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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Happy Birthday Gleipnir (a bit late, sorry).

    Hope you enjoyed it the most.

  2. [spoiler=Hurt Sara, Heal Jill]Shiida 10 Lena 10 Maria 25 Minerva 10 Linde 7 Palla 11 Catria 24 Elice 6 Norne 10 Athena 10 Nagi 10 Silk 10 Clea 10 Cellica 10 May 10 Jenny 23 Matilda 10 Dyute 10 Sonia 12 Cecil 10 Yumina 10 Feena 10 Nyna 1 Malice 10 Katarina 10 Ethlin 10 Ayra 16 Lachesis 8 Fury 10 Tiltyu 10 Briggid 10 Rana 10 Mana 10 Lakche 16 Radney 4 Yuria 10 Fee 10 Femina 10 Patty 10 Nanna 10 Lynn 10 Laylea 10 Tinny 27 Linda 10 Altenna 10 Eyvel 4 Tania 10 Safy 10 Machua 10 Lara 10 Karin 10 Selphina 10 Olwen 10 Mareeta 10 Tina 10 Eda 10 Linoan 10 Misha 12 Sara 8 Miranda 10 Amalda 8 Ellen 6 Thany 10 Clarine 9 Sue 10 Lilina 10 Fir 10 Tate 10 Echidna 8 Miledy 10 Cecilia 10 Igrene 10 Fae 10 Florina 10 Serra 9 Rebecca 10 Priscilla 14 Ninian 10 Isadora 10 Louise 10 Nino 10 Farina 10 Eirika 10 Neimi 3 Lute 15 Natasha 28 Tana 16 Amelia 11 Tethys 8 Marisa 12 L'Arachel 10 Syrene 10 Myrrh 10 Mia 13 Ilyana 11 Mist 16 Marcia 11 Nephenee 11 Jill 9 Astrid 10 Tanith 10 Calill 10 Lucia 10 Elincia 10 Micaiah 12 Laura 12 Nailah 11 Leanne 2 Sigrun 10 Sanaki 12
  3. [spoiler=Hurt Nyna, Heal Jill]Shiida 10 Lena 10 Maria 25 Minerva 10 Linde 7 Palla 11 Catria 24 Elice 6 Norne 10 Athena 10 Nagi 10 Silk 10 Clea 10 Cellica 10 May 10 Jenny 22 Matilda 10 Dyute 10 Sonia 12 Cecil 10 Yumina 10 Feena 10 Nyna 1 Malice 10 Katarina 10 Ethlin 10 Ayra 16 Lachesis 8 Fury 10 Tiltyu 10 Briggid 10 Rana 10 Mana 10 Lakche 16 Radney 4 Yuria 10 Fee 10 Femina 10 Patty 10 Nanna 10 Lynn 10 Laylea 10 Tinny 29 Linda 10 Altenna 10 Eyvel 6 Tania 10 Safy 10 Machua 10 Lara 10 Karin 10 Selphina 10 Olwen 10 Mareeta 10 Tina 10 Eda 10 Linoan 10 Misha 12 Sara 10 Miranda 10 Amalda 8 Ellen 6 Thany 10 Clarine 9 Sue 10 Lilina 10 Fir 10 Tate 10 Echidna 8 Miledy 10 Cecilia 10 Igrene 10 Fae 10 Florina 10 Serra 9 Rebecca 10 Priscilla 14 Ninian 10 Isadora 10 Louise 10 Nino 10 Farina 10 Eirika 10 Neimi 3 Lute 14 Natasha 27 Tana 16 Amelia 11 Tethys 8 Marisa 12 L'Arachel 10 Syrene 10 Myrrh 10 Mia 13 Ilyana 11 Mist 15 Marcia 11 Nephenee 11 Jill 10 Astrid 10 Tanith 10 Calill 10 Lucia 10 Elincia 10 Micaiah 12 Laura 12 Nailah 11 Leanne 4 Sigrun 10 Sanaki 12
  4. [spoiler=Hurt Nyna, Heal Jill] Shiida 10 Lena 10 Maria 25 Minerva 10 Linde 7 Palla 11 Catria 24 Elice 6 Norne 10 Athena 10 Nagi 10 Silk 10 Clea 10 Cellica 10 May 10 Jenny 22 Matilda 10 Dyute 10 Sonia 12 Cecil 10 Yumina 10 Feena 10 Sheema 4 Nyna 3 Malice 10 Katarina 10 Ethlin 10 Ayra 15 Lachesis 8 Fury 10 Tiltyu 10 Briggid 10 Rana 10 Mana 10 Lakche 15 Radney 6 Yuria 10 Fee 10 Femina 10 Patty 10 Nanna 10 Lynn 10 Laylea 10 Tinny 31 Linda 10 Altenna 10 Eyvel 6 Tania 10 Safy 10 Machua 10 Lara 10 Karin 10 Selphina 10 Olwen 10 Mareeta 10 Tina 10 Eda 10 Linoan 10 Misha 11 Sara 10 Miranda 10 Amalda 8 Ellen 6 Thany 10 Clarine 9 Sue 10 Lilina 10 Fir 10 Tate 10 Echidna 8 Miledy 10 Cecilia 10 Igrene 10 Fae 10 Florina 10 Serra 9 Rebecca 10 Priscilla 14 Ninian 10 Isadora 10 Louise 10 Nino 10 Farina 10 Eirika 10 Neimi 3 Lute 13 Natasha 28 Tana 16 Amelia 11 Tethys 8 Marisa 12 L'Arachel 10 Syrene 10 Myrrh 10 Mia 13 Ilyana 11 Mist 15 Marcia 11 Nephenee 11 Jill 9 Astrid 10 Tanith 10 Calill 10 Lucia 10 Elincia 10 Micaiah 11 Laura 14 Nailah 11 Leanne 4 Sigrun 10 Sanaki 12
  5. Happy Birhtday!

    Hope you enjoy it the most.

  6. No question, we go on...just in case... Ilyana:Give me food then! Jake, which will be the next class Anna persuades you to be?
  7. [spoiler=Hurt Nyna, Heal Jill] Sheeda 10 Lena 10 Maria 10 Minerva 10 Linde 10 Midia 10 Palla 10 Catria 10 Est 10 Tiki 10 Elice 10 Norne 10 Athena 10 Nagi 10 Silk 10 Clea 10 Cellica 10 May 10 Jenny 10 Matilda 10 Dyute 10 Teeta 10 Cecil 10 Malliesia 10 Yumina 10 Feena 10 Sheema 10 Nyna 8 Malice 10 Katarina 10 Ethlin 10 Adean 10 Ayra 10 Diadora 10 Lachesis 10 Sylvia 10 Fury 10 Tiltyu 10 Briggid 10 Rana 10 Mana 10 Lakche 10 Radney 10 Yuria 10 Fee 10 Femina 10 Patty 10 Daisy 10 Nanna 10 Janne 10 Lynn 10 Laylea 10 Tinny 12 Linda 10 Altenna 10 Eyvel 10 Tania 10 Safy 10 Machua 10 Lara 10 Karin 10 Selphina 10 Olwen 10 Mareeta 10 Tina 10 Eda 10 Linoan 10 Misha 10 Sara 10 Miranda 10 Amalda 10 Ellen 10 Thany 10 Clarine 10 Dorothy 8 Sue 10 Lilina 10 Wendy 8 Fir 10 Tate 10 Lalam 10 Echidna 10 Cath 10 Miledy 10 Cecilia 10 Sophia 10 Igrene 10 Fae 10 Niime 8 Yuno 10 Lyndis 10 Florina 10 Serra 10 Rebecca 10 Priscilla 11 Fiora 10 Ninian 10 Isadora 10 Louise 10 Nino 10 Farina 10 Karla 10 Eirika 10 Vanessa 10 Neimi 10 Lute 10 Natasha 10 Tana 10 Amelia 10 Tethys 10 Marisa 10 L'Arachel 10 Syrene 10 Myrrh 10 Titania 10 Mia 10 Ilyana 10 Mist 10 Marcia 10 Lethe 10 Nephenee 10 Jill 11 Astrid 10 Tanith 10 Calill 10 Lucia 10 Elincia 10 Ena 10 Micaiah 8 Laura 10 Meg 10 Fiona 8 Vika 11 Nailah 10 Leanne 10 Lyre 10 Sigrun 10 Sanaki 10 Iris, maybve you will need to modify a bit the posting rules for the ninjaing to stop, just a suggestion. EDIT: Damaged Nyna to 9, it was 8 actually. Sorry.
  8. needs to think of better phrases to write here.

    1. Ansem


      The world didnt ruin us, we ruined it.

    2. Fayt Zelpher

      Fayt Zelpher

      Need to think darker and edgier to get it to work...

  9. [spoiler=Hurt Morty, Heal Sabrina] Brock - 49 May - 84 Officer Jenny - 66 Nurse Joy - 44 Silver - 69 Erika - 59 Koga - 30 Sabrina - 90 Whitney - 29 Morty - 19 Jasmine - 96 Roxanne - 39 Flannery - 60 Winona - 81 Liza/Tate - 28 Lance - 85 Steven - 67 Cheryl - 78 Gardenia - 72 Fantina - 68 Candice - 63 Shirona - 10
  10. Sety: Never! I won't give Tinny up so easily now! Even if we're few members, we won't lose! I challenge you to a fight crashman! Tinny, what do you think of Sety challenging crashman to a duel for you?
  11. Plot: Nice touch to include all those mythical creatures and monsters, the location really helps the story and makes it worth for watching for a good amount of time. Kind of makes a connection between Acneint Story and the Middle Age in a phantasy-kind-of-realistic way. Characters and Cast: Imo, it couldn't have been better. Each actor makes the character and gives them a personality to them that fits correctly into the story. Aragorn and Legolas are my favorites way far than anyother character. The ones that could have needed a touch or two were the hobbits Merry and Pippin, yet they seem to make worthy the story. The villains are also quite interesting and manage to oppose their hero counterparts. I liked quite a lot the trilogy, specially everyone's favorite phrase: "My precious!". If the movies would be filmed again, nothing they could add or edit would make them better than the originals.
  12. That would be really appreciated VASM, it would help a lot.
  13. Bantu: What in the world is that? Do you younglings have fun with such things? How the world has changed. Anna, if you could become a playable character like Jake, which class would you choose to be?
  14. Thanks for the help Glenn. I think it will be pretty useful for my project.
  15. On a second thought, we're maybe stranded in a strange forest where you can travel to the Fire Emblem Universe.
  16. We're in some kind of plain or grassland just in the outskirts of Serenes Forest. Cool.
  17. Okay, I'm starting a small project to design a template, using the statsheets of either Fire Emblem 9 and 10 (just to practice before readying my real project). Now that I have most of the content ready, I still need to find the statsheet and I can't seem to find it. Coudl anyone help me get it or tell me where to look for it (I've been googling and no results come)? I would be really grateful for any leads.
  18. [spoiler=KO Marley, Hurt Morty, Heal Sabrina] Brock-49 May-81 Officer Jenny-63 Nurse Joy-44 Silver-63 Erika-54 Koga-30 Sabrina-87 Whitney-49 Morty-24 Jasmine-90 Roxanne-39 Brawly-25 Flannery-54 Winona-81 Liza/Tate-33 Lance-76 Steven-61 Ronan-20 Cheryl-74 Gardenia-72 Fantina-62 Candice-63 Shirona-30 Marley-0
  19. Wow, I got votes this time. Thanks guys. Now, to business. Nickt gets my vote. Cool sprite and interesting combinations. Even so, everyone did great works on their entries, honorable mentions to ALS and MK.
  20. Light Lord

    Hello (:

    Hello Kiah and welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you enjoy your stay around here.
  21. Sety: Is that supposed to involve me? If you mean it's my day, it's fine with me, I would enjoy a party. Hey Begnion Senate, how could people as corrupt (and lame) as you become members of the senate, considering your defects?
  22. Okay, I made some modifications to my sprite (regarding colors of the whole entry). I still think something's wrong, yet I like the look for a character of a project I'm working in. It's not quite amazing as the others tough.
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