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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Yuno: It's so sweet that she finally found someone that can take care of her. Our little siter is growing. Tate: Well, she found a nice guy. I just hope he's not as that famous Sety, or he will get the beaten of his life. Thany *hugs Frostbite happily* Gant, do you mind answering my previous question: what happened to you after the war, did you go back with Celdia?
  2. Grado is quite cool and they have a powerful army. Yet I don't want to be in there when Lyon is possessed and Vigarde was reborn. Maybe Silesia?
  3. Thany: Well, I can't since they are only friends. Frostbite gave me a ring remember? He will keep his promise. Fa: fa is strong dragon! And I'm cute, that's why! Hey L'Arachel, how did you get in this situation?
  4. Patty: Yeah I thought he was...wait! You know Knight Guy?! Could you present us please!*insert cute puppy eyes* I heard he's way more skilled than Shanan! Shanan: Ummm, Patty I'm here. Demon King, are you possessing Sety by any chance or do you have an idea who is?
  5. We would be fighting real wars, and yet we wouldn't stand a chance against cheaters that control our units or have forged legendary weapons. Also, it would be really interesting to fight four enemies at the same time, kind of requires a lot of thinking. What if Al and his crew were playable units in FE 6?
  6. Roy: My father is Eliwood, remember? He got it when he and his friends face that srocerer, Nergal. He gave it to me when Al and I were about to face Zephiel in Bern (manga reference). Corple, why do you say Sety is still possessed and by who?
  7. Soul, this is becoming like a duel right? Why don't we sign a peace treaty for now :) ?
  8. Sounds like an interesting cast, can't wait to see it.

  9. Granted, Sety gives up, but Gatrie, Sain and Homer start going after Tinny. I wish Jill won the Axemen( and some women)HnH.
  10. Sety: I'll first kill you with it to take back Tinny, then Roy. Roy *dual wielding the Sword of Seals and the Regal Blade crits* Sety: Damn...I...failed... Roy: Oh come on, I didn't hit a vital spot or anything. Oh, Thany and Frostbite, my blessing to you too and sorry for my earlier attitude. Sety, why so dramatic?
  11. LOL! Valtome would look even more ridiculous than he is already, I need to see that!

    And the Heron idea is quite interesting, let me know if you need help with something (I'm not a professional animator, but I know a few things)

  12. When you wrote Thriller, I don't know why Kieran appeared in my mind trying to be Michael Jackson, haha.

    Keep working and you'll be a pro in no time.

  13. Western isles look really cool, but I'm starting to doubt if I should go there. Mmmm, Ilia?
  14. Granted, but your opponnet to get it is a level 10000 magician. I wish I had more time to do my projects from school and mine.
  15. ^Yeah I know. I left the post ready for the moment to post it, but as soon as the clock hit 9 am, I posted and I met a ninja...you. Anyways, that means Soul must change his post too.
  16. Granted, but you're grade will consist mostly of a 50 open question exam that is the 90% of your final grade. I wish Al, Tiena and Gant were playable in FE 6.
  17. Granted, but you hug her way too strong that you end up killing her. I wish undercover missions were easy for spies to perform.
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