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Everything posted by Chrom-ulent

  1. Felt lucky tonight and bought myself some pulls on Branded King. Got F!Morgan upgraded to -HP from -Def (bringing her up a bucket) and she's now at +4, tying LA!Hector as my top merge. If I get her as a pitybreaker on future banners (M!Morgan will be the 4-star drop if anyone), she can overtake him. Ended it with Delthea +Atk...-Spd. Oh well, there's always the Miracle banner. Now I can pull on blue there too to upgrade from that.
  2. I was actually thinking of running Escape Route on him. Similar logic to my Escape Route Lyn: their refined weapons synergize well with Escape Route. As Lyn is packing Desperation and Brash Assault by the point she's able to use Escape Route, Takumi gets permanent warping. I have actually never pulled a Faye. 5-star exclusive on colorless, and no recent banners featuring her. Summer Gaius and Brave Lyn are waiting for their Brave Bow+s, and the Gordins are pretty far down my promotion list.
  3. Did another YOLO circle summon. Currently trained Takumi is +Def -Res, while newly pulled is +Spd -Res. Which way to merge, or should I put CC on NY!Corrin?
  4. And so I whaled for DC for Myrrh. Pitybreakers in no order: +1 Raven +Spd -HP (Actually, the 5-star Raven was +HP -Atk. The Raven with the right IVs was a 4-star. Got him to 5-stars by sending home all the 3-star Bartres, etc.) +1 Sheena +Res -HP (You were not the axe armor I was looking for.) Julia +Spd -HP (Would have preferred her mother, but always good to have one more anti-dragon unit) Soren +Spd -HP (His new personal tome sounds like fun) Regular Ike +Def -Spd (Is it a pitybreaker if he's on the banner? Giving him a shot with QR2. Worst case, one more Aether fodder is good.) Lute neutral (Merged into. Sad to lose +Atk, but -Res really hurt her ploys) Rhajat +HP -Def (After all the Tempest Trials she ruined, I finally get to use her) Merric +Spd -Atk Bye! Odin laughs at your pitiful attack stat! Pegasus knights will tank and kill you! Would rather have the feathers! Minerva (didn't check) Thanks for the merge! Had a perfectly good +Spd -HP to merge to. F!Celica (+HP -Atk) Thanks for the merge! The neutral one I had from before is preferable. Titania (didn't check) Thanks for the merge! +Spd -Def is ideal. Thirteenth was Hector and now Myrrh has her Distant Counter. Non-5s included a few more copies of Raven, Soren, and Titania awaiting feathers. Frederick and Roderick join Lukas in the 4+10 club, and Fae is getting close. Reposition also got inherited onto most of the flying and cavalry units. This was a painful and expensive learning experience, and on a fodder bait banner to boot, but those pitybreakers were almost all good, and I quit when I got my goal. Maybe a new rule for me: Three pitybreakers, or the unit I'm after, and I'm out.
  5. I too lean towards M!Morgan dropping. Sothe and L’Arachel had personal weapons at 5 stars and they’re now in the 4-5 pool.
  6. Sorry to disappoint. I kinda wasn't around for the seasonals and I only pulled two M!Morgans from the red on this banner. I could start whaling on it but the end result may be pitybreakers or a +10 M!Morgan. Switching lead unit to V!Lyn.
  7. Thanks! Looking at defenses on the armor team had me worried, but Hardin will get doubled by Young Tiki while LA!Lyn will double any Tiki. Similar results to LA!Hector (QR seal) getting attacked by Nowi: they’re worse for wear but get a win. LA!Lyn will also be keeping L!Ephraim safe from Tikis because she’s on the fire team.
  8. Good, I gave Raudrblade+ to SM!Eirika, L’Arachel and Gunnthra providing the hone/fortify. Now have a spare Takumi. Is NY!Corrin or LA!Lyn the better choice for CC? LA!Lyn is -Def but has S support with LA!Hector and he’s providing a fortify. Does this mean she can facetank Tikis? Or does her Lightning Breath target the lower defense even on initiation? Meanwhile, NY!Corrin will be facetanking fliers.
  9. Yeah, I'm heavily leaning towards arena usage at the moment. After Chrom gets a merge, she's next in line. +Def -Atk Tharja as a pitybreaker. Is M!Morgan (+Atk -HP) a good blade tome user, or should I just stick to his personal tome and have that boosting Nino? Alternatively, I could try SM!Eirika, but she's already -Res and without her personal, she'll get picked off by any blue mage. Also, refined Sol Katti + Escape Route 3 for +Def -HP Lyn: good idea? +Def is a super boon, she's fast enough to not get doubled except by Ayra / Mia +Spd / Swordbreaker users, she'll tank the hit and fall into range for all three skills.
  10. Already got the team planned. F!Morgan will be lugging around Grima and/or LA!Eliwood with the Guidance seal. Will be using this to train a bunch of units: Lukas 4+10 (grinding SP to evolve his Killer Lance+ into Slaying Lance and finally hit 200 Dew) Marth (gotta have a second Falchion user for Arena Assault) Eldigan (grinding SP to rebuild him after wasting SP on noob skill choices) Chrom (original, not horse. He's close to an HM threshold) And also doing some all-flying runs.
  11. Coming up on my next 200 Dew and probably 20,000 Feathers. Dew candidates: Minerva (+Spd -HP) Eldigan (+Atk -Def) Feather candidates: Caeda (+Atk -can't remember but it wasn't Spd) Chrom (merge into +Atk -Res) Titania (merge into +Spd -Def) Caeda gives me another option to possibly help me take on the flying GHB quests. Chrom and Titania are on their way to becoming arena core units. Also have Windsweep and Aether fodder. Thanks, Alm and Lucina, for being -Atk and -Spd respectively. Would L!Ephraim (+HP -Spd) be a good choice for Aether? And would M!Morgan appreciate Windsweep if he's not +Spd? (+Atk -HP)
  12. Huh. Already three defense wins, one against a +4 Zephiel lead. I guess seeing "Chrom-ulent", leading with Chrom, tier 20, is luring players. Won't be staying, obviously. Ain't going to be turning in 5000+ offense runs any time soon with this lack of merges.
  13. Decided to return to the Falchion banner, having built up a pity rate. Marth +Atk -Res Lyn +Def -HP Lucina +Def -Spd Should I put Galeforce or Aether onto my (+HP -Spd) L!Ephraim? The trash -Spd nature on Lucina, and Ephraim already knowing Sol, really pushes me towards giving him Aether. Once again, I end on a 5-star (Marth).
  14. I may be able to join the T19.5 club after all, after redoing my run. Arena tier 19 Score: 4920 Rank: 9454 / 13508
  15. And I won’t be seeing T20. So many mages as bonus units. If it’s not Fire season, horrible mage BST will probably ensure I get matched up against wimps and fall to T17. If it is Fire season, V!Hector and V!Lyn have the right blessing. Regular Chrom rounds out the team.
  16. 4904 here. Looks like I’m going to be a T18.5 too. Never even made it to T20. At least we still get four orbs.
  17. Was going to be sitting out Infernal, until I remembered I had a perfectly good cavalry team sitting around. Sent Gunnthra in to destroy the blue mage, before Sigurd flipped her to safety so he could tank Zephiel. A few turns of turtling later, Reinhardt with the Attack +1 seal (+Atk nature too) then zapped the red mage, and I want to say Zephiel too after that. Titania was there just for ally supporting Sigurd and repositioning when it was just the generic armors.
  18. 157 orbs in. First 5-star: Peri +HP -Res. LA!Eliwood appreciates her Killer Lance+. Second 5-star: M!Morgan +Res -HP. Won't be using him much since I already have Arvis. Third 5-star, final four orbs (only having enough for two out of three blues on the final board), after which I would have crumbled and re-linked my credit card: F!Morgan +Atk -Def. 12 Def has me nervous (and probably using Myrrh, Gerome, or dropping 20k feathers on Michalis as a teammate), but she's the only one I actually wanted out of the banner. I should be safe until the Thracia banner. Among the 4-stars, I got Lukas to 4+9, and got a +Spd -HP L'Arachel. She's next in line for the 20k feathers as I upgrade from +HP -Def.
  19. Looks like I"m sniping blue here. Left Legendary Ephraim without S!Corrin. At least if F!Morgan has a bad nature, it sounds like her tome can be inherited to great effect. V!Lyn (and possibly Micaiah) would appreciate Distant Defense. Unless M!Morgan has a good physical defense to help distinguish him from fellow de-buffing red mage Arvis, and unless Horse Chrom powercreeps Sigurd by at least 2 BST, I'm not tempted to pull on red.
  20. Skills updated for Infernal. Starting positions: PA!Olivia top left, S!Gaius top right, Micaiah bottom left, Olivia bottom right. P1: Micaiah kills the lance cav, PA!Olivia dances her up and blocks the way for the red mage, Micaiah kills the axe cav, S!Gaius starts on the blue mage, gets danced, and finishes the blue mage. E1: Arvis hits Micaiah with Growing Flame, putting her into Vantage range and letting her one-shot him thanks to Glacies and Res Ploy 2. If she had Iceberg, she would have wasted it on the axe cav, and Arvis would have survived to pick someone off. PA!Olivia tanks the red mage thanks to R Tomebreaker. P2: Micaiah kills the lance cav reinforcement, S!Gaius kills the mage reinforcement, gets danced, and then kills axe cav reinforcement. Micaiah gets danced and finishes the red mage. And it all fell into place after that. Micaiah was blowing up the armors and S!Gaius took the mage reinforcements. Can't believe I did it, first Infernal I completed through experimentation of my own (though it was adapted from the good old Double Dancer Lynhardt), and it was for my favorite GHB unit to boot.
  21. L!Ike and two infantry makes three, disabling the tactic skill on the infantry.
  22. PSA for those taking Alfonse to Arena Assault for the quest: He's gonna need R Tomebreaker and some clever positioning to win the duel if the other player forgot to unequip Arvis. First Arvis I encountered was still equipped, and blew a 5-star Alfonse up. And it happens that the second Arvis I encountered remembered to unequip his weapon. Thanks anyway. Cross-posting from Reddit, the team I won Lunatic Infantry with. Thank you, legendary banner. Micaiah, +Spd -HP, Chilling Wind (didn't have the SP yet to learn Glacies), Distant Def 3 / Vantage 3 / Res Ploy 1 S!Gaius, +Atk -HP, Glimmer, Fury 2 / Desperation 1 / Def Ploy 3 / Brash Assault 1 seal PA!Olivia, +HP -Spd, Distant Def 2 / R Tomebreaker 1 / Def Ploy 2 seal Olivia, neutral, 4 stars + 2, Wings of Mercy 3 / Hone Atk 3, she didn't see combat First turn, Micaiah takes out the cavalry and S!Gaius takes on the blue mage. His first hit won't be strong enough to finish the mage, and will put him in Desperation + Brash Assault range. Regular Olivia will be dancing for S!Gaius and PA!Olivia will be dancing for Micaiah, blocking the red mage off. Arvis only puts Micaiah into Vantage range with his Growing Flame and gets blown up when she retaliates. I don't think Iceberg will work because she will have blown it on a cavalier instead of Arvis. Thanks to R Tomebreaker, PA!Olivia tanks the red mage. After this, S!Gaius needs to take out the axe cavalier reinforcement because he will survive Micaiah. IIRC, I sent Micaiah to finish the first red mage off. Otherwise, the rule will be S!Gaius takes mages and Micaiah takes cavalry and armors. It's basically Lynhardt on foot. I don't think I will be able to do Infernal without a Brave Bow+.
  23. I knew cavalry and flying units couldn't learn breath skills. but I forgot about it also being restricted to melee units. Would +Def -HP Grima be a good choice? I would be taking his side in the finals if it's him vs. Takumi. Alternatively, +Res -Def Dorcas could take further advantage of the superboon and be able to enjoy the same special pulse he provides his infantry teammates. Will be waiting for a bad IV B!Ike for Zelgius to learn Steady Breath instead. And knowing me, the desire sensor would go off and the next B!Ike I get will have a better-than-neutral IV.
  24. Sold clutter and bought iTunes card for orbs. Final session on the legendary yielded a third L!Ike. First was worse than neutral, and taught Hardin Warding Breath. Second is the free neutral one. What to do with the third? Merge for a quick boost of SP and stats? Give LA!Lyn Warding Breath so she can better tank mages and dragons? Oops, forgot about Breath skills being restricted to melee. Give Zelgius Warding Breath to patch up his -Res and speed up his Black Luna?
  25. And so this marks the first time I wield Double Dancer Lynhardt (thanks to finally getting PA!Olivia off the legendary banner). I'm applying that to the Lunatic Infantry quest with S!Gaius and Micaiah. If only I had a Brave Bow+ for him.
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