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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Peace treaty over. This is going to be a real war now and I just noticed I screwed something earlier. My bad.
  2. If you mean that Digimon, nope. If you really mean YOU, I don't know. Maybe Dieck?
  3. Kieran: That's the spirit boy! Keep training until your body can't take it anymore like me, Kieran the Great Knight! Oscar:...Frostbite, you'll need to get a personal healer after this. I'll try my best Jill, hope you can make it to the final round as I originally predicted. Mia, have you noticed that Queen Elincia has white robes too?
  4. Merlinus: Well, I have a Physic Staff, but I don't know if it will serve you right for this arena. By the way kid, who are those two evils you speak of? Kieran, Jill, HnH Axeman is definitely a war between you two. Who should I support?
  5. I would rather be a random guy that meets Jill and ends up marrying her. Haar is...Haar. Tough I would get a pretty nice sleeping schedule and a manly patch, so yeah. Possibly Sothe?
  6. Even if he's an archer, I got RNG cursed when training him. I don't really know, but at least he's quite honorable, so maybe. Mmmm, maybe Admiral Ackbar?
  7. Homer: Well, why do you think I joined Leaf's little army in the first place? have you seen Mareeta, Linoan, Nanna, and the other girls? Wuhuuu! Nothing better to raise my spirit! Fin, have you noticed the main character of a new cartoon show, Adventure Time, has the same name ass yours? Your thoughts?
  8. Frostbite's post: Kieran 30 Titania 123 Haar 74 Jill 110 Mine: Kieran 30 Titania 123 Haar 69 Jill 113 I can't hurt anyone withtout starting a World War, leaving Kieran for peace's sake or until I figure out what to do next.
  9. Ignore this post, computer/technical problems.
  10. Lilina: I would but Roy is here... Roy: Who are you and why did you called Lilina "your sweet"? Gant, what happened to you after Tiena married Al, did you returned with Celdia?
  11. Daein is a cool place, but I won't take part of the laguz pursuits in there. Mmmm, Crimea possibly?
  12. L'Arachel: Well, I guess I could help you with the heaing, but I can't teach you dealy magic, since I know light magic only. Hey Hector, now that peace has returned to Elibe and Roy married Lilina, uniting the Lycian League, what are your thoughts?
  13. I would like to see it after they rebuild it, Renais in it's former glory. Mmmm, Lenster?
  14. That's a nice place to spend some vacations in. Sands, nothing more to see in the disstance haha. Mmmm, I'll go for Freege?
  15. It's a really cool place, but I don't want to be sticked aroudn with possessed Julius or Alvis. Mmmm, maybe Phoenicis?
  16. Delmud: Well, I don't really know if I should be saying this, but I'm Beowulf's son while Nanna is Fin's daughter. Jill and Titania, i think one of you two will win the Axemen(and some women) HnH, who do you think it will be?
  17. Sety: WHAAAAAT?! I thought my father was Levin?! Levin: I never said I was, I looked for you because you're Fury's children, that's all. Levin, why so cold with Sety and possibly Fee?
  18. Lakche: You're not an official Fire Emblem character, so I'm still Fire Emblem's fastest sword fighter. Tinny: Don't worry Zak, you're still number one for me. So Altina, not offending you, but Ragnell or Alondite are really heavy weapons that even Ike or Zelgius managed to wield with minor troubles, what's your secret to wield any of those swords?
  19. Frostbite, you posted two heals in the last one. I suppose you meant this: Kieran 38 Titania 123 Haar 84 Jill 108 Now, to my post: Kieran 33 Titania 123 Haar 84 Jill 111
  20. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy your stay.

  21. Granted, but your opponents use an Anti-Raigeki, destroying you with your own weapon. I wish there were better musician units in Fire Emblem.
  22. Lakche: Nope, I'm just the fastest of all sword fighters in the entire universe. No way I can be beaten, not in a millenia. Hey Al, are you and Tiena still ruling the lands she owned, now that Lycian League joined together under a banner?
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