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Ice Dragon

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon

  1. Wil's stat spread is non-sensical considering his stats in his source game, but it's not bad at all. It's just screaming to run Arcane Nastrond with Sabotage A/D 3 and Def/Res Ploy 3 once Sabotage A/D 3 exists. His Res stat isn't quite as high as Ronan's but base 40 is more than enough for this build, and Ronan's Atk stat is quite a bit worse than Wil's.
  2. If she has a 3-cooldown Special, it's reduced to 2 cooldown due to the Slaying effect. At the start of the turn, Fanged Ties will reduce the cooldown to zero, and she'll have it fully charged at the start of combat. If the opponent can counterattack and doesn't have the defensive Tempo effect, she'll land her Special on the first hit, fully charge it from the opponent's counterattack, and land her Special again on the follow-up. Fanged Ties will then recharge her Special at the start of the next turn. In any other situation (or if she kills the opponent on the first hit), she'll either have her Special fully charged at the end of combat or have it fully charged at the start of the next turn due to Fanged Ties. If you switch her Special to Lethality, she'll always start the turn with at most 1 cooldown remaining and is guaranteed to land her Special on her follow-up, and in this case, she doesn't need Flash Sparrow and can switch to something else, like Atk/Spd Finish 4 or Atk/Spd Hexblade.
  3. Cavalry can't use Tempo in the first place, so that was already off the table from the start. The source of the problem is not Ginnungagap's base skill set, but the fact that she's a cavalry unit, as cavalry units don't have access to a lot of the inheritable skills that make Lethality more viable. Literally all a dagger needs to be good is +1 Special charge rate, and this one also comes with Sabotage (the status effect) built in, which is a pretty strong effect. The ranged Arcane weapons also have fewer skill effects than the melee Arcane weapons, so it shouldn't really be a surprise. Chest hair is not common among East Asians, and the inclusion of chest hair is typically a deliberate choice in order to give a character a more brusque and non-East-Asian appearance. Infantry have enough different permutations of skills that I can't make as sweeping generalizations about them, but yes, Fleeting Echo does give units an alternative to running Remote skills in the A slot if they have other alternatives. Cavalry have the simplest case simply due to the fact that they don't have access to Oath Echo to begin with and therefore don't have much competition for the slot yet, and additionally, they have access to the incredibly strong Flared series, which they normally can't run without risk of dying to counterattacks unless they have damage reduction of some kind on another slot. Assuming that all Blow Echo skills will be +4 to one stat, it's completely worthwhile to lose 2 points of that stat to run Remote Echo and open up the A slot for Flared Sparrow. Fliers also have access to Flared Sparrow, but also have access to Oath Echo. However, I'd argue that Oath Echo is less valuable for fliers than it is for infantry because fliers don't have a strong alternative to Oath 4 in the C slot (Hold and Guidance 4 are the only real alternatives), and any unit that wants the Formation effect should just be running Oath 4. This functionally leaves fliers in the exact same spot as cavalry with Remote Echo being worth running over Blow Echo due to Flared Sparrow. Returning to infantry, they don't have access to Flared Sparrow, so there isn't quite as large of a gap in strength between options for the A slot, and they have viable competitors to Oath 4 in the form of Pledge, Time's Pulse, and Infantry Pulse 4, which make Oath Echo more appealing. If the unit already has +1 Special charge rate on their weapon (and don't need a Pulse effect), then they don't need to run Pledge and can instead run Oath 4 in the C slot, Remote Echo in the X slot, and Finish 4 in the A slot. This is the situation where Remote Echo has the least competition. In any other situation, you have to weigh whether or not the benefits of Atk/Spd Finish 4 (or Atk/Spd Hexblade or Atk/Spd Prime) are worth losing one of Pledge (or a Pulse effect) or Oath Echo. In other words, the comparison isn't between Oath Echo or Remote Echo in the X slot. It's actually a comparison of the opportunity costs of running Remote in the A slot versus the opportunity costs of running Remote in the X slot (and this distinction will become more clear as we get more skill series in the X slot). The non-Heroes special unit type slot was guaranteed to be an alt anyways. If it weren't Nino in that slot, it absolutely couldn't have been Vaida. It's unlikely that any banner going forward is going to have more than 4 new non-Heroes characters, so if Vaida got in, it meant one of Isadora, Harken, Wil, or Fargus didn't. Four new characters per banner is the absolute fastest pace that you can expect new characters to be released, and that's exactly what we got. No wait was needlessly elongated by this banner.
  4. And the usual translation notes: The name of the banner, "Attuned Nino & Ginnungagap", is "響心ニノ&魔器ギンヌンガガプ" (kyōshin nino & maki ginnungagapu), "Resonating Hearts Nino & Arcane Weapon Ginnungagap". As usual, "響心" (kyōshin), "resonating hearts", is the term used for Attuned Heroes, and "魔器" (maki), "magic weapon", is the term used for both Rearmed Heroes and Arcane weapons. Ginnungagap's epithet, "Ruler of Nihility", is "虚無の王" (kyomu no ō), "King of Nihility". Arcane Void is "魔器ギンヌンガガプ" (maki ginnungagapu), "Arcane Weapon Ginnungagap". Ruler of Nihility is "虚無の王" (kyomu no ō), "King of Nihility". Fatal Smoke is "不治の幻煙" (fuji no gen'en), "Incurable Illusory Smoke". "幻煙" (gen'en), "illusory smoke", is the name of the Smoke skills that inflict status effects, whereas "紫煙" (shien), "purple smoke", is the name of the Smoke skills that inflict stat penalties. Isadora's epithet, "Escort of Pherae", is "フェレの守護騎士" (fere no shugo kishi), "Guardian Knight of Pherae". Guarding Lance is "守護騎士の白槍" (shugo kishi no hakusō), "White Lance of the Guardian Knight". Atk/Def Snag is "攻撃守備の干渉" (kōgeki shubi no kanshō), "Atk/Def Interference". Harken's epithet, "Troubled Warrior", is "影の勇者" (kage no yūsha), "Hero in the Shadows". Troubling Blade is "影の勇者の黒剣" (kage no yūsha no kokuken), "Black Sword of the Hero in the Shadows". As usual, anything but a "sword". Nino's epithet, "Fang's Heart", is "心は牙と共に" (kokoro wa kiba to tomo ni), "[With] the Fangs By [Her] Heart". Göndul is "ゴンドゥル" (gonduru), "Göndul". Spd/Def Tempo is "速さ守備の拍節" (hayasa shubi no hakusetsu), "Spd/Def Tempo". Fanged Ties is "牙の絆" (kiba no kizuna), "The Fangs' Bonds". Fleeting Echo is "響・飛燕の離撃" (hibiki: hien no rigeki), "Resonance: Flying Swallow Distant Strike". As usual, "飛燕" (hien), "flying swallow", is the Spd stat indicator for the Blow and Stance series. "離撃" (rigeki), "distant strike", is the name of the Remote series. Wil's epithet, "Unequaled Archer", is "稀代の弓使い" (kitai no yumi-tsukai), "Extraordinary Archer". Halting Bow is "制止の弓" (seishi no yumi), "Restraining Bow". Fargus's epithet, "Badon Buccaneer", is "バドン海の首領" (badon-kai no shuryō), "Head of the Sea of Badon". Corsair Cleaver is "海賊の長の大斧" (kaizoku no chō no daifu), "Pirate Boss's Great Axe". Isadora, Harken, and Wil all have the same epithet they have in Blazing's epilogue in both languages, with the one exception that Wil's was reworded from "Archer Without Equal" in Blazing to "Unequaled Archer" in Heroes in English.
  5. Assassin Nino looks cute. I guess "Remote Dart Echo" didn't fit... so they just give it a brand new name instead of abbreviating it. Either way, this looks like it'll be the best-in-slot skill for fast ranged cavalry and fliers in order to allow them to run Flared Sparrow instead of being stuck with Remote Sparrow. Unfortunately, Nino is infantry and can't be used to duplicate Flared Sparrow, which is a huge bummer. Harken has his signature Brave Sword and brings Brash Assault 4 into the standard summoning pool, which is really nice. I wasn't expecting it to be added to the standard summoning pool this soon given that Duo Shamir was the only unit that previously had it. As expected, Ginnungagap's exclusive skill has a Pulse effect to make up for the fact that cavalry otherwise have no good way to actually use Lethality. And it's an exclusive skill, so all other cavalry daggers are still out of luck. Fireflood Boost 3 is nice, but I wish they would have given us a new Boost skill instead of repeating the one that already exists. Fargus is cool. Hopefully he's actually a good unit considering how terrifying I remember him being in game.
  6. In a vacuum, Velocity 4 grants: +7 Phantom Spd 0~50% damage reduction based on a Spd comparison (excludes Rokkr Specials) Tempo effect And Gambit 4 grants (counting the fact that the max possible Special cooldown with the Slaying effect is 4 instead of 5): +0~10 damage based on max Special cooldown (excludes AoE Specials) 0~40% damage reduction based on max Special cooldown (excludes AoE Specials) The main advantage of Dodge 4 skills is that they come with Phantom Spd and a secondary effect. Phantom Spd is particularly notable because it effectively nullifies the opponent's Phantom Spd if they're also running Dodge 4 and give you an additional edge against opponents that aren't. However, because the damage reduction is still based on a stat comparison, it's not as reliable against fast opponents. The main advantage of Gambit 4 is that its damage reduction is independent of the opponent's stats and is therefore more reliable against fast opponents. The main drawback is that you're forced to run Aether (if the unit has the Slaying effect), and losing the Phantom Spd effect means you're more vulnerable to having your damage reduced by an opponent's Dodge effect. I think both Alears lean more towards Dodge 4 instead of Gambit 4 due to the fact that Liberation has Dodge 3 built in, which benefits from the Phantom Spd effect that Dodge 4 skills have. As an infantry unit with the Slaying effect, having access to Vital Astra + Time's Pulse 4 and Godlike Reflexes + Pledge, which both also rely on Spd comparisons, also make the Phantom Spd effect something that shouldn't be overlooked, especially against other fast units. However, while I do think Dodge 4 is slightly better than Gambit 4 on the Alears, Gambit 4 still has one major advantage, and that's the fact that while you're forced to run Aether, your Aether is entirely functional when you're also running Pledge. On a Dodge 4 build with Prime 4 instead of Finish 4, Alear has no source of passive healing and needs to rely on teammates for sustain, but on a Gambit 4 build, they'll have Aether for healing. That said, there's absolutely nothing preventing you from running Dodge 4 with Aether instead of a premium Special on maps where the sustain is necessary. Aether is cheap, and switching skills is free.
  7. The Engage Hall of Forms would be in April 2024, so there will probably be a few new skills worth looking at released in the meantime. With just the skills we have right now, she's looking at wanting something like this from Hall of Forms: Female Alear [+Spd] Liberation / [whatever the best inheritable sword is at the time] [Assist] Vital Astra / Godlike Reflexes Atk/Spd Prime 4 / Atk/Spd Finish 4 Gambit 4 / Spurn 4 / Phys. Null Follow Atk/Spd Pledge / Atk/Spd Oath 4 Godlike Reflexes requires her to run Pledge in the C slot. If you want to actually use Gambit, she'll want Pledge in the C slot, and you'll want to swap her Special to Aether after the Hall of Forms is over. Spurn 4 is currently the best Dodge skill to run, but if we get Velocity 4 in the meantime, it'll be better to run that instead. Liberation grants Charge, which allows you to get 3 non-stat Bonuses to power Prime if you're also running Pledge and Oath Echo, making it pretty easy to get 1 more Bonus to get the Distant Counter effect. This makes it almost strictly better than Distant A/S Solo.
  8. I've had to adjust a few of my teams to add some new units to take care of annoying threats, but things have been going pretty smoothly so far (other than the fact that I forgot things carry over between rounds and ended up wasting some resources at the end of the last round). The overall strategy still remains pretty much the same. Either have a very sturdy tank that can clear units quickly on enemy phase or have a lot of mobility support to be able to rush a base and take it in a single turn. I'm incredibly tempted to a make an autobahn team with Def/Res Smoke 3 or Pathfinder on 5 or 6 members of the lead line-up and see how viable that would be as a new strategy to blitz down a base on the first turn. I'm currently looking at starting with Legendary Sigurd, Rearmed Chrom, and regular Yuri and seeing where I can go from there. Maybe also add some Wings of Mercy shenanigans, too. In the meantime, my current team for the infantry bonus round is amusingly hinging around Sothis as a tank to quickly clear out enemies on enemy phase. I remember when people complained about her remix being weak and now I find it really funny how comically good she is at tanking everything except the most dedicated wall breakers. Yeah, she's running a premium build, but that just reiterates my point back then that all she needed to be good was for some new skills to be released that had better synergy with what she got in her remix.
  9. Even if you include the speculated Legendary and Mythic Heroes that will show up for upcoming Hall of Forms, the most recent unit among them is still Legendary Chrom from February 2020. Dimitri, Male Byleth, and Shez are out of the question for the upcoming Fodlan Hall of Forms because their confirmed next rerun is after the event. Sothis and Female Byleth have their next rerun on the month of the event, but Female Byleth is still in the standard Legendary/Mythic banner rotation and not the Remix rotation, so she's unlikely to appear there. Edelgard and Claude have their next reruns before the Hall of Forms, but those reruns are close enough to the event that it's unlikely they'll be rerun that soon afterwards. Sothis is really the only one with a chance. Alear is way too recent of a Legendary Hero to have a chance to appear in a Hall of Forms, even one that is 5 months out from now, as there is a space of 42 months between Chrom and Alear. As far as non-Legendary/Mythic Heroes go, the release dates (in order) of the units from the past 6 Hall of Forms are as follows: Phantom Thief Leila (August 2022) Bride Lilina (May 2022) Fallen Ninian (May 2022) Skasaher (April 2022) Tinny (April 2022) Karin (March 2022) Spring Delthea (March 2022) Cath (February 2022) Desert Karla (January 2022) Winter Artur (December 2021) Ninja Igrene (November 2021) Fluffy Hat Lakche (September 2021) Pirate Lifis (August 2021) Luthier (June 2021) Echoes Palla (June 2021) Young Innes (April 2021) Miranda (January 2021) Fodlan has had a decent number of units falling in that range (excluding Duo/Harmonized units): Desert (January 2021): Raphael (4-star) New Heroes (March 2021): Dedue, Ingrid, Marianne, Linhardt (4-star), Solon (Grail) Fallen Heroes (May 2021): Dimitri, Edelgard Summer (June 2021): Ashe, Mercedes, Caspar (4-star), Leonie (Grail) CYL (August 2021): Gatekeeper, Marianne New Heroes (September 2021): Constance, Hapi, Yuri, Balthus (4-star), Aelfric (Grail) Halloween (October 2021): Rhea Ninja (November 2021): Shamir (Grail) Winter (December 2021): Manuela (4-star), Ignatz (Grail) Fallen Heroes (May 2022): Rhea Summer (June 2022): Dimitri, Claude (4-star) CYL (August 2022): Female Byleth, Geralt (Grail) New Heroes (September 2022): Ascended Hilda, Monica, Male Shez, Female Shez (4-star), Holst (Grail) Winter (December 2022): Dorothea, Annette (4-star) Duo Hilda, Duo Sothis, Harmonized Dorothea, Harmonized Lysithea, and Harmonized Edelgard also fall in this range, but I'm doubtful they'll make the lineup. Which if these units are picked is anyone's guess, though red units have a lightly lower chance due to Sothis having a decent chance of taking a spot. While two units sharing a color is not unheard of, it's also not a common occurrence. There's also a high likelihood that at least one slot will be used for a 4-star unit. Engage's first banner was January 2023 with no other units until July 2023, so it's very likely that we'll get only units from the first banner. Chloe, Celine, and Etie are most likely to get in with either Female Alear or Lumera filling in the last slot. Alfred is unlikely to be in the lineup due to being a Rearmed Hero, but it's technically possible.
  10. I suppose there are a few things that are more ambiguous in the English and a word here and there left out that make it less obvious, but she's simping pretty hard for Elincia in her Chapter 2-2 base conversation.
  11. The two conversations posted above are literally the only conversations Heather has in the game, and they're virtually identical to the original Japanese.
  12. To be fair, she got something like twice as many lines in that one monologue as she got in the entirety of Radiant Dawn.
  13. Other than Bride Tharja, the units on the Hall of Forms rerun aren't particularly notable, but they've now added all of the skills through Legendary Elincia, which is everything from the Wind Festival banner, Plumeria and Sety banner, and Legendary Elincia. Notably, this means we now have access to: Wind Tribe Club Whitewind Bow Atk/Spd Prime 4 Disarm Trap 4 Aerial Maneuvers Def/Res Ploy 4 Infantry Pulse 4 Unfortunately, we have almost no one that can actually use most of those, though. Summer Cordelia is the only unit in this line-up that has access to Atk/Spd Prime, but we haven't gotten any good inheritable lances that grant piles of status effects (excluding Saizo, whose weapon isn't available yet, Spring Michalis's Hare's Lance is the only inheritable seasonal lance we've gotten in a year and a half), and none of the units in this line-up have the Res to reliably run Def/Res Ploy. And obviously, we don't have any units of the corresponding weapon/movement types for the two new weapons, Disarm Trap 4, and Aerial Maneuvers. Hopefully, we get units more suited for some of these skills in the next Hall of Forms. Tharja is the most worth getting of the units in this Hall of Forms, having decent base stats (41/41 offenses with max Dragonflowers) and an insane weapon (+13/12 offenses with 2 allies within 3 spaces, +15/14 with 3 allies), even if it's all stats and no skill effects. Cordelia is outclassed, but her stats aren't too far behind, and if you don't normally have access to premium skills, she's probably quite usable if you can get a good build on her. Inigo is pretty outclassed, but at least has access to Arcane Caliburnus if you can spare a Sonya and can get Firestorm Dance 4, though he's one month too early to get Rockslide Dance 4. Nowi is also pretty outclassed, but she's probably still at least somewhat salvageable with a good build since her exclusive weapon is not awful (even if it's a bit outdated). Build thoughts for everyone: Bride Tharja: Summer Cordelia: Dancer Inigo: Halloween Nowi: Let me know if I've overlooked a skill. It's getting harder and harder to remember what's available (but it's a good thing that there are actually options instead of every unit being built the exact same).
  14. 41 pulls from the Forging Bonds rerun: 1 Seidr (+1 spark) 1 pity breaker Gatekeeper Normally, I'd be going for Rearmed Ophelia because she doesn't have scheduled reruns and she's extremely useful for skill duplication, but I have a ton of copies of her already, and Seidr's rerun schedule has been absolutely awful, having never shared a color with the new Legendary/Mythic Hero in the two times she's appeared on a banner since her release banner, not to mention having been rerun only twice so far. Seidr is now +4.
  15. It's been one year and 15 days since the last Nidavellir outfit, but we finally have one. And it's male again. And it's Azama. And I couldn't even tell it was Nidavellir until I read the description. Embla Gordin Dokkalfheimr Female Corrin Muspell Brave Roy Askr Innes Muspell Brave Lyn Ljosalfheimr Palla Ljosalfheimr Aversa Dokkalfheimr Cecilia Hel Surtr Nifl Ninian Hel Sigurd Hel Female Robin Ljosalfheimr Nina Muspell Lucius Jotunheimr Nephenee Muspell Male Morgan Dokkalfheimr Rhajat Dokkalfheimr Ursula Nifl Shigure Embla Sheena Nifl Fir Nidavellir Azama Nidavellir continues to be the least-used outfit theme, behind Jotunheimr by a full 2 outfits still. Given that they released two Ljosalfheimr outfits, two Hel outfits, and two Dokkalfheimr outfits in a row during this calendar year alone, they have no excuse not to release to Nidavellir outfits in a row.
  16. Resplended Azama was apparently so disappointing, Chrome crashed and pretended to recover some three or four times before crashing for real when I tried to post. The outfit is Nidavellir, but I wouldn't have been able to guess without reading the description. So not only is Azama literally the most disappointing unit in the game, but they still haven't released a single female Nidavellir outfit (or a male Alfar outfit for that matter). Okay, maybe Merlinus is more disappointing since Azama can at least use Pain and Incurable.
  17. This week's free Arena ticket gets me Mia: 216 pulls from the Ninja banner: 5 Sanaki (+1 spark) 2 Heather 2 Zelgius 1 5-star Reina 15 4-star Reina 6 pity breakers Echoes Palla Ascended Sety Galzus Ascended Tiki Female Alear Celine Aimed for 2 copies each of Heather and Zelgius, 11 copies of Reina, and as many copies of Sanaki as I could pull before reaching the goals on the others. 4.6% focus rate is probably about average due to the color sharing, though the distribution ended up completely wrong and favoring Sanaki for some reason (though that's the best possible outcome for me). 7.4% overall 5-star rate is probably about 1 pull below average based on the fact that my non-focus rate was about 1 pull below average. No complaints, though. I managed a copy of Sanaki with an Atk Asset and a copy of Zelgius with a Def Asset. I have both Atk and Spd Assets as options for Reina. Heather was the only one that I didn't get a good Asset for, but she's more than good enough as a pure support unit, so her Asset doesn't matter as much. The pity breakers were also good with my first copy of Celine (even if the Asset isn't useful), my first copy of Galzus with a Spd Asset, and merges for Ascended Sety, Ascended Tiki, and Alear. As usual, I seem to attract Ascended Heroes.
  18. As far as I'm aware, Special Hero rerun banners are normally run in reverse chronological order with the most recent banner running first and the oldest banner running last.
  19. Arcane Void is a guaranteed-follow-up Arcane dagger and has Sabotage (i.e. the Bonus Doubler 4 equivalent for Foe Penalty Doubler) and +1 Special charge rate. The +1 Special charge rate means that infantry units can run Time's Pulse or Infantry Pulse 4 to activate Lethality against an opponent that can't counterattack and has neither Guard nor Tempo and against an opponent that can counterattack as long as it doesn't have both. Other movement types will, unfortunately, not get that luxury. (And I expect Ginnungagap to get an effect to make up for it in her exclusive passive skill since she won't have access to those skills.) Guaranteed follow-up is comparable to Null Follow-Up on fast units, so it's probably not worth waiting for a Null Follow-Up dagger, especially when this one makes it easy enough to land Lethality. It is, however, missing any form of damage reduction, so most units are probably going to want to run a Remote skill in the A slot. The weapon's owner, Ginnungagap, is a cavalry unit, which is a bit awkward since ranged cavalry have notoriously few skill series that they can use, being locked out of being able to run Alarm, Oath, and all of the good infantry-exclusive skills, so you're probably going to be stuck with inefficient inheritance (just Arcane Voice, Lethality, and a Remote skill) unless she comes with a good B skill like Desperation 4 or Escape Route 4. Or unless you really need Disarm Trap 4 or something. While Arcane Void wants the opponent to be hit with debuffs for its Sabotage effect, you're best off offloading debuffs to a different unit, so there isn't much use in giving Ginnungagap the Sabotage 4 and Ploy 4 skills for duplication (once the Atk/Def and Spd/Def versions are released). There are a few units that have the Res to use the skill combination, but I don't think it's quite enough to warrant duplicating using Ginnungagap unless you plan on getting (or happen to get) a ton of copies of her. There's also the fact that you're probably going to be running Still Water on those units, which costs them a lot of Def and the damage reduction from a Remote skill. Easily the best unit to get Arcane Void is Spring Ashe due to having both the highest Atk and the highest Spd of all candidates for the skill as well as being a 4-star Special Hero. Phantom Thief Sothe is also a decent option, also being a 4-star Special Hero, and Patty is the best 4-star option from the standard pool. The best unit to run a Sabotage 4 + Ploy 4 build is Flora. After that, it's Dancer Lachesis and Summer Lilina, though any of the other units with less Atk and similar Res will also work, but with less damage output (though I would still advise against using Felicia unless she gets a Resplendent outfit to make her higher Res worth having a nonexistent Atk stat). Here're all of the candidates (and there are a lot), sorted by Atk stat with maximum Dragonflowers, as usual (notes for non-armors with 45+ Spd or 40+ Res):
  20. Most dual-phase infantry don't steal a quarter of the opponent's Atk stat for themselves and have a Special that is Black Luna + Escutcheon + Sacred Cowl + Noontime. Also, I think most people would rather have a unit that is ready to use out of the box instead of having to eat other rare units to be good.
  21. Sure, but he doesn't have Prime. I'm justifying his current kit, not coming up with a hypothetical kit to replace it with.
  22. The final map of this Tempest Trials is just a bit unsettling. If you turn on battle animations, you'll see that the area is a post-apocalyptic modern city and not something from the world of Heroes. Someone has something they're not telling us. It's still funny that Saizo has a weapon with Formation on it, but has a Solo skill. Atk/Def Ideal is nice to have since the only Atk Ideal skill we previously had was Atk/Res Ideal. Spd/Def Oath is whatever. That... is certainly what Atk/Def Ideal looks like and does. Yep. Definitely.
  23. Added the Tempest Trials boss to the translation notes.
  24. The Radiant Dawn artbook only has actual ages for a few characters (Sanaki is 13, Ike is 20, Mist is 18, Shinon is 30, Oscar is 21) and most other characters only have an apparent age listed. Heather's apparent age is 27. But then they also say that Janaff is supposed to look like he's 30 (all characters with a Laguz class have a footnote indicating that it's compared to Beorc of that age), and he definitely doesn't look 30 relative to the other characters that are supposed to look 30, even if that's what his age actually is (in Beorc equivalent). And that Meg is supposed to look 16, which is the same age as Soren is supposed to look.
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