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Everything posted by CT075

  1. without seeing the error, your script or the frames, my gut tells me that blazer forgot to mention that every frame needs to use the same 16 colors, not just "16 colors per frame"
  2. the mytocendria are the powerhouse of alm's team
  3. CT075

    Help w/ Tiled

    according to this tutorial, each property should be a number between 0 and 255. i'm not sure what markyjoe is on about, but there is little to no reason why inserted newlines would make it easier to parse that number
  4. CT075

    Help w/ Tiled

    From the screenshot, it looks like you gave an ID of "0\n\n1". I'm not sure what that's meant to be, but it definitely isn't a number (which tiled should be expecting).
  5. give their death quotes trigger id 0x65
  6. I vaguely remember the old method having something like "the bottommost change takes priority" for overlapping map changes, although I'll admit I don't know how Tiled orders them (I'd presume by ID, which is where this would come in?)
  7. someone else should probably field this one (primefusion???), but in my experience it only matters if they're overlapping. i'm also not 100% sure how the tiled inserter arranges things
  8. http://feuniverse.us/t/inserting-maps-and-map-changes-with-tiled/106
  9. #define DISABLE_TUTORIALS should always be the first line; EAstdlib checks for that being set when it's included
  10. you don't need to do anything in particular using ea; the tiled inserter (either nintenlord's one or tmx2EA) will handle it for you
  11. https://tcrf.net/Proto:Fire_Emblem_(Game_Boy_Advance)/0219_Prototype
  12. The short answer is that, as hacking FE8 is a relatively recent development, many of the tutorials just do not exist. When you speak of things like "event ID's for FE8", my gut instinct is to say "the event ID system works exactly the same in both games", but there are still special-cased IDs like 0x4 (in FE7) that do specific things that we just don't know about. If you want random information dumps, I'd point you to FEU, where we try to take as many notes as we can. Otherwise, you can try to find people's scattered documentation (like mine, although mine is mostly FE7-centric) and glean as much information as possible by reading a ton of those. Of course, when you say "things that are unique that I'd have no way of being able to figure out myself"... well, this info doesn't sprout up from magic -- people put time and effort into figuring these things out by trial and error (which anybody can do).
  13. >didn't get credited i'm revoking your wizard hat
  14. that seems to be either FEditor being itself or user error (note that the latter often leads to the former)
  15. You didn't ORG to free space at the beginning of your master buildfile
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