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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Serra: Well, they are not worthy to be good choices since they are going everywhere to try to get girls. *somehow discovers both Johan and Johalva are the last heirs of Dozel* Serra: Oh Johan, let me be the one to heal your heart! Jill, I wanted to ask you this for some time *kneels and searchs for something in pockets*, would you marry me *shows ring*?
  2. Johan: You think you're a match for us?! Don't make me laugh! Johalva: I'll show you the true power of an axe fighter! *a huge explosion is heard even in Tellius* Thany: Thanks Forstibite darling, those guys were trying to take me away from you *hugs Frostbite* Johan and Johalva, you've had your butts kicked time after time for trying to steal other people girls. Will you two ever stop?
  3. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy your stay.

  4. Then Eliwood would have an odd paired ending with her, tough Florina would not be too nervous when around with him. What if scrolls didn't existed in FE 5, but the Holy Blood system was still working?
  5. Granted, but you suddenly woke up from that dream. I wish I was granted some extra time to finish my school projects.
  6. Cool, double posted haha. Answering: Midia: He suddenly arrived as a mercenary to ask for work, he turned out to be one of our greatest heroes and we fell in love during our work. More or less two years before Gharnef and Medeus attacked, before Camus met Princess Nyna. Jill, which classs do you think fits me the most: swordmaster, wyvern lord, or hero?
  7. Hello there. Well, welcome to Serenes Forest. Hope you enjoy your stay and like the site. Also, if you go Far from the Forest, be ready to not being able to get out of there (I practically live there I think). Anyways, in summary enjoy your time here.
  8. Knights of Royale Holy Crusaders Tyrfing Emblem Guards (wondering where it came?) Chivalry In another topic I posted The Vanguards, but it's alredy taken by them (long story). ...That's all I can think of right now.
  9. Tinny: That would be fine, as long as you're around. Jill, would you go out with me?
  10. Forde: Well, a soldier needs some time to get rest from all the fights. What are we waiting for then Jill? Let's get things ready for our trip then. Gatrie, have you seen that image *points above*?
  11. Serra: So, you're Ninian, right? Ninia: Yeah, it is me. And you must be Lady Serra. Serra: Yeah, it is me. The beautiful and graceful lady Serra. I'm here to help you Ninian. Ninian: Help me? With what? Serra: I know you're behind Lord Eliwood. I'll help you get his heart. Ninian: W-w-wait, you can't be...I can't... Serra: I must say I once falled to him, but that's the past now. You should be gratefl I'm here to help you. Let's get going then. Ninian: ...Lord Eliwood. What if Hector could have a paired ending with Serra?
  12. Granted, but you can't use it as an avatar. I wish I could finish my personal projects already without any troubles.
  13. Sety: Do they have Linda in their aims? If that's the case I'll gladly help you. *readies Holsety* Hey Jill, where do you want to go now? We're travelling the world!
  14. Granted, but you live in America where daylight schedules exist too. I wish Yugioh (original, Gx and 5Ds) series were still broadcasted in Mexico :(
  15. Meets a real life Mist that falls in love with him.
  16. Hello there, hope you like the place and find it cool.
  17. Batta: Because Batta the beast is the strongest around here, I'm the best bandit in the entire world! Fin, why didn't you allowed Janne to help you in the battles you and the others faced?
  18. Granted, it's filled by dust and a bit of fungus, but still playable. I wish Digital Circuits (a subject I'm taking) was a lot eassier in practice.
  19. Lena: Of course I'd like to, but IS didn't want me to be available this time for so long. Hey Linda, how does it feel to have your question being dodged by Zak?
  20. Gets to learn the Eclipse technique by Zelgius from the other world.
  21. Sety: Well if we had a girl, I thought of naming her Ethnia. Linda: If it's a boy, we'll name him Levin. What about you and Tinny, Zak? Alvis, if Manfroy didn't blackmailed you with your secret bloodline, would you have supported him or Sigurd?
  22. *seph...

    foolish keyboard

  23. Happy Birthday speh!

    Hope you enjoy it the most.

  24. Julius: Well, maybe that group that calls itself the Neo Grl Stealers or something like that. If they dare touch Ishtar, they're as good as done for. Johan, I challenge you to a Pokémon fight! Your answer is?
  25. Finds eternal happiness with Tinny and his newly founded family.
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