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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Well, posting an idea directly from a fanfic of mine: Class-Weapon Levels Lord-Sword B, Bow B 1st Tier A working mercenary belonging to the kstanian council, travels to hone his skills with the sword and the bow. [spoiler=Caps] HP 30 All other stats 20 Mov 6 Prince-Sword S, Bow S, Lance A 2nd Tier The prince of Dragia, a mercenary that found his home and is determined to free it from tyranny. Bears a brand of the divine dragons. [spoiler=Caps] HP 45 Str 25 Def 24 Skill 30 Spd 30 Mag 18 Res 20 Luck 30 Mov 7 Destiny Hero-Sword SS, Bow SS, Lance SS, Light A, Dark S 3rd Tier The prince of Dragia, with powr infused from the Fire Emblem. Destined to face the Dark Dragon in a battle for the world's destiny. Skill: Aether, Destiny Seal [spoiler=Caps] HP 60 Str 32 Mag 25 Skill 40 Spd 37 Def 30 Res 28 Luck 35 Mov 7
  2. Here's my list guys, hope you like it. Hero: because I like to help people quite a lot. Many of my friends that play the game say I fit it quite well, regarding what it involves and the fact i used to do some work for money haha. Swordmaster: What can I say? Being able to sweep through the battlefield easily with a sword and being almost a killing engine is the best thing I could think of. Rogue: Heheh, being stealth and all the stuff they do would prove to be useful when in dire situations. Yet, I would never steal a thing from anyone.
  3. Sety: Uggghh, my head, what happened to me? Tinny:*hides behind Zak* Well, you started seeking for girls many times. Sety: Is that so? I'm sorry for anything that I may have done during these times. Tinny, now that Sety has returned to normality and you don't have Tinny, what are you going to do?
  4. Mmmm, not so sure about it, but if he has lunar and meteor sword of course I would. Mmmm, maybe Ash?
  5. *demonic anwser* Nergal: I used it, Hilda was almost dying when I stealed her quintessence and created Sonia afterwards. Nino, a part from Canas and her wife, did you find any leads on your family?
  6. Yeah, I really like Renais. Eirika, Seth, Ross, Franz (and Amelia if they are paired) and even Forde, a cool place in my opinion. Mmmm, maybe Thracia?
  7. Tinny: No, I don't think so *puts her hand in her bag and notices something in it* Uh-oh. Ummm, Sety, drink this for me, will you? Legault, if you knew Sonia and Nergal were up to no good, why did you stayed quiet?
  8. Never. I would never want to be an insane murderer just becauase my father hated me. Mmmm, maybe Zihark?
  9. Briggid: Yep, it was that dragon master that accompanied Trabant when they killed Cuan and Ethlin...if I had been there in time... Nino, do you still love your adoptive family after all that happened?
  10. Claimed some time ago. Search function at the top of the page may help you a bit. If you want Thany, contact Psych. For Tate I think DLV has her, I'm not so sure, I would recommend you to search for the claimers and ask for a share.
  11. *No question unless you meant this* Zak: Yeah, we remember *keeps in reach his 5 swords* Me: Alright, if he shows up he receives the beaten of his life *cracks knuckles* Tate: He will suffer so much if I see him near *readies Malte* Hey Tormod, have you grown up a bit or is Sothe still a traitor to you?
  12. Granted, but the story line is quite boring and the lord has insane low growths in almost everything. I wish Pokémon could pull off something more credible in their series.
  13. He would be like Marcus, which means it would be Marth's father story. Maybe. Zelgius (FE 9)?
  14. He looks quite cool, but a bit childish. I'm not really sure about this one. Delmud?
  15. Me: What's an airhsip doing in here? Geese: It would be better by ships, tough it would take longer to get there. Me: Anywas, I'm ready. Everyone: We are too! Kieran: I am ready because I'm the mighty Kieran! I need to be there. Nolan, were you a soldier of the Daein army in the past (before Part I in RD)?
  16. Tinny: Don't worry, I'll be fine. Some sane competition is good for the human soul, my dear. Jill: And don't you have a few users in your debt too? You could convine them to help you. Ashnard, I'll rephrase my last question: how does it feel to harness the power of the Fire Emblem?
  17. Jill: It feels really cool! Thanks guys, I really owe you everything. I'll keep training to be worthy of it. Duessel, how are things in Grado right now?
  18. If I'm not wrong there is no magician's HnH. I know who to heal if it happens. Thanks for the help CA.
  19. Lucer: :( Very well, I'm going for it... Sue, what happened to your father during the Bern campaigns?
  20. ...I can only say one thing: AAAAAAWWWWWEEEEESSSSSSOOOOOOMMMMMEEEEEE!!!!!!! Seriously good work with the sprites.
  21. Skasaher: If he has what's needed to stop Sety, I would be grateful for that. Julia: Narga, please aid us in this trial ahead...release our friends from the clutches of evil... Me: Zak, you better go with them I'll try to heal Tinny. Sety, who's possessing you? Is it a berserk Sety, the Demon King, or Lopto?
  22. Another hour post(Ninja'd at the last second): Haar 5 Jill 38
  23. Mareeta: Here he is, Light Lord. L.L.: Hi Zak, sorry for troubles regarding my identity; now, where is Sety? This may work or may just send him once again to the dead ranks with no effect at all. Sety, what's going on inside of your mind?
  24. Mareeta: Well, he has some skills with ancient relics of this sort of things. He may be able to help. In fact, I think you know him. Tinny told me about it, you need help? Zelgius, do you mind training a bit with me? Show no mercy, but don't kill me.
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