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Everything posted by Chrom-ulent

  1. I figured this was the perfect opportunity to commit to unlinking my account, only using iTunes cards to make spending require a trip. I'm retraining my brain pretty well and I think I can continue as a moderate spender. Final session with my card linked gave me another merge for Mia, she's at +2. First orbs bought with an iTunes card gave me PA!Olivia (+HP -Spd is about as close to non-ideal, but at least HP is a super boon) and Jaffar (+Res -Def is slightly worse than neutral, but always better than my previous -Atk) Took on some Chain Challenges for more orbs, ended up adding a merge to Gunnthra.
  2. Name: Chrom-ulent ID: 3952954059 Full...(Maybe if there was a rivals list, then I could use the friends list for its intended purpose.) Leader: Usually Nanna +10 with Candlelight. Voting Gauntlet History: Shadow in the Mirror: Fallen Celica Bunny Battle Ballot: Sharena -> Alfonse -> Lucina Heroes and Legends: Gunnthra Fated Battles: Sigurd -> Hardin The Chosen Ones: Lucina -> Lyn -> Veronica Fathers and Daughters: Lilina Clashing Thunderers: Linde Nifl vs. Muspell: Laegjarn -> Hrid -> Ylgr New Year's Showdown: Gunnthra (My alt always votes against my main. It seems it's the next Luigi, the way it wins by doing absolutely nothing.)
  3. Team Fjorm: I'm doubling down on Infantry Pulse with Marisa and Dorcas. NY!Corrin is the fourth member at the moment because I ran out of water blessings. Team Gunnthra: Currently Sigurd / L'Arachel / Titania. Reinhardt will be taking L'Arachel's place soon. Team L!Ike: Moving L'Arachel here because her Res Tactic is much more appreciated here. Cordelia or Minerva will be going here, and the fourth slot is open. Team L!Ephraim: I threw a fire blessing onto Chrom to help with grinding SP, because L!Ike is already a sword user, and because L!Ephraim has terrible resistance (dragon damage hurts). LA!Hector and LA!Lyn round the Fire team out, partly because Team L!Ike already has a blue mage.
  4. (Previous question answered by myself. I am sick of being eaten by dragons. Chrom +Atk -Res with his Falchion should help me.) Any ideas on who would be a good Galeforce user on an infantry team? I have a spare Cordelia, and I'm considering dual Infantry Pulse on the Water-blessed team - Marisa and Dorcas. Having both means they stack, right? Then Fjorm provides the blessing's bonus. The Galeforce melee infantry would be the fourth unit.
  5. Absolutely brutal. 380 orbs gets me the following 5-stars: +HP -Def L!Ike -> Warding Breath for Hardin, I'm using the free neutral one instead. +Spd -Atk Jaffar -> hits like a wet noodle, L&D fodder at best. Worse because I also got two 4-star Sothes, who also provide L&D3. +Spd -Def Dorcas -> garbage IVs but Infantry Pulse means I can merge instead of foddering the second Marisa. Holding out for +HP -Res Bartre to stick Infantry Pulse on, we know how common Bartre is and he has one of the highest HP stats among infantry units. Alternatively, NY!Corrin, Oliver, Lyon, and L!Ike would all appreciate his QR3. +Atk -HP S!Leo -> might be a worthy stand-in for Arvis while I save up the next 20k feathers. For one, with these IVs, he has 1 more HP/Atk/Res (though 4 fewer Spd and 1 less Def), and learns Atk Ploy 3, while Arvis only has Atk Ploy 2 built into Valflame. One of those full summons was 3-star garbage that all went home. Will re-examine my finances, buy a second round before this ends, and sit March out like I did with January for the most part.
  6. Good thing I broke my pity on Fallen Heroes. I think I will whale on this one, unlike the last legendary banner. Not one loser in the bunch. Red: L!Ike: Best case, merging the free one we'll get soon into this one. Worst case, Hardin yoinks his Warding Breath. Mia: Worth upgrading from / merging into neutral. S!Leo: I already have a perfectly good magic tank in Micaiah. Huge resistance and Atk Ploy are I guess the reason to use him? Blue: L!Ephraim: Will whale for him. S!Corrin: A flying mage is always good. Shiro: He gave me trouble in Tempest Trials, might as well see how he handles when I use him. Green: Gunnthra: Could always use a merge or two. She's falling behind some of my other cavalry units. B!Ike: Could always use a merge or two. Couldn't get him on Hero Fest. Dorcas: Found out that multiple Infantry Pulse users stack. Might give me a reason to invest in infantry again. Colorless: PA!Olivia: Finally, a second distinct dancer! If I pull and train her in time, I might have a chance at Takumi Infernal. Jaffar: Eh, he'll give me a reason to 5-star Lloyd and Ursula when I have better sword infantry and blue magic cavalry respectively - a theme team. S!Gaius: Giving him a chance only because Pheonixmaster1 did that video with him taking on F!Robin Infernal.
  7. Just pulled a second Hardin, IVs less than ideal. Should I merge him into my +Def -Spd Hardin, or give Bold Fighter to LA!Eliwood?
  8. My highest merge is V!Hector, at +4. Phenomenal luck that I don't think I will ever experience again, and which led me to spend more because I kept getting extra copies. Settled on +HP -Spd over +Atk -Def. If I had known Nephenee was the only source of Wrath to be able to do a double Wrath set... Among regularly available units, Brave Lyn is at +3 (the recent Hero Fest was Colorless Heaven), and L'Arachel, Sothe, and Genny are all at +2. Sothe made me use up feathers to upgrade a 4-star copy because that had better IVs.
  9. My highest merge is V!Hector, at +4. Phenomenal luck that I don't think I will ever experience again, and which led me to spend more because I kept getting extra copies. Settled on +HP -Spd over +Atk -Def. If I had known Nephenee was the only source of Wrath to be able to do a double Wrath set... Among regularly available units, Brave Lyn is at +3 (the recent Hero Fest was Colorless Heaven), and L'Arachel, Sothe, and Genny are all at +2. Sothe made me use up feathers to upgrade a 4-star copy because that had better IVs.
  10. About 120 orbs into the Fell Banner. Highlights: Neutral Celica +Def -HP Grima +Def -Spd Hardin Pitybreaker Sheena Three Abels - Swordbreaker goes to the Askr kids and waiting for Firesweep Lance+ fodder for Cordelia.
  11. 3x L!Ike, 1x W!Tharja. I've got some Earth Blessings waiting for L!Ike. Today's vote would have been W!Tharja if I didn't pull LA!Lyn.
  12. Just pulled a 5-star Cordelia. Should she give her Brave Lance+ to 4*+4 Effie, the upcoming Valentine's Eliwood, or wait to merge with my other Cordelia once I feather her?
  13. Hmm, I don’t have a Firesweep Lance+ user to spare. This has me leaning towards Valter.
  14. She's +Spd -Res. I assume that would give me a 4x build for her Brave Lance?
  15. A little summoning and a little cleanup for feathers. Is Brave Lyn hurt too badly by being +Atk -Spd? I decided to merge my +Atk -Def Myrrh into the +Spd -Res one. With this, I have a spot for a lance on my flying team, NY!Camilla and Minerva on sword and axe respectively. I could spend my feathers and put Cordelia or Valter in. Or should I stick to feathering one of the Askr Trio?
  16. Yep, I'm mostly looking to play with my favorites. If nothing else, it will keep my spending on this game down to reasonable levels as I'm not chasing the metagame's top units. And because my Horse Emblem is about playing with my favorites, L'Arachel is my fourth unit - or rather, third. I considered Brave Lyn because she's on the upcoming Hero Fest banner too. And I just pulled a +Atk -Def Gunnthrá. Should I still consider Titania on the team?
  17. And with the news of Sigurd being on the banner, I'm this much closer to my dream Horse Emblem team. Titania will be getting the Distant Counter - or should I save it for Sigurd, or give up my foolish dreams of Horse Emblem and give it to Brave Ike with a good nature? (since I chose him at the start, mine's neutral) But back to my foolish Horse Emblem dreams, can't go wrong with Brave Lyn in the fourth slot (who is also on the banner), right?
  18. And I just got a -Atk Hector to provide Distant Counter. Who should get it, Anna or Titania? Just found my Titania is neutral nature. I also see someone mentioned giving Distant Counter to their Brave Ike. (Sorry to cross-post, since it got lost in the skill thread).
  19. I got a -Atk Hector, and want to put Distant Counter on either Titania or Anna. Both are neutral nature, Anna can only be neutral anyway.
  20. Decided to try one last time on the New Year's Banner to get either Azura or Takumi. Did get Hector...-Atk. Distant Counter is one of the most coveted skills, though.
  21. +Atk -Spd is the ideal choice for Reinhardt, is it? So he'd be next in line? Rounding out my green units, my two Myrrhs: +Atk -Def and +Spd -Res. Less than ideal, which to use? I"m no stranger to bad natures. I'm stuck with +Spd -Atk on my Sothe, but the other one I pulled had -Spd, which is probably worse.
  22. I didn't have Nino yet, bu justt got one +Atk -HP at 3 stars. Another 2,000 feathers down. So it's safe to say she should be a higher priority than Anna? It's not like my Merric is -Atk. He's perfectly usable in the meantime.
  23. I do have Cecilia in my pile of 4-stars, she's +Spd -Res. As for my current green 5-stars: Brave Ike (chose at the start, so neutral) Minerva +(can't remember if Spd or Atk) -HP (good enough, Life and Death ensures she's pretty much a glass cannon) Titania (can't remember, but it must have been decent if I merged my 4*+2 into her) Merric +HP -Def Sheena +Res -Atk (ouch) Side note: Love the FEH style Bridal Titania in your sig.
  24. Planning ahead for my next 4-to-5 potential unlocking. I used my first 20k feathers to get me a +1 NY!Corrin (raising the 4-star one to a 5 to merge with the 5 earned later). I was originally going to unlock Oliver or Reinhardt's potential next, but I whaled for L'Arachel because I like her. I'm low on green units, so would I be better off raising Anna to 5 stars?
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