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Ice Dragon

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon

  1. I literally just listed two criteria where every single Mythic Hero meets one or the other. Letizia fails both. The criteria explicitly exclude characters from becoming a Mythic Hero, but don't guarantee that characters meeting the criteria will become a Mythic Hero. Just because Nifl and Muspell were released as normal Heroes doesn't change the fact that Mirabilis and Otr meet the qualifications to come Mythic Heroes (or the fact that Nifl and Muspell also meet the qualifications). The threshold is a matter of "can" and "can't", not a matter of "must" and "must not".
  2. Letizia doesn't make sense as a Mythic Hero by any lore-related pattern. Every Mythic Hero so far, original to Heroes or not, has either been non-human or a divinely powered human. As far as I'm aware, Letizia is just a normal human.
  3. Of the options you give, Naesala is easily the best option. Seteth and Altenna are not recent enough to compete and are not close enough to their refines to be worth waiting for, especially since Cynthia will get hers before them. However, if you expand the options to all 4-star blue fliers, Thea is also an option.
  4. The usual translation things: The banner name, "Book VI Midpoint: Letizia & More", is "新英雄&開花英雄&レティシア" (shin-eiyū & kaika eiyū & retishia), "New Heroes & Ascended Hero & Letizia". As usual, "開花" (kaika), literally "blooming", is the Japanese term for Ascended Heroes. Florina's epithet, "Azure-Sky Knight", is "晴れ空の天馬騎士" (hare sora no tenba kishi), "Pegasus Knight of the Clear Sky". New-Height Bow is "友の風舞う翼弓" (tomo no kaze-mau yokukyū), "A Friend's Winged Bow that Dances in the Wind". S/D Far Trace is "速さ守備の遠影" (hayasa-shubi no en'ei), "Spd/Res Far Trace". The word "影" (ei) here, localized as "trace", can also be translated as "shadow" or "image", referring to the fact that Canto allows a unit to hit and run, leaving behind only the "traces" of their attack, but the unit itself is nowhere to be seen. Sain's epithet, "Green Lance", is "キアランの碧騎士" (kiaran no hekikishi), "Caelin's Jade Knight". "キアラン" (kiaran), "Ciaran", is the name of Caelin in Japanese. Jolly Jade Lance is "お調子者の碧槍" (ochōshimono no hekisō), "Jade Lance of the Easily Flattered". The word "お調子者" (ochōshimono) refers to a person who is easily flattered, likes to chime in, or gets easily carried away. Basically Sain. Spd/Def Catch is "速さ守備の機先" (hayasa-shubi no kisen), "Spd/Def Forestall". Kent's epithet, "Crimson Shield", is "キアランの紅騎士" (kiaran no kōkishi), "Caelin's Crimson Knight".. Allied Sword is "共闘の剣" (kyōtō no tsurugi), "Sword of Joint Combat". Letizia's epithet, "Curse Director", is "【呪詛部隊】の長" ("juso butai" no chō), "Leader of the Curse Troops". Körmt is "ケルムト" (kerumuto), "Körmt". Rouse Atk/Res is "攻撃魔防の奮起" (kōgeki-mabō no funki), "Atk/Res Rouse". Guy's epithet, "Kutolah Blade", is "クトラ族の戦士" (kutora-zoku no senshi), "Warrior of the Kutolah Clan". Vulture Blade is "禿鷹の剣" (hagetaka no tsurugi), "Vulture Sword". For amusement, the word for "vulture" in Japanese, "禿鷹" or "ハゲタカ" (hagetaka), literally means "bald hawk". Limstella's epithet, "Living Construct", is "創られし命" (tsukurareshi inochi), "Created Life". Morph Fimbulvetr is "被造フィンブル" (hizō finburu), "Morph Fimbul". The word "被造" (hizō) means "that which was created", referring to the Morphs. EDIT: Forgot to add Guy.
  5. Picnic Flora: Saehrimnir Base effect is upgraded to use 80% of the difference between unit's and opponent's Res at the start of combat instead of 50% (maximum 8), and now also affects Atk/Spd/Def instead of Atk/Def. Also grants +4 to all stats if unit's HP is 25% or higher. All other effects are unchanged. Refine effect grants the following if unit is within 3 spaces of an ally: +4 to all stats 30% damage reduction on opponent's first attack if unit's Res is at least 1 higher than opponent's Res Follow-up prevention if unit's Res is at least 7 higher than opponent's Res Despite the fact that Flora is relatively slow, they decided to give her Spd boosts like Selkie and Picnic Felicia before her. With the maximum +16 Spd, Flora now reaches 41 Spd with Dragonflowers before Asset and merges. I'm not really sure if it's actually worth building for Spd, though, since her Spd isn't high enough to compete with actual fast units, making Bold Fighter still a better option than Special Fighter or Daring Fighter. I have fewer problems with Flora than with Selkie and Felicia before her because Flora has an actual Atk stat and has higher visible Res than the other two. +8 to all stats with trivial conditions on a unit with as optimized of a stat spread as Flora is kind of ridiculous, and that's even before the out-of-combat Res comparison. She is stuck in the awkward situation where the best skill to boost her in-combat Res comparison outside to gain follow-up prevention outside of Aether Raids is Mirror Impact, which already gives her follow-up prevention. The next best is Atk/Res Ideal, which also functions on enemy phase. Fallen Berkut: Kriemhild Base effect is upgraded to remove the enemy weapon type restriction and extend the condition to if there is an ally within 3 spaces instead of 2 spaces. Refine effect is -5 Atk/Def to the opponent and a guaranteed follow-up, both effects with a Stance condition or if opponent's HP is 75% or higher. Berkut ends up with +4/+1/+3/+3/+1 over Zeke in addition to follow-up prevention on enemy phase at the cost of killing his allies. Not much else to say. He's a strictly better Zeke if you ignore the fact that he kills his allies, which can either be a good or bad thing depending on your team composition. I would have liked if he also got damage reduction on the opponent's first attack, though. Naesala: Raven King Beak Base effect is replaced with +5 Atk/Spd and additional damage equal to 15% of unit's Spd, both effects with a Blow condition or if opponent's HP is 75% or higher. The permanent +3 Spd and transform effect are unchanged. Refine effect grants the following if unit is transformed or if the opponent's HP is 75% or higher: +5 Atk/Spd Flashing Blade 3 The offensive half of Null Follow-Up if unit's Spd is at least 6 higher than opponent's Spd Naesala ends up with -2/+2 offenses plus an additional +11~12 damage compared to his pirate version. He gains a Special charge rate boost, but looses the Desperation effect. The Special charge rate boost allows him to run Galeforce, but without the Slaying effect, he needs to take a counterattack to activate it, which can be a problem due to his low bulk. Additionally, he can't run Desperation because, while it fixes his bulk, it blocks the opponent's counterattack, which defeats the purpose. He's probably better off just spamming Glimmer or Moonbow with Desperation to keep him alive. Yes, Glimmer is a viable option because it deals a free 5~6 damage due to his weapon's additional damage effect, which allows Glimmer to outdamage Moonbow until the opponent's Def reaches the high 50's if Naesala is fully invested. Glimmer hits harder against opponents with low Def that rely on non-Spd-based percentage damage reduction (Spd-based percentage damage reduction is presumably nullified by Naesala's high Spd), whereas Moonbow hits harder against opponents with very high Def. Ranulf: Covert Cat Fang Base effect is replaced with +4 to all stats with a Blow condition or if there is an ally within 3 spaces and +4 Atk/Def to allies within 3 spaces. The permanent +3 Def and transform effect are unchanged. Refine effect grants +4 to all stats, additional damage equal to 5 times the number of allies within 3 spaces (maximum 15), and the offensive half of Null Follow-Up, all effects if HP is 25% or higher. Ranulf is significantly better than before, gaining a consistent +8 to all stats. This brings him up to +1/-1 offenses compared to Freyja and +3/+0 offenses compared to New Year Lethe before accounting for Ranulf's potential +15 damage, Freyja's Binding Necklace granting a potential +16 to all stats, and Lethe's potential +7 damage. If you ignore color, Ranulf is more comparable to Summer Freyja, as both of them have the offensive half of Null Follow-Up, though Ranulf falls quite a bit behind Summer Freyja, having -5/-6 offenses before accounting for his additional damage and Binding Necklace. While Ranulf's primary advantage over his competitors is his massive potential +15 additional damage, it's heavily tempered by the fact that it requires 3 allies within 3 spaces to get the full effect, which can be difficult to achieve outside of specific game modes. He'll feel right at home in Pawns of Loki, though. Velouria: Wolfpup Fang Base effect is upgraded with an additional +5 Atk/Spd with a Blow-or-Unity condition. The old beast infantry transform effect is upgraded to the new beast infantry transform effect. All other effects are unchanged. Refine effect is: Grants +6 Atk/Spd and Dull All as Bonuses to unit and unit's support partner if the support partner is within 3 spaces at the start of the turn. Grants +5 Atk/Spd if unit is transformed or if the opponent's HP is 75% or higher. Without a support partner, Velouria now has +3/+3 offenses over Desert Nailah and -5/+6 offenses compared to Fallen Muarim. Velouria has -2 Special cooldown at the start of the first turn and gains a free +6 Atk/Spd visible buff and Dull All if she has a support partner. Nailah has the Slaying effect, Null Follow-Up, and Canto. Muarim inflicts -6 to all stats to all enemies within 4 spaces and has Dull All. Despite her Spd advantage, it's hard to say Velouria really has an edge over the others due to her weaker non-stat effects. That said, Velouria's primary advantage over other units was her ability to charge another unit's Special, and that hasn't changed. The difference is that now she has combat effects on her weapon, which allows her to actually keep up in combat instead of being just a support unit with passable combat performance. Overall thoughts: While all of the refines this time around are good, none of them are must-haves for me. I'll probably be grabbing Berkut's since I have him merged higher than Zeke, even if it does require completely reworking his skills. I might grab Velouria's because she's already +10, though I don't really need another infantry beast at the moment. Ranulf's looks particularly good if I ever actually get around to using beasts in Pawns of Loki. Naesala's is good, but I don't really use him. I'd grab Flora's refine immediately if I actually had her leveled, but she's not. For people that are not me, Naesala's refine definitely looks worth getting, especially if you actually use him and even more especially if you grabbed him from Hall of Forms with good skills. (Also if you can stand the fact that his face is all wrong.) Flora's, Berkut's, and Velouria's are also worth getting if you use the units with any regularity or need a good unit for their respective roles. Ranulf's feels like the weakest of the bunch, but that's more because of how strong his competition is. Still good for Pawns of Loki or if you don't have his competition.
  6. Florina is okay. As far as combat goes, she has +0/+2 offenses and an additional +9~10 damage and an open B skill over Legendary Claude, but is hilariously frail and absolutely cannot take a physical counterattack. She also doesn't have Null Follow-Up. In exchange, she has really good teleportation effects, getting the same teleportation effect as Opening Retainer as well as allowing all allies to teleport to her if she's at 60% HP or lower. Unfortunately, Legendary Myrrh shuts down her teleportation shenanigans during Wind season, and her complete lack of defensive effects makes it difficult to actually use her in the high Arena, where the combination Distant Counter skills are increasing in usage. Sain is interesting. His weapon gives him Future Vision and To Change Fate!'s Galeforce effect, but for Rally Assist skills instead of movement Assist skills. After that, he gets Canto (Rem. +1), which is okay. I can see him used for Assist traps in Aether Raids, but his combat performance is significantly weaker than Brave Eirika's, so he isn't exactly all that threatening himself. Kent is a demote. With Rein Sword+ [Spd], he has -3/+11 offenses over Resplendent Eliwood as his primary competition for a sword cavalry from Blazing Sword and for a 4-star sword cavalry, though Eliwood has really good non-stat effects on his weapon. However, Kent really can't hold a candle to the best 5-star sword cavalry, with even Siegbert able to outperform him. Letizia is a pretty standard slow attacker with a guaranteed follow-up. She doesn't have any non-stat skill effects other than that, but she can inflict a pretty hefty -9 to all stats on top of the obligatory ±6, and the conditions to do so aren't that difficult if you can swap out her default Rouse Atk/Res for the more suitable Atk/Res Menace. If the opponent isn't near its allies, staying close to her own allies is pretty easy, and if she's moving too far away from her allies, the opponent is likely close to its own allies. Unfortunately, she's really slow and will have a lot of trouble breaking through follow-up prevention. It honestly kind of sucks that they gave her Rouse instead of Menace just to release a new skill since Menace is so much better for both her weapon and her default A skill. Her primary competition within her class is Gunnthra and Duo Corrin, though, both of whom are just way better at deleting opponents. Limstella: Yes. Sain is the stronger of the two, and Kent is the faster of the two. Sain cap rams Str pretty hard in his source game, and Kent is very likely to cap his Spd, but doesn't ram the cap quite as hard.
  7. That... actually makes a ridiculous amount of sense. And explains the Japanese pronunciation.
  8. To be fair, the localization team does sometimes deviate from the Japanese pronunciations even when the spelling stays the same, but only rarely. Like very rarely. "Renais" is the most notable one, as the "s" is pronounced in Japanese (ルネス, runesu) but not in the English localization. There are also a few names where the Japanese and English pronunciations are different because the English localization uses an Anglicized pronunciation of the name, such as with Camus (JP: "kah-mü", EN: "kah-moo") and Thracia (JP: "trah-kee-uh", EN: "thray-see-uh"), but I don't really count those since the "original" pronunciation isn't really used in English.
  9. His name is spelled "Guy" and pronounced "ghee" even in Japanese (ギィ, gyi).
  10. I have no particularly strong feelings about any of the characters on the upcoming banner. I'll probably just pull for Florina and grab either her or Letizia with my spark. Sain seems pretty unnecessary if you already have Brave Eirika. Kent is Reginn without a Prf. Guy is Yen'fay without a Prf. Florina's stat spread is similar to Legendary Claude, so I assume she'll have effects on her weapon to differentiate herself from him, though Claude's skill effects are pretty tough to beat. Duo Dagr seems like she might just be flat-out better than Florina, though, unless Florina has something particularly good on her weapon. Limstella's stat spread is pretty underwhelming, though it's pretty similar to their stats in their source game. Hopefully, their weapon has a good effect on it like other recent Grand Hero Battle boss characters, especially with the recoil damage it deals to nearby allies. It doesn't appear to give any in-combat stats (since the only in-combat stats seen were from Def/Res Form), so it looks like it'll have a support effect. Limstella's Japanese voice sounds amazing. They're voiced by Shimoda Rei, who is the voice of Sonya in Heroes and Urbosa in Breath of the Wild. This particular voice is a female ikemen (hot guy) voice that could convincingly pass for male. I think it sounds pretty hot. Letizia seems okay. She's a pretty typical slow, bulky ranged attacker with a guaranteed follow-up. It looks like you can get the full -9 stat penalty on the opponent pretty consistently if you switch out her C skill for a Menace skill instead. Askr gives me Pokémon professor vibes, but I'm not sure why. Hopefully, he doesn't end up in NPC purgatory like Freyr because I do like his humanoid design. We'll see if I like his dragon design. Freyr's drills that pierce the heavens set a pretty high bar. Not sure how many of the Three Houses banners I'll bother sparking on. I'll do my translation notes when we get the trailer for the banner. The Japanese video did a much better job of cutting the gameplay clips to not show the units' stats and skills, so Limstella's and Florina's skills aren't visible (and you don't even get to see Limstella's recoil effect). Blame the French. Nothing. "Ascended" is just the localization. The Japanese terminology, "Bloom", is more open-ended. Her introduction voice line in the video in both languages literally says she's copying Lyn.
  11. Meanwhile, we're still stuck with a Berserk Armads refine that actively hinders it.
  12. It seems strange that they'd adjust Demonic Breath's effect considering how minor the change is. The only difference is that it now activates on player phase when Idunn is at full health and has a Penalty. Perhaps it's because the new condition this time didn't fully overlap the old condition, but it still seems strange that this was important enough to warrant a change. If I recall correctly, the only time we've had a change to a skill's effect was to fix a bug with Prayer Wheel, which changed the skill effect to match the bugged version instead of the originally intended effect as opposed to being a simple bug fix, and the only other time we've had a major change to a unit's skills outside of standard update mechanics was when Fjorm was given Mirror Stance because Leiptr's refine ended up conflicting with the Atk/Def Unity that she gained for her remix. Both of these were far more meaningful changes and were on units of a more premium summoning type. (Meanwhile, we're still stuck with a Berserk Armads refine that actively hinders it.)
  13. Muarim's team was consistently matching Ike's team's multiplier hour points for the last 12 hours of the round, and Team Muarim's second-to-last-hour rally on their last multiplier was comparable in size to Team Ike's last-hour rally on top of Team Muarim's last-hour rally also having the same size (dividing out the multiplier for each number). Team Rhea is currently getting twice as many points per hour at advantage than Team Muarim is getting with the disadvantage multiplier, so you're probably not going to see the same kind of shenanigans this round.
  14. Same recommendations. Also his default weapon, but there's no reason to grab it from Hall of Forms.
  15. Carrot-Tip Spear for damage. Candy Cane for bulk. Personally, I'd go for Carrot-Tip Spear simply because I'd rather not spend Grails getting it. If you're being weird and stacking Spd for whatever reason, go for Piercing Tribute.
  16. There is a Ninian in this Gauntlet, and that is all that matters.
  17. Selkie has 72 effective Atk on player phase, but the problem is that 12 of those points rely on a visible Res comparison, which will give her a lot of trouble against bulkier units like all of the recent bulky dragons and Fallen Edelgard. Fallen Edelgard has the same visible Res as Selkie (45 with maximum investment and no Asset), meaning Selkie is stuck with only 60 Atk before passive skills if you cannot use visible buffs or debuffs to make Selkie's Res higher. For comparison, a fully invested Duo Dagr (she's on my Arena core and is "good enough, but sometimes doesn't cut it", so can serve as a benchmark) with no Asset has 65 Atk before passive skills. Despite Chrom's high Atk, he relies heavily on effective damage to break tanks, and that leaves him easily tanked by high-Def units that don't take effective damage. His effectiveness against bulky opponents is also hindered by the fact that he typically runs Deadeye, which scales negatively with the opponent's Def. Chrom can overcome this by running Bonfire instead of Deadeye like Thorr, but this costs him the ability to break through percentage damage reduction. Despite Eirika's lower Atk, she is much harder to wall even if she doesn't get effective damage due to having a Special that scales extremely positively with the opponent's Def. The combination of Moonlight Bangle and Luna results in nullifying 90% of the opponent's Def, and Moonlight Bangle having the offensive half of Tempo prevents the opponent from stopping the Special activation. As far as what C skill to give to Selkie, I'm not really sold on either Atk Smoke or Spd Smoke mostly because I don't think Selkie really has any business fighting on enemy phase in the first place. I'd personally run Def/Res Menace and have a teammate supply Atk and Spd buffs.
  18. Hopes, predictions, and the like: Picnic Flora: Saehrimnir Base effect decreases opponent's Atk/Def equal to 50% of the difference between unit's and opponent's Res at start of combat if unit's Res is higher, maximum 8 points. Also permanent +3 Atk and effective damage against beasts. The base effect is obviously going to be upgraded to 80% of the difference like all of the other effects of the same type. Being a Special Hero, the base effect is likely to get an additional stat boost, and ideally, it will be -6 Atk/Def on the opponent, as Flora isn't really in need of Spd. Flora has Bold Fighter in her base kit, so it's unlikely she'll get a guaranteed follow-up on her weapon. The most meaningful effects to give her would be the offensive half of Null Follow-Up to follow-up prevention effects from units that she is unable to get a natural follow-up against and the offensive half of Trace to prevent Guard from blocking her Special. Ideally, the obligatory stat boost should be another -6 Atk/Def on the opponent. Fallen Berkut: Kriemhild Base effect grants Distant Counter and prevents the opponent's follow-up attack if the opponent is a ranged unit, the opponent initiates combat, and there is at least one ally within 2 spaces. After combat, the nearest ally takes 20 damage with the same condition. The current strongest Distant Counter weapon excluding beast armor weapons, which get the effect for free, is Nifl's Bite, which has two effects in addition to its permanent stat effect. All other recent Distant Counter weapons have only two effects or one effect with a permanent stat effect. Since previous refines for Distant Counter weapons granted a stat boosting effect on top of a skill effect back when contemporary Distant Counter weapons only received a skill effect at most, it's quite possible that Kriemhild will receive a stat effect and two or three skill effects on top of its existing effect. For its existing effect, I can see the restriction that the opponent is a ranged unit being removed a slight possibility that the Unity condition is increased to 3 spaces. Berkut has Warding Stance 4 in his base kit, so it's unlikely that Kriemhild will get Guard. With how strong ranged units have gotten and Berkut's relatively low natural Res, Berkut really wants to get some form of damage reduction, and I think this is likely to happen due to the weapon having Phantasm in Echoes, which halves damage from bows and magic. His default Special skill is Reprisal, so he also wants some means of guaranteeing its activation. This could be either the Breath effect or a guaranteed follow-up. If it isn't a guaranteed follow-up it would still be nice to get a damage boost on the first attack in combat, like what Duma and Fallen Rhea have. Ideally, the obligatory stat boost should be -6 Atk/Def on the opponent. Naesala: Raven King Beak Base effect deals damage equal to 70% of the difference between unit's and opponent's Spd if unit's Spd is higher, maximum 7 points. Also permanent +3 Spd. Has the standard beast flier transform effect. His pirate version's weapon has the Slaying effect, the Desperation effect with a Solo condition, the offensive half of Null Follow-Up with a Solo condition, and the obligatory stat boost. Naesala has Blazing Wind as his default Special in reference to having the Vortex skill in Path of Radiance, but has no means of reliably activating it, as he lacks the Slaying effect, has no access to Special Spiral, and does not have a reliable means of fully charging his Special before his first round of combat. If they want to lean into a Blazing Wind build, he'll need all three of those effects or some equivalent. I can see being transformed as a condition if he's going to be getting that many effects. If they aren't going to focus his weapon around landing Blazing Wind, there's not much to go off of for a prediction since the weapon's base effect is just damage to make up for his low Atk stat. Naesala's stat spread is nothing special, and his other default skills are also rather generic. They could just be unoriginal and copy his pirate version like Tibarn did. Plus the obligatory stat boost. Ranulf: Covert Cat Fang Base effect is Joint Drive Atk/Def for 3 points. Also permanent +3 Def. Has the standard beast cavalry transform effect. Ranulf is basically Kaden, but only one quarter as good. Which is to say Ranulf is garbage. I'm expecting the base effect to be upgraded in the same way that Kaden's weapon was. The stat boosts should be split into +5 Atk/Spd/Def for Ranulf with some condition and a separate Drive effect. The condition for the stat boosts to himself should ideally be better than Kaden's, as needing to remain within 3 spaces of an ally defeats the purpose of being cavalry. Since Kaden is already way better than Ranulf at support, I hope Ranulf is more offensively oriented, but I have no idea what they want to do with him. Offensively, he's just flat-out worse than both New Year Lethe and Freyja, who are both stronger, faster, and generally bulkier than he is due to Dodge despite his higher Def. In fact, the only thing Ranulf has to distinguish himself from the other green beast cavalry is his Def stat, and even then, it's not particularly amazing. His source material is also of no help because he has no default skills in both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn outside of his class skills. Velouria: Wolfpup Fang Base effect is Quickened Pulse for 2 points and the same effect on unit's ally support partner. Also permanent +3 Spd. Has the old beast infantry transform effect. Velouria really just wants stats and the Slaying effect, though I doubt they'll give her the latter. As it is, she's already guaranteed to land Luna on her follow-up attack when initiating combat and on her first counterattack when the opponent initiates due to the upgraded beast infantry transform effect having Tempo built in. Her default skills are focused more around enemy phase, though her stats are more suited for player phase. Preferably, they give her effects that work on both phases because there's no good reason to run her as an exclusively enemy-phase unit. Although she has Luna as her default Special, it would be nice if she got Special charge rate +1 on her own attacks and the offensive half of Null Follow-Up in order to consistently land Aether when combined with Special Spiral in the B slot. Velouria has Goody Basket as her personal skill in Fates, and if they want to reference it, I can see them giving her the Surge effect in order to tie in with her focus on Special activations. And because Renewal is boring.
  19. Now that I actually have options, thoughts on the Asset for Legendary Caeda? An Atk Asset is, of course, preferred for a Vantage build, but I'm not entirely convinced that she should be building specifically for Vantage due to how bulky even regular units now are. Caeda running an Atk build hits 97 effective Atk against an opponent with +6 to all stats and 140 effective Atk if the opponent is armor or cavalry. 90 to 100 bulk is pretty typical for melee infantry these days, so that's cutting it really close. Duo Chrom already has 90 physical bulk with only merges and Dragonflowers and no skills equipped, and he easily gets another 5 from his weapon and 3 from Lull Atk/Def 3. Additionally, Windsweep is moderately common, and Legendary Lilina has Hardy Bearing built into her weapon, both of which are hard counters to her Vantage. The alternative is to run a Spd Asset and use her as a typical Canto unit. Vantage would just be there to finish off an enemy that doesn't die in one round of combat, though I'm a bit skeptical such things exist that don't kill her though her 93 physical bulk on the counterattack.
  20. I am so fucking glad I had a massive backlog of casted StarCraft II games to watch to give me the patience to get through the combination of this piece of shit banner and my broken air conditioner. It took 308 pulls to get my first 9 copies of Myrrh and 141 pulls for the last copy. Literally a full one third of my pulls were for the last fucking copy. Total 450 pulls: 10 Myrrh (+1 spark), now +10 11 Caeda, total 5 spare copies 12 Byleth, total 12 spare copies 3 Byleth, now +10 1 Dagr, total 14 spare copies 1 Neimi, now +3 8.4% overall focus rate, which is below average by less than 1 pull, so close enough. At the very least, I did manage to hit all of my goals of getting +10 on Myrrh and Caeda, getting a bunch of Byleth for fodder, and also hit my stretch goal of getting the other Byleth to +10, which happened entirely off of pity breakers, 2 of which were during the slog of pulling for the final Myrrh. Somehow, I'm not actually over gacha budget for the month... yet. But I only have enough left for a spark on the next New Heroes banner. (My monthly budgets start on the 15th of the month.) I hate Legendary/Mythic Hero banners. Also some really weird pulls from the 4-star SR pool where I got 2 of a bunch of things: 2 Ylgr 2 Selkie 2 Petra 2 Ephraim 2 Brave Hector Tana Ike Dimitri Sumia Lethe Morgan
  21. Whether or not you yourself use a Save team doesn't change the fact that the prevalence of Lunge has dropped significantly because enough other people use Save teams. Currently, I see Lunge about once every two weeks at most. That's still only 46 visible Res and 52 Res in combat with merges and Dragonflowers. Myrrh's visible Res is likely to be within a point or two neutral and slightly higher with a Res Asset that Lilina typically doesn't run. Even if Myrrh is running a player-phase A skill, she still has 5 Res from her weapon and 6 Res from her Sacred Seal in combat, giving her a total advantage of 5 points on top of whatever she already had from her visible stat. If we assume that Myrrh's visible Res is exactly the same as Lilina's, that's only 18 damage from Gifted Magic and 6 damage in combat, which is nowhere near enough to kill Myrrh. Of course, this is also assuming that players are actually going to switch Lilina from running Life and Death to running Still Water. There will be a few that do, but I don't think enough players will to actually make a difference. Having the extra 5 Spd is generally more useful than having the extra 10 Res. The extra Res only helps Lilina break Dragon Wall, whereas the extra Spd helps her potentially double against slow, bulky units and also helps her activate the occasional Windsweep against them. EDIT: @XRay With actual stats: Lilina has a really hard time breaking high-Res blue units due to the fact that her damage output is weighted more towards in-combat damage than other units running AoE Specials due to the fact that the damage multiplier on her Special is only 0.8 instead of 1.5, which leaves her more vulnerable to weapon triangle disadvantage. This isn't noticeable most of the time, but once you go against opponents with high Res, she'll fall off much faster at weapon triangle disadvantage than other units that run AoE Specials.
  22. I haven't seen Lunge in ages in Aether Raids. Ever since Save tanks have become the norm, Lunge has fallen off almost completely. Even if you do run into an opponent running Lunge, you should still have a team running Near Save in the back as a contingency plan (or just use a ladder). There's honestly little point trying to tank in the high Arena these days outside of baiting out a dancer or something to that effect (which Myrrh can't do because it's unlikely a dancer will deal enough damage to her to want to attack). Myrrh in the Arena is probably better off running a bulky wall breaker build. Something like Legendary Myrrh [+Atk / +Res] Godly Breath [Assist] [Special] Mirror Impact (switch to Mirror Surge when it's released) / Atk/Res Catch 4 / Def/Res Catch 4 Dragon Wall 3 Darkling Guardian Atk/Res Solo 3 Also, I'm pretty sure Myrrh will have no problem tanking Legendary Lilina.
  23. The usual translation things: Myrrh's epithet, "Guardian Dragon", is "護りし竜人" (mamorishi ryūjin), "Guardian Mamkute". The word "竜人" (ryūjin) literally means "dragon-person", so I'm translating it as "mamkute" rather than "dragon". What's this "manakete" you speak of? I've never head of such a thing. Godly Breath is "竜神のブレス" (ryūjin no buresu), "Dragon God's Breath". Def/Res Unity is "守備魔防の連帯" (shubi mabō no rentai), "Def/Res Solidarity". Darkling Guardian is "闇の樹海の守護竜" (yami no jukai no shugoryū), "Guardian Dragon of the Forest of Darkness". "闇の樹海" (yami no jukai), "Forest of Darkness", is the Japanese name of the Darkling Woods. The word "樹海" (jukai) literally means "sea of trees" and typically refers to a forest with denser foliage. Warp Bubble is "敵ワープ抑制" (teki wāpu yokusei), "Enemy Warp Suppression".
  24. Myrrh sounds even more like Illya than she usually does. Cute. I really would have liked Myrrh to have been any color other than blue. We already have 5 blue dragon fliers and only 2 of each other color. Her weapon and Dragon Wall combine to a total of 58% damage reduction, which is nice. Also has follow-up prevention and a guaranteed follow-up, and if her Spd is not too terrible, considering she gets +5 Spd from her weapon, that's probably good enough to block follow-ups from slower attackers. It would've been nice if she also got the defensive half of Null Follow-Up like her normal version does, though. Def/Res Unity is a bit underwhelming, though it's nice for the occasional opponent running Atk/Def Menace instead of Atk/Spd Menace in the Arena. Still underwhelming, though. No Iote's Shield means she's still vulnerable to Duo Chrom, though having color advantage against him kind of helps since it lowers his damage to the equivalent of weapon triangle advantage with no effective damage. Hopefully, she's bulky enough to just shrug him aside regardless, but being a flying unit and having a C skill that grants field buffs instead of a combat buff, making her vulnerable to Lull, sets my expectations for that pretty low. Duo Dagr is potentially going to be a problem for her to deal with, though. Warp Bubble isn't particularly useful in the Arena, but it doesn't hurt, I guess. As for the banner as a whole, blue is, of course, stacked. Merges on Caeda would be nice, and Byleth is extra copies of Ruptured Sky that I can finally use as fodder as well as Atk/Spd Ideal 4. None of the other colors matter for me. I'll probably prioritize green, then red, then colorless when there are no blue orbs to pull. I can still use merges for Byleth and Eliwood.
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