I didn't! The only girl in my mind is Leen. Leen: Oh, that's so sweet Aless, thanks. So Lloyd, when did you marry Ursula?
  3. Runan-17 Kreiss-20 Arkis-20 Kate-21 Sasha-20 Lee-8 Ezekiel-20 Narron-20 Ruka-20 Raffin-20 Estelle-20 Julia-20 Barts-20 Enteh-20 Plum-20 Raquel-20 Mahter-39 Vega-17 Maruju-14 Zeek-38 Mel-20 Roger-20 Katri-20 Xeno-20 Meriah-20 Sharon-11 Billford-20 Holmes-20 Shigen-20 Alicia-23 Samson-17 Lionel-17 Attrom-20 Krisheenu-20 Frau-23 Lyria-20 Mintz-20 Rennie-20 Shirou-20 Loffaru-20 Lionheart-22 Rishel-20 Sierra-20 Rebecca-20 Leteena-20 Rina-10 Renee-7 Yoda-20 Hagaru-20 Verna-20 Alfred-20 Sennet-20 Tia-20
  4. Brock-25 Lt. Surge-26 Erika-25 Koga-23 Janine-25 Sabrina-26 Blaine-25 Giovanni-15 Blue/Green-25 Falkner-25 Bugsy-25 Morty-41 Chuck-13 Jasmine-40 Pryce-17 Clair-25 Roxanne-25 Brawly-25 Wattson-25 Flannery-42 Norman-23 Winona-13 Tate and Liza-25 Wallace-25 Roark-32 Gardenia-25 Maylene-19 Crasher Wake-13 Fantina-26 Byron-19 Candice-25 Volkner-25 Cilan-25 Chili-25 Lenora-25 Burgh-25 Elesa-22 Clay-25 Skyla-23 Brycen-25 Drayden-25 Iris-30
  5. Happy birthday! Hope you enjoy it.

  6. Tinny: That's pretty good news dear! Now we can be friends without any problems. Sety, what made you change of hearts already after so much time?
  7. Well, it took me quite a while to do so. I simply calm down, take deep breaths for about 30 seconds and then most of it leaves forever, also play a bit fighting games, it helps me when I have too much stress that I take it out in the computer that way. But I do keep a bit of it nearby, it serves as an alarm sometimes. Favorite Pokémon type?
  8. Welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you enjoy your stay and make a few friends around here.
  9. Sety: Well, it looks cool, I like it. But why do you use me as your avatar if you hate me? Hey Fa, how are you going to help Idoun return to her former self?
  10. Age doesn't mater, we'll still be true to our inner kid. At least I am so far. Should we form a group of those who are still kids XD?
  11. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I claimed her some time ago.
  12. This looks cool, the mugs really clean IMO; do you still need help with something (not hacking related, more like getting sheets or anything like that)?
  13. Langoblat's mug sprite looks awesome! So do the other mugs. I really can't wait for the patch.
  14. This looks really cool! Can't wait to play it in the future...when I recover my life.
  15. Kieran: Oh that's just great!! Will I be able to defeat Ashnard after all? Oscar: You realize you can't hurt him too much right? Kieran: I want to kick some enemies. Hey Draug, what do you think makes a good knight?
  16. Happy Birthday Reinfleche, hope you enjoy it the most you can!

  17. Leen: Yeah I'm quite happy! Thanks, but is Aless there too? Hey Shinon, how's babysitting Gatrie so he doesn't make any madness?
  18. Tinny: Don't talk like that dear! You have a family that will love you always, so you would be irreplaceable. Any of the armor knights, how much do those armors of yours weight?
  19. Nope, reason for which I changed the username to avoid confusions. Which is your favorite musical instrument?
  20. Well...I claimed her a while ago through her japanese name Fuuro (tough I mispelled it, my bad). I can share her if you want.
  21. Lord from FE6, maybe the Master Lord too from the same game. Favorite unit class besides archers?
  22. Sety: It seems I have developed a double personality problem... SETY: NO WE HAVEN'T! WE'RE BOTH THE SAME PERSON!!!!!! Any of the healers or staff users, which would you say is the second best thing you could do?
  23. Hope you had a Happy Birthday Crush!

  24. Skasaher: Ummm, what are they supposed to be? I don't understand the question. Say Jill, where do you want to go this next vacations?
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