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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. General Tips I found really useful: Use the Inverse Song of Time, this will help you achieve a bit much in a shorter time frame. Try to get all the masks before going to the final dungeon, this will make the fight easier if you want it to be. Use the Owl Statues in your favor to move faster when you need to. If you're getting near the end of the third day, try to do as much as posible before using the Song of Time.
  2. Arthut: I don't think Tinny meant that, but you can easily use your sword skills to finish the mess. I can also aid using Volcanon or Tron, if you need help. Hey Edward, how did you suddenly become the best swordsman for many FE fans?
  3. Well, not exactly pretty original, but it would be cool to see them. Ninja Weapons Knife, Sword Stealth warriors from the shadows that dive into the battlefield with extreme speed and skill. Promotions would be different ranges of them and the max Cap would be something like this: [spoiler=Caps]HP 60 Str 24 Mag 22 Skl 29 Spd 30 Def 22 Res 26 Lck 30
  4. Tongue cut out. Would you rather study theories or practice the aplications of something?
  5. Lilina: I know, but I want to help Roy with his task of protecting Elibe. Tinny and Zak, here's your invititation to the wedding. Deghinsea, I know how Goldoa acts, but what if Ashnard's army would have attacked you once Crimea fell?
  6. Roy x Cath Really needed to happen, but well, IS maybe knew what they wanted. Serra x Eliwood I'm pretty sure Serra wanted to meet him and be pretty close to him too, but well.
  7. Amelia gets my vote. Honorable mentions to LB and Acey.
  8. Definitely acey. Cool work with the battle sprite, quite amazing.
  9. Future. Curiosity to know what will come, the past is supposedly known. Would you rather be a Jedi or a Sith?
  10. Thought of a new one (I don't think it was posted). Rune Lord Weapons: Swords, Lances, Anima, Light, Staff [spoiler=Stats Caps] HP 60 Str 24 Mag 23 Skl 24 Spd 30 Def 29 Res 27 Lck 30 Description: Knights that trained to master not only weapons, but the magical arts too. Skilled soldiers quite balanced.
  11. Something like that happened to me, but with the first generation and it was Deirdre. As for Celice, I recall this time in chapter 7 that he got teleported to the pper right corner of the map...outside the battle map.
  12. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you enjoy it the most.

  13. Jill: Of course! We wanted to invite Zak and Tinny too, I'll send them the invitation soon enough and we're still thinking of more friends we may be missing. Here's yours by the way. Thanks also for looking for the bishop, I'm really glad of this. Hey Lance, meet Lance from Pokémon. Thoughts on each one?
  14. Pizza. That would have been a delicious last solid meal... Would you rather face a thug band or a militia?
  15. L'Arachel: Because a Valkyrie is in the eternal struggle to aid those in need and bring justice! ^It's not funny when you break previous posts... :P L'Arachel, which is the most important quality in a fighter of justice?
  16. Is there a third option? Joking. I would chose immediate death then. Eternal life would be...painful and lonely. Would you rather murder someone who deserves it or standby?
  17. A shotgun is fine for me. Would you rather fight to protect someone or just with no reason?
  18. Nyna: I am grateful for the help Hardin gave me in those dire times, but I can't help but feel Camus and I could have...Artemis' curse has done enough. I'm sorry, but I won't marry you. Jill, where would you like to have our wedding party: Talrega, Begnion, or another place?
  19. ...No she isn't available. There appears to be a long story with her claim some time ago. You could try convincing the claimer for a share tough. Search function above, once again.
  20. @Griffen78: Cynthia appears to be available, tough I'm not so sure. Flannery was already claimed, look for the claimer and ask for a share. Be sure to check your claims using the search option above.
  21. Nyna: Father...Mother...Ohhh, Camus... Midia: How dare you talk like that to Princess Nyna?! Hey Kieran, have you declared to Marcia already?
  22. Jill: I would like it to be by December, and Light Lord agrees. We're still thinking of the exact date. We'll spread invitations when we get everything ready *starts asking Thany what to do for the wedding* So Ashnard, I heard you like Mudkips as you like power. Is that true?
  23. Well, this topic is basically for any user to post a problem he/she has to get some advice by other users. Note that if you're going to post you are willing to help or give an adivce, so keep that in mind. I think I'll start with this: I'm about to finish my first semester in college and apparently, if you got good grades you can assemble your schedule for next semester earlier than other students. The problem is, I have two schedules to chose from: 1 through 6 pm and 5:30 to 10 pm (unfortunately, my career is only available in the afternoon). In one side, the first one seems cooler, since I won't be staying way too late in the nights with homework or projects, but my day would pass really quickly, also there is the good chance I could hang out with my friends after college. On the other hand, the second one gives me the chance to enjoy a bit longer the day, but homeworks would ask me to sleep later, not to mention being in college pretty late in the evening when you can almost see nothing. Thanks in advance.
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