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Everything posted by LuxSpes

  1. Pretty sure Gengar can learn Sludge Wave through TM this gen, so it's not as hard to have one.
  2. Why I really like the concept, it relies on one important factor: That the kids who received the game Wonder Trade. If not, we'll just have a bunch of people trading cool pokémons between them. [spoiler=Assuming no one tries to abuse it]
  3. From what I've read, it's supposedly a visual glitch related to the GTS(I think). But I wouldn't be against GF adding new colored variant of pokemons, especially since Shinies are so more 'common' this gen thanks to the augmented encounter rate and Instacheck.
  4. I'm pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that even though they are named Dark types, they're meant to represent dirty fighters, hence why bite, faint attack, fake tears, foul play, etc. are dark moves. In that sense, like others mentioned, Fighting is the anti-thesis of Dark, hence why the absence of a Light type.
  5. Does it have good IVs at least? My first shiny this gen was a Modest Geodude with crappy IVs. I still like him, but he's nowhere near as useful as my shiny Careful superior Aggron(this one was non-masuda bred, though, not a wild encounter)
  6. The time table would be a good thing. I just think the timing for the tournament is bad due to the finals. (and personally, I have to deal with a project that has an unpredictable schedule. I thought I would be free all week except for monday, but I had to school related work everyday)
  7. Good luck making Naga help you defeat Grima after you made her or her Voice cry >_>
  8. Because you don't want to screw with the voice of the Goddess maybe?
  9. I joined this Site after getting FE13, but I had already played FE9, FE10 and FE11 before. My brother was an Ambassador and has FE8 on his 3DS, so I'm planning to try it out (when I finish the pile of games I still have to play!)
  10. INFJ Introvert(89%) iNtuitive(12%) Feeling(38%) Judging(1%) You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (89%) You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%) You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%) You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)
  11. Here, have a look at my wasted time and terrible photo editing skills [spoiler=Why did I do this?]
  12. Yeah, though I'm wondering if whether the characters being trainers a la pokemon conquest or the character literally battling eachother(Pretty sure it would be the first option since even though a swordmaster attacking an enemy soldier while his aegislash beats the enemy's Ferrothorn would be nice, I don't think Nintendo would put actual human vs human battle resulting in death in a game associated with the pokemon brand...)
  13. I personally don't have any as to how a FE x Zelda game could work since even if they have similar settings, they are totally different on the gameplay level, with one being a strategy RPG and the other an action-adventure game with a focus on solving puzzles in dungeons as well as collecting equipment. Sure, you could make a Zelda themed FE game, but it wouldn't feel like a real crossover to me. On the other hand, Pokemon Conquest has already shown that an strategy game can work with pokemon, due to the fact that pokemon is an RPG itself. So a FE games where trainers actually fight other humans paired-up with a pokemon that fight the enemy's pokemon or giving typing to trainers(an extension of affinity) could work very well IMO. Imagine a Fire Sage with a Braixen battling a General with Escavalier or a mymidon fighting alongside a Honedge that grow together until they are accomplished as Trublade and Aegislash. Pokemon Conquest was pretty good, but I think the concept could be really expended upon thanks to the richness of mechaninc FE has.
  14. I was pointing it out because I only learned that detail recently myself(as in yesterday XP)
  15. I never heard or seen anything like that. The only chapter where your units are fighting themselves is Paralogue 22. Could you post your difficulty level and maybe a screenshot of the phenomenon happening?
  16. I kinda like bronzong since I used it in my first serious double team(trick room team) in PBR and he was quite good. I guess I can see that. Yes, the gen 5 Bugs were good, but overall, GF seems to completely forget them.
  17. You'll have to explain to me how bugs were awesome last gen. And ice definitely needs some love. And while the nerf to steel's defenses is great I'm butthurt cause it gave Metagross and Bronzong 2 more weaknesses (I still don't get how someone thought it was a good idea to create Mega Scizor. He's definitely not a pokemon that needed a Mega boost IMO. Same can be said for some other Megas)
  18. Oh my god, how tired was I yesterday. I meant axe. BK gets access to Sword and Lances, obviously. Getting so mixed-up with my thought is pretty encouraging considering finals are starting next week
  19. Another thing I miss from radiant dawn is the double magic triangle.(Now I want to play RD again)
  20. They might get more frequent, since the critical capture rate augments as you catch more pokémons.
  21. Gamecube and DS, with Wii and 3DS close behind them. Even though I've liked a lot of Wii Games, the Gamecube had Metroid Prime, Wind Waker and so much other games that I grew to love. The DS also had some pretty good gamess(TWEWY was sooo good and I liked the variety of pokemon games that came out on it).
  22. Like I said, I personally don't think it would be a good reason either. What I find funny is that the types that got changed this gen was usually in a balanced way. Steel loss resistance to dark and ghost, but gained resistance to fairy and SE against them. Similarly, Dark is now neutral against Steel, but weak against fairies and resisted by them. Other types, like grass, gained the nifty ability to being immune to spore and its variant. Only bug got added another non-effective match-up with no compensation. Despite some top tier pokemon being bugs, it's all due to their abilities, moveset, stats and/or secondary typing. In short, they're good pokemon despite being bug
  23. The only reason why I could see them making fairy resistant to Bug is because of U-turn. (But I don't think the prevalence of one move is enough to nerf an already pathetic type)
  24. Derp(I'll blame this on how tired I am) I was reading the Lance Marshall stats while assuming that Lances were Swords and vice-versa(I was wondering too since the Black Knight is basically a super-powered Sword Marshall and he gets access to Lances, but not swords
  25. Pretty sure it's french: Garde(A guard) or Garder (to guard) and Devoir(duty) or Voir(to see)
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