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Ice Dragon

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon

  1. As expected, Duma is next. He's getting Fury 4 to replace Def/Res Solo 3. Upheaval's first turn damage is getting upgraded from 7 damage to 10 damage, and its Catapult effect is upgraded from the structure in the same column to the nearest structure. It's also gaining Dull All if Duma's Atk is higher than the opponent's at the start of combat (hence why he's getting Fury 4) or if the opponent's HP is not max at the start of combat.
  2. With Pulse Smoke, I suppose I no longer need Mystic Boost since Mediuth is no longer at risk of being killed by Bonfire. However, Warding Breath does jack squat against Edelgard unless I run into the occasional Res-stacked Edelgard, but Res-stacked Edelgards run Def/Res and not Atk/Res, so any loss in damage reduction is roughly made up for by Edelgard simply having less Atk. I'd be better off with Darting Breath since it would make Mediuth no longer rely on support to double, and support could then be used to deal with the occasional Spd-boosted Edelgard.
  3. Hel's gimmick can be pretty useful. As long as she has at least 2 HP at the start of combat, she can't be killed in one hit by any melee or physical unit. With her good Spd stat, she has a pretty easy time avoiding doubles unless the opponent has a guaranteed follow-up, and with the Mystic Boost Sacred Seal, she can pretty much always keep her HP at 7 HP or higher at the start of combat. She's worth keeping for challenge maps and maps with unit restrictions. I'd swap out her default Guard Bearing for Vantage. Hel is also rather useless as fodder, as Distant Counter has less valuable sources you can get it from (3 units from the 4-star SR pool) and Guard Bearing is fairly useless (the only use I've found for it is my Spring Maria Summoner Duels build).
  4. +10+10 Edelgard [+Atk, +Res] with her standard build has 51/77/20/59/49 and reduces the opponent's Atk/Def by 6. +10+5 Mediuth with Close Def 4 + Mystic Boost 3 has 45/68+6/23/51/56+6 and reduces the opponent's Atk/Res by 6. Any Asset gives him an additional +3 in that stat. With buffs and debuffs and the +6 HP from two Duel-type Legendary Heroes, Edelgard has 57/71/20/59/43 and recovers 13 HP after combat. She loses 2 Atk/Def if she isn't at full health at the start of combat. Mediuth has 51/68/23/45/62 plus whatever Asset he has and recovers 6 HP after combat. Edelgard deals 16 damage to Mediuth normally and 33 damage to Mediuth with Bonfire. After losing a stack of Atk/Def Ideal 4, it becomes 15 and 32, respectively. During Earth and Wind seasons when Mediuth has 60% damage reduction, Edelgard deals 11, 22, 10, and 21 damage, respectively. Mediuth deals 15 damage to Edelgard on his first attack and 25 damage to Edelgard on subsequent attacks. With an Atk Asset, it becomes 17 and 28, respectively. Mediuth will survive Edelgard initiating twice just fine, leaving him with 15 HP, but he can't take another hit afterwards. During Earth and Wind seasons, he'll have 31 HP remaining and can take one more round of combat. If I hit Edelgard with a Spd Rein, Mediuth will be able to double and will hit Edelgard with 15 + 25 − 13 + 25 + 25 = 77 damage, which is guaranteed to kill her, even without an Atk Asset. If I can consistently double Edelgard, Pulse Smoke is probably the safer option, namely because some Edelgards are running Atk/Def Solo 4 + Atk/Def Menace + Atk/Def Solo 3, but as it stands, I don't need either C skill against the most common Edelgard build. If Edelgard is running that build, her stats become 57/75/20/63/43 and Mediuth's become 51/62/23/39/62. Edelgard deals 22 damage to Mediuth normally and 41 damage with Bonfire. Mediuth deals 12 damage to Edelgard on the first attack and 19 damage on subsequent attacks. In this case, Mediuth needs to run Pulse Smoke to survive and fails to kill Edelgard by 1 HP, leaving Edelgard with 14 HP, so an Atk Asset will make a difference. But a Legendary Nanna on the opponent's side would cancel that out, and an Edelgard that is that low should be able to be safely killed by another unit (Claude, Lilina, and Byleth can definitely finish the job). If I activate Duo Dagr's Duo Skill for that turn, Mediuth survives Edelgard by 2 HP due to the +6 Def. So... yeah. Still not sure which Asset to run. Atk is still useful for being able to better break through Edelgard's defenses, but I don't actually need to immediately kill her since my Legendary Hero picks should be able to handle her after she has taken some damage (or at any time with Byleth). Res seems to be more useful for general use (and might even let him tank some of the more annoying ranged cavalry when Edelgard isn't there), but doesn't really help against Edelgard. But as far as skills go, I think Close Def 4 + Assured Rebirth + Pulse Smoke 3 + Mystic Boost 3 is probably optimal. And I need to hurry up and get Spd/Def Rein on Dagr.
  5. Those are just neutral Spd stats without weapons. 42 is already quite high, considering the highest neutral Spd stat with max Dragonflowers is 46. Including a Spd Asset and weapon stats, the current top Spd stats are (dragons bolded, units without exclusive weapons get the fastest weapon of their weapon type unless they have a ninja weapon by default, Resplendent Heroes listed both with and without Resplendent stat boosts) : As a side note, this is a pretty good chart if you're looking for ideas for fast units to build. There were definitely a few surprises when I was compiling it (like how stupid fast Karla and New Year Kaden are). I was hoping they'd make one of her exclusive skills have the ability to offload damage to nearby allies since it was impossible to attack her in Radiant Dawn before killing the Auroras around her. But they ended up just putting Save armors in her Mythic Hero Battle map to simulate it, which is less interesting.
  6. I don't need Canto Control for Arena offense, so I was already planning on giving him Fatal Smoke for the match-up against Edelgard (since I have 13 spare copies of Summer Freyja).
  7. Nifl, Tiki, Corrin, Lilith, and Sothis all have at least one version with at least 42 neutral Spd after Dragonflowers and a weapon that boosts Spd. He speaks normally in Heroes. Reciprocal Aid can kind of do that, though I was hoping for something that passively offloads damage to nearby allies with Ashera's release.
  8. They probably intended to only make one non-seasonal version of Mediuth, so they picked his stronger Dark Dragon form. You can kind of see this by his quotes in Japanese, which are a combination of his two forms. The map start dialogue for his Mythic Hero Battle is a combination of his first-combat dialogue from both games: Heroes map start: わしの眠りをさまたげる 愚かな人間どもよ… washi no nemuri o samatageru orokana ningen-domo yo... Foolish humans who disturb my slumber... Shadow Dragon first combat (styled as from Mystery Book 1): わしの ねむりをさまたげる 反乱軍の者どもよ washi no nemuri o samatageru hanran-gun no mono-domo yo Those of the rebel army who disturb my slumber... Mystery first combat: ワガ・・フッカツハ・・ナッタ オロカナ ニンゲンドモ・・ wa ga... fukkatsu wa... natta orokana ningen-domo... My... resurrection is... complete, foolish humans... It's also worth noting that Dark Dragon Mediuth speaks differently from normal speech. All of his speech is written in pure katakana, and this mode of writing is used to indicate that the speaker sounds inhuman. It's common to see speech written in pure katakana for voices that are meant to sound robotic, alien, or broken. In addition, all of his lines are periodically interrupted by ellipses, which is not seen with Earth Dragon Mediuth (not counting his death lines). As such, the Mediuth in Heroes has his full mental faculty as Earth Dragon Mediuth, but he takes the physical form of Dark Dragon Mediuth. Bertram still got his purple flames floating around him. All he missed out on was a guaranteed fancy weapon.
  9. Opinions on Mediuth's Asset? I'm currently leaning towards Atk instead of Res, but it's still hard to decide. Mediuth has 43 base Res, +1 from Dragonflowers, +4 from merges, and +6 effective Res from his weapon. Def/Res Ideal 4 gives him a permanent +7 Res due to En Garde. This gets him to 61 Res if the opponent matches his Bonuses. In the Arena, I'd be running either Close Def or Def/Res Solo in the Sacred Seal slot to bring him up to 67 Res. At this point, I don't think an additional 3 Res from an Asset will make much of a difference, as he'd be able to get the full Dragon Wall damage reduction against any opponent with 57 Res or lower. However, I'm also considering running him with Mystic Boost since 6 HP recovery is worth 10 Def/Res with 40% damage reduction if the opponent cannot double. However, this comes at the cost of only being able to get the full Dragon Wall damage reduction against opponents with 51 Res or lower, which is dangerously close to Fallen Edelgard's Res (49 with an Asset and her standard build, though I'm seeing bulkier builds appear more often). On the other hand, breaking through Edelgard's defenses is already tough, and the extra Atk from an Asset would certainly be welcomed. With Close Def 4 instead of Def/Res Ideal 4, Edelgard loses the ability to use Bonuses to match Mediuth's Res and has no way to nullify his Bonuses on any of her usual builds, giving Mediuth 68 Res and Edelgard 49. However, bulkier builds, namely Def/Res Ideal 4 + Def/Res Solo 3 can get her up to 64 Res. Canto Control is a bit less relevant in the Arena, so I could also switch that out for Joint Drive Res for more Res or Fatal Smoke/Pulse Smoke to counter Edelgard, but I kind of want to wait for Joint Close Guard. As for arguments for an Atk Asset, Edelgard is stupid bulky, even with Mediuth targeting Res, and it doesn't help that Mediuth is too slow to double Edelgard through her Wary Fighter without getting at least +2 Spd from teammates, which I don't consistently have access to on my Arena team (I should really give Duo Dagr Spd/Def Rein instead of her default Atk/Def Rein).
  10. Valentine Lucina can tank Mediuth forever once both the Flash and Fatal Smoke enemies are killed. They can try all they want to stop Save cheese, but their efforts are still easy to get around, especially when there aren't any units with armor-effective weapons this time. Only once. The contributions from both factors are added together and applied as a single instance of damage reduction.
  11. I went into the Mythic Hero banner with the goals of 11 copies of Mediuth 9 copies of Micaiah +Res Elimine with the intent of either pulling until I got two of the three or until I hit my budget for this banner, whichever came first. Getting a +Spd Hel and +Atk Otr to use as new merge bases would also be nice to have, but not prioritized. Sniped colorless with green then blue prioritized if there were no colorless orbs. I ended up going almost exactly up to my budget before hitting two goals within 10 pulls of each other. Then pulled for one more 5-star, which was still within budget (leaving me with 18 orbs left without going over). Total 357 pulls: 10 Mediuth (+1 spark for a total of 11) 7 Elimine (the last 2 were +Res, the last copy was the +1 pull at the end) 4 Micaiah 3 Otr (1 of which was +Atk) 1 Hel (+Spd) 2 Julia 27 total 5-star pulls for an 7.6% 5-star rate, which is quite a bit below average (by 3 or 4 pulls). The one time I hit a 12.5% pity rate definitely had something to do with it since, on average, you should get about 4 5-star pulls in that period instead of just 1. I would have preferred to have gotten Micaiah to +10 instead of Mediuth. She's more generally useful, but in the end, it doesn't matter too much since I'm no longer in need of another high-scoring Wind Legendary Hero now that Sigurd is +10, and Mediuth is still usable every other week in the Arena and scores well. I finally now have a +Res Elimine. It only took 16 copies before I got one (not including the spark on her original banner since that one was guaranteed to not be +Res). As a bonus, I also got new merge bases for both Otr and Hel. Otr will now be +5, and Hel will now be +7.
  12. Canto Control's effect specifically says it activates after Canto activates, so yes, it does expend Canto for the turn. Yes. There is nothing to imply that it shouldn't work on a unit's own skills. EDIT: Looks like Mediuth's introduction page is up. I really like his damaged art. He looks like a proper badass final boss.
  13. Literally the exact same build as Lissa, but with Courtly Mask and Iceberg.
  14. And the usual translation notes: Mediuth's epithet, "Earth-Dragon King", is "地竜族の王" (chiryū-zoku no ō), "King of the Earth Dragon Tribe". Shadow Breath is "暗黒地竜のブレス" (ankoku chiryū no buresu), "Breath of the Dark Earth Dragon". "暗黒地竜" (ankoku chiryū), "Dark Earth Dragon", is a combination of his two class names, "地竜" (chiryū), "Earth Dragon", from Shadow Dragon and "暗黒竜" (ankoku-ryū), "Dark Dragon" (lit. "darkness dragon"), from Mystery of the Emblem. "暗黒竜" is also in the Japanese title of FE1 and FE11, "暗黒竜と光の剣" (ankoku-ryū to hikari no ken), localized as "Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light" and fan-translated as "Dragon of Darkness and the Sword of Light" prior to Shadow Dragon's localized release, though I personally like the translation "Dark Dragon and Falchion Sword" based on the line "At first there are Dark Dragon, Falcion [sic] Sword, and Fire Emblem". En Garde is "戦闘外ダメージ無効" (sentō-gai damēji mukō), "Out-of-Combat Damage Nullified". Another extremely literal status effect name. Assured Rebirth is "我が復活は成った" (wa ga fukkatsu wa natta), "My resurrection is complete". This is the first line of his combat dialogue in the final chapter of Mystery of the Emblem, which originally read "ワガ・・フッカツハ・・ナッタ" (wa ga... fukkatsu wa... natta). Canto Control is "再移動制限" (sai-idō seigen), "Canto Restraint". "再移動" (sai-idō), "Move Again", is the name of Canto effect in Japanese. (In Japanese, "Canto" is the name of the herons' sing skill in both Tellius games. In English, the sing skill was only named "Canto" in Path of Radiance and was renamed "Galldrar" in Radiant Dawn with the name "Canto" being moved to the skill currently known as "Canto".) The status effect Canto Control has the same name as the skill Canto Control in both English and Japanese.
  15. How the hell does Mediuth count as infantry? Anyways, it's nice that they let us see his stats straight-away. He's got 40/44/18/38/43, so he doesn't get to cheat like Ascended Idunn and get trainee/villager status. Getting 60% damage reduction with fairly easy conditions is pretty cool, but he's on the same season as Ulir, who can probably just Deadeye him dead. En Garde is a pretty nice effect for blocking friendly damage from Bolt Trap or Thjalfi. Presumably, it won't block Hrist's effect for strategies that involve traps with staff units. His sprite and weapon animation look pretty amazing, though I can't not see his head in dragon form being tilted slightly to his left (even though his teeth show that he isn't) due to how the spikes on his chin look. My Micaiah is only +1, so merges will be appreciated. Elimine is +10, but I don't have a +Res copy of her yet, so it would be nice if I could get one. Not sure how many pulls I'll try for on this banner. Of the other colors, green is pretty good for me since I still need merges for Hel (and Otr, I guess), and Thorr has Flow Guard, which is decent fodder. Blue only has Idunn that interests me, and red has nothing I need.
  16. It should take, on average, about 9-10 pulls to grab another copy of Ilyana, counting pulls on summoning sessions with no green orbs. I would personally summon for the last copy of Ilyana with orbs. As for when to buy Feh Pass, this depends entirely on how often you summon enough to reach the spark on Special Heroes banners. If you rarely reach the spark, then it's absolutely worth it to buy Feh Pass now and use the spark on someone other than Ilyana. If you normally reach the spark, then you should wait until the next rotation to buy Feh Pass so that you have more chances for a Resplendent that you'll use. If you don't know if you'll reach the spark on the next banner, wait until the trailer for the next banner drops before deciding.
  17. Valentine Lissa is the best option. She has both the highest Def and highest Res of all of the 4-star ranged armors, even after counting Dragonflowers and refines. @Xenomata Being a staff unit shouldn't be too much of a problem because the only skill slot where she doesn't have access to an optimal skill is the Special slot. You ideally want to run something like Valentine Lissa [+Res / +Def] Staff of Tribute+ [Wrathful Staff] [Assist] Miracle Distant Def 4 / Svalinn Shield (you want both so you can swap when necessary) Crafty Fighter 3 D/R Far Save 3 Distant Def 3 / Def/Res Form 3 (once it's released)
  18. The black and red bow with the red bowstring reminds me of Warframe's Dread. I really like the design of the middle skirt layer, the one that has the helical hem. The outfit in general is quite pretty. As far as stats go, Faye is quite a bit outdated, even with the extra stats. With max Dragonflowers, she has 48/54/35/36/41 and a guaranteed follow-up attack on enemy phase against ranged opponents with only her weapon equipped. Compared to other bulky infantry bows, her competition is basically Chrom and Jorge. Legendary Chrom has 44/58/29+/43/34 and nullifies his penalties. Duo Chrom has 41/64+/33/46+/32 with the Slaying effect and a guaranteed follow-up. Jorge has 47/52/29/42/36 with the Slaying effect. Faye is generally comparable, just with Def and Res switched, but has the main drawback that her weapon's effects are only active on enemy phase, so she has no player-phase presence. Having a guaranteed follow-up on her weapon at least allows her to run a Lull skill on her B slot for extra stats, which is at least nice to have. However, she does get outclassed as a tank by more recent bulky tome infantry units, like Young Lyon and Fallen Male Morgan, and she has the disadvantage that she's vulnerable to Windsweep, which is far more common than Watersweep. She should still be fine for PvE content, though, and can probably still pull her weight even in challenge maps. I'm thinking a build like this: Faye [+Def / +Res] Bow of Devotion [unique] [Assist] Ruptured Sky / Iceberg / Moonbow Bracing Stance 3 / Distant Def 4 Lull Atk/Def 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3 / Null C-Disrupt 3 Joint Distant Guard Distant Def 3
  19. Current Replendent counts (including Saber) are 8 Askr 8 Embla 7 Nifl 8 Muspell 7 Hel 5 Ljosalfheimr 5 Dokkalfheimr 3 Nidavellir 3 Jotunheim Ordered by how recent the last unit was, we have Jotunheim (Saber, Ishtar) Hel (Lachesis, Florina) Dokkalfheimr (Ophelia, Deirdre, Kagero) Askr (Seliph, Ryoma) Embla(Lukas, Shanna) Ljosalfheimr (Est) Muspell (Nowi) Nifl (Serra) Nidavellir (Sothe) Nifl or Nidavellir are the two most likely options for the next unit with Nidavellir being a bit more likely. Ljosalfheimr is probably third most likely. Nifl has the second-longest gap since the last unit and is one unit behind the three other nations that were available at the start. Nidavellir has the longest gap and is a recently added faction that could use catching up to the older nations. Personally, I'd like to see Nidavellir Brave Lyn. If not, I'd like to see either a female Nidavellir unit or male Ljosalfheimr unit since we're still missing both combinations (also male Dokkalfheimr, but we recently got a lot of Dokkalfheimr units, so I don't think we'll get another one until after we get another Ljosalfheimr unit). As far as characters that currently don't have Resplendent outfits, we're still missing Sigurd, Nanna, Ephraim, and both Corrins among the main characters. Among not-quite-as-main characters, we're missing Fae, Ninian, Innes, Larchel, Myrrh, Awakening TIki, Hinoka, Sakura, Camilla, and Leo. Looking at other popular launch characters, we're also missing Palla, Catria, Cecilia, and Tharja. Given that the last two picks were less popular characters (both as characters and as units), I think they'll go with another popular character this time around. That's because every event that doesn't use Arena-style tiers for ranking has the exact same reward brackets (except for Aether Raids, which merged its 1-1,000 and 1,001-3,000 brackets into a single 1-3,000 bracket, but is otherwise identical).
  20. Reached capped score with only 2 losses. Took me about 2 and a half hours. This game mode is so fucking tedious. They should lower difference between the previous season's max score and the current season's max score by 200 points or so. Requiring 10 wins (assuming at least one loss that cost points) to reach the max score is an absolute pain in the ass. This game mode would actually be enjoyable if it didn't take so long to do. I need to hurry up and build the bullshit Spring Maria super tank build. I already have all of the parts, but I'm just too lazy to actually put them together.
  21. Asking for more Asset opinions for my indecisiveness now that I have more merge bases to work with on CYL units: Brave Alm: +Atk or +Spd? Alm has 78/52 offenses with an Atk Asset at +10+15 with just his weapon and Scendscale equipped or 74/55 offenses with a Spd Asset. Alm can swap out Scendscale for Atk/Spd Ideal 4 to reach 70 Spd with the Atk/Spd Solo Sacred Seal with a Spd Asset, which lets him activate Windsweep on everything with 69 Spd or lower. A Spd Lull or Tempo can push his effective Spd up to 73. However, with an Atk Asset, Scendscale, and the Atk/Spd Solo Sacred Seal, he reaches 105 effective Atk and becomes a powerful wall breaker, dealing 21 damage that ignores Def and the weapon triangle while having more than enough Spd to activate Windsweep against all slow tanks, but loses the ability to do so against fast tanks. Valentine Lucina is the most notable fast tank, and she hits 65 Spd at +10+5 before accounting for her Sacred Seal (I use Darting Breath for 69 Spd, but Atk/Spd Form can get her to 72). Brave Dimitri: +Atk, +Spd, or +Def? Brave Dimitri is the slowest of the infantry versions of Dimitri, having only 38 base Spd after Dragonflowers and no boost to Spd from either his weapon or his exclusive skill. I don't think I'll run a Spd Asset on him, but it's technically still an option. Dimitri's primary gimmick is Blue Lion Rule, which grants him a guaranteed follow-up on enemy phase if his Def is higher than his opponent's and also grants him Dodge with a Def comparison instead of a Spd comparison. The main issue is I'm not sure it's worth giving up 4 Atk to gain 4 Def to improve his ability to activate Blue Lion Rule. At +10+10, his has 66/46 Atk/Def with an Atk Asset with just his weapon equipped or 62/50 Atk/Def with a Def Asset. With Atk/Def Solo 4 + Atk/Def Solo 3, he has 79/59 with an Atk Asset or 75/63 with a Def Asset. As far as bulky attackers go, Thorr, Fallen Edelgard, and Legendary Sigurd are perhaps the most notable. +10+5 Thorr has 62 Def with Sturdy Impact / Sturdy Surge + Atk/Def Solo 3. +10+10 Fallen Edelgard has 65 effective Def with Atk/Def Ideal 4 + Mystic Boost 3. +10+10 Legendary Sigurd has 57 Def with Atk/Def Catch 4 and his B slot and Sacred Seal empty. Gatekeeper: +Atk or +Def? Having no guaranteed follow-up on either phase and having an exclusive skill that is pure support, it feels like Gatekeeper should run a maximally bulky set with a Def Asset instead of going for Atk. However, he does have a good Atk stat and has a damage-boosting effect on his weapon.
  22. Pulled for the spark and then stopped for CYL 1-3. Pulled for the spark and then cleaned up the pity rate for CYL 4 and 5. CYL 1: I have all units at +10, so I did full sessions and sparked for fodder. 40 pulls: Caineghis (4-star SR), already +10 if I merge my spare copies Mystery Tiki (4-star SR), already +10 Catherine, now +4 if I merge my spare copies Sanaki (4-star SR), already +10 Brave Lyn, already +10 Brave Ike (spark), already +10 CYL 2: I have all units at +10, so I did full sessions and sparked for fodder. 40 pulls: Annette, now +4 if I merge my spare copies Brave Lyn (4-star SR), already +10 Brave Veronica (spark), already +10 CYL 3: I have Micaiah already at +10. Alm was the next closest at +7, so I just sniped red. 40 pulls: Hubert (4-star SR), now +5 if I merge my spare copies Brave Alm, now +8 Mystery Tiki (4-star SR), already +10 Elincia (4-star SR), already +10 Adrift Camilla (4-star SR), now +5 Brave Alm, now +9 Brave Alm (spark), now +10 CYL 4: I have Edelgard as my highest merged at +9, so I decided to pull all colors and drop green after getting Edelgard or sparking for Edelgard if I didn't get her. 53 pulls: Velouria (4-star SR), already +10, but this one is my first +Spd, so it'll be my new base Brave Alm (4-star SR), already +10 goddammit Brave Edelgard, now +10 Brave Dimitri, now +2 if I merge my spare copies Mahnya, now +1 if I merge (not merging because Spring Maria wants Guard Bearing from her) Flayn, now +7 if I merge my spare copies Brave Dimitri (spark), now +3 if I merge my spare copies Brave Lysithea, now +3 Ferry, now +1 CYL 5: I have Eirika already at +10 and 13 extra copies of her, so I skipped blue and just pulled the other colors. 47 pulls: Brave Marth, now +1 Brave Marth, now +2 Gatekeeper, now +6 if I merge my spare copies Brave Marth, now +3 Brave Marth (spark), now +4 Brave Marth, now +5 11 focus units in 220 pulls is 5.0%, which is below average, but only by 1 unit. 16 total 5-star units is 7.2%, which is below average by 3 units. Alm is now +10, but I annoyingly got an extra copy on the CYL 4 banner after picking him as the spark on the CYL 3 banner. Final merge count if I also merge my spare copies: CYL 1 and 2: all +10 CYL 3: +10 Alm, +10 Micaiah, +2 Eliwood, +6 Camilla CYL 4: +3 Dimitri, +10 Edelgard, +6 Claude, +3 Lysithea CYL 5: +6 Gatekeeper, +10 Eirika, +5 Marth, +3 Marianne
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