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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Are you people actually justifying elitism Elitist people are awful. They act like everything new is bad. For instance, people destroying the newer Fire Emblems for minute reasons. Although, I can't even fathom why anyone would prefer Melee. The gameplay is overwhelmingly heavy and quick. It's like Marvel vs. Capcom level of chaotic. Wavedashing ruined the meta game and should never return. Anything that looks like that is obviously a glitch or exploit. Whether Sakurai left it in or not doesn't matter. From what we know of Melee's development, it was rushed in the first place. The stages are completely boring. You have stuff like Temple and there's no variety. Nothing stands out aside from Onett and Fourside and even they are inferior Mother stages to Magicant. There's like no characters. The game needs more anything character related. The only reason for me to ever go back is Pichu. Brawl has Subspace and Pokemon Trainer. The game has a complete content void. The game has 26 boring characters. All my favorites were introduced in this game and Brawl. In fact, I've loved every newcomer this game has presented from Villager to Cloud. Even stuff like Wii Fit Trainer and Miis are cool. I actually question why anyone would even oppose them. Oh wait, "hardcore" people are mad that series like Wii Fit, Duck Hunt, and Animal Crossing get characters over their precious titles. I got Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy, and Xenoblade, some of my favorite series ever, from this game alone. The only thing this game lacks is more Kirby characters. Kirby needs to be all consuming also lol donkey kong
  2. I don't even know how to feel with this. The Democratic candidates seem all over the place. The massive difference between Clinton and Sanders makes both of them seem to have a split in supports. I'm honestly kind of fine with either for different reasons. Clinton has a strong foreign policy and Sanders seems to not be the type to let religion control the country. The GOP candidates like Carson are all slightly ridiculous. Whether it be their policy on topics like religion, gay marriage, or abortion or closing Mexican borders makes them seem to be an overall bad choice. Ironically, Trump seems to be the closest to anything decent, but his immigration ideas are absurd.
  3. lol Pretty sure that Melee elitists and FE elitists exist. Those who lambaste Awakening and Fates for petty things and those who hate everything that's not Melee are complete elitists. fe elitists are the absolute worst though I mean, blah blah the series is different and slightly more fanservicy but who even cares. I'm going to continue playing them whether people want to cry death of the franchise or not.
  4. I feel like all the Omnislash complaints would disappear if Cloud stayed on the ground or something. Don't really understand why people are even upset about it anyway. Need I remind anyone about the number of beam/Mario Finale type Final Smashes? although instead of just omnislash what if cloud was like ryu and he used knights of the round at a distance that'd be great
  5. but is it though I've not seen a single official media that calls him Thomas the Train. Even his first two Railway Series focus books are called Thomas the Tank Engine and More About Thomas the Tank Engine.
  6. I agree for the most part, but I fail to see how amiibo Festival is shovelware. It's a simple party game whether people like it or not. It has a lot of modes and the quiz is extensive. The characters have like 6 different outfits each. The writing and charm are still there. Whether it strikes your fancy or not, it really isn't "shovelware" at all. At least look at Mario Tennis Ultra Rushed for that, even though I love Sprixie Princess, I also will wait until some sort of update comes with Shy Guy, Birdo, Paratroopa, hopefully Nabbit, Tournament Mode, Ring Shot, or some combination of the six.
  7. for starters, as a massive railway series and television series fan, it's thomas the tank engine Seriously. Nothing upsets me more than someone saying Thomas the Train when Thomas the Tank Engine is the correct name. Especial because the train is the entire package of an engine, some trucks/coaches/other, and a breakvan. To say Thomas the Train, whether as Hype Train or not implies that one engine is an entire train. Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Sakurai said he fulfilled a difficult request. I feel like the focus here is more on difficult and less on request. I guarantee he was referring to the difficult legal process and not anything else. Didn't he once say Snake was cut for "adult matters?" I assume that he refers to legal matters like this. As such, I highly doubt Cloud is the ballot choice per say for this reason.
  8. Whether some people want to whine incessantly about third party characters, I want even more. Some people want gutter trash like K. Rool or Wolf, so I think it's fair. Ryu and Cloud were Earth-shattering and super hype. I just love them. While I like say Chibi-Robo or Bandana Dee, I also acknowledge that Inklings would work, even if I don't care about Splatoon. In my perfect December direct, if there are only 3 more characters, there would be Magolor with his Another Dimension stage and then songs like CROWNED and Moonstruck Blossom. I also like Bandana Dee, but people would likely react better to Magolor. In a perfect world, Kirby would have like 5 characters though but alas. Then my second would be Elma from Xenoblade X with a New Los Angeles stage and some hype music. I'd imagine stuff like NLA-Day, Primordia-Day, THEMEX, MONOX, Uncontrollable, Black Tar, Don't Worry, and The Key We've Lost. Oh, I could gush about X's music for days. As for a third party character to be as hype as Cloud, I think our candidates are: Phoenix Wright Professor Layton Jibanyan Banjo & Kazooie Yu Narukami Teddie and as weird as it sounds, I think Hatsune Miku is perfectly eligible. So I guess my perfect December direct would be Magolor/Bandana Dee, Elma, and one of said third party characters. I don't think that more Nintendo newcomers are bad, but I also feel that there's no way that Cloud can be topped without another Third Party. If there's no Hatsune Miku or Banjo & Kazooie level reveal, I definitely feel like they blew their Cloud too early. If it's any combination of K. Rool/Wolf/Inkling, it'll be completely unhype, but I won't whine and complain about it.
  9. I hope the December characters are just as lovely as Cloud was to me. Hoping for Bandana Dee/Magolor and then maybe Inklings or Shovel Knight or something. I'm probably even going to main Cloud with Shulk and Villager. I've also been experimenting with Olimar and Wii Fit Trainer. But on another note, Sakurai kind of owes me a Kirby character thanks to the sorry state of this series' Kirby stages. I mean, Great Cave Offensive in 2014 instead of Halcandra or something? I mean, Dream Land GB in 2014 instead of Eternal Dreamland or something? The music was also really old until The World to Win, but please let CROWNED and Moonstruck Blossom be in the game.
  10. I love love love love love Cloud. I've never played FFVII particularly, and I have no true attachment to Cloud himself, but: 1. He wasn't K. Rool, Inkling, or Wolf. Thank God for that. They would have been total hype killers. 2. Any Final Fantasy stuff is good Final Fantasy stuff. I mean, Midgar with the summons? A Chocobo costume? HYPE 3. He was a total surprise. I love surprises. I was actually sort of sad that Ryu and Roy leaked. I still love them, but imagine the reactions. 4. I main Shulk, and he looks super fun to play as well. Sure, Terra or Cecil would have been perfect, but I'll take Cloud. Just imagine, it could have been Lightning.
  11. I don't really see how this would have been feasible though. Considering how many characters that would be involved, it couldn't be a JRPG with all the characters. A SRPG would have been wrong too because every MC and Lord would be have to be unable to be killed with permadeath. I think that this format works pretty well, but I also think a Fire Emblem gameplay system with SMT styled characters, settings, and world could have worked too. They'd just need a lot more characters.
  12. I played the game a ton this morning, and I just unlocked the Tingle Tights and the Fortress, as I had trouble with even the regular Hinox Mine. It's definitely fun, but I'd love to have all sorts of costumes.
  13. You're literally complaining about the same character like 3 or so times. She's barely skimpy whatsoever. You don't see Maiko, Mamori, or Eleanora dressing like Tsubasa, do you? It's like saying that Fates is suddenly awful because Camilla exists and I can now complain about her 3 different ways.Because Tsubasa indeed is both the winged and blue-haired one. EDIT: Also lol are you really complaining that A. She has a swimsuit which the males have too, and it's just a preorder bonus. B. She's wearing a backless top. Women wear that all the time. Few dresses cover the back all the way nowadays anyway. And it's not just you. A ton of FE fans are brushing this off because it it's too "sexualised" or something which if you actually paid attention people no one would think this. It's ironic because the battle system looks so great and people are bugged by harmless things, just like Fates. It's not like this is Bayonetta or something. EDIT 2: Oh, I just saw the first pick. You mean Aversa. Either way, it's Aversa. Kind of to be expected, just like Cervantes' comically large moustache in this game.
  14. Sure. I'll have to go make a NU team though.
  15. Have it; it's amazing. FC: 1478-4660-8057 Anyone who wants can add me. Obviously with maintenance at the moment it won't work and I'd like to play Suikoden V tonight so meh.
  16. They already have. Spinner - Hyrule Warriors FE Characters - Codename STEAM amiibo party - Mario Party 10 Extra Challenges - Splatoon The entirety of amiibo Festival Yeah, they have. This would just help justify it.
  17. I mean, there's so many amiibo already that it'd be remiss to not make a game like this. amiibo do many things for the most part now and have already raked in big bucks, so where's the Disney Infinity equivalent? I mean, you wouldn't even need to make as many; just use the Smash Bros, Mario, Shovel Knight, Chibi-Robo, Woolly World and Animal Crossing series. Not only would it be better for the consumer because of all the different uses that Skylanders or Disney Infinity figures don't have, they'd still have the miscellaneous uses. They could even make it in Nintendo Land's style with Monita as the NPC host or whatever. Maybe have the game come with a Mii amiibo or a Mario series Mario. If games like Pikmin 4 got amiibo sets, then you could even use them. Nintendo could simply create 1 or more amiibo for each game (Pikmin likely needing Olimar, Brittany, Charlie, Louie, and Alph) and then it'd be easy. You could even use different series for the same character. You could have Smah Olimar and Pikmin Olimar do the same thing; make the same character. For current amiibo, the only game series that could use amiibo for this that don't have them are Kirby and Zelda to cover Bandana Dee, Magolor, Lana, Skull Kid, Tetra, Midna, and Young Link or so. Imagine: All however many Smash characters All however many Animal Crossing characters Chibi-Robo Shovel Knight Yarn Yoshi Hyrule Warriors maybe And any future amiibo. You wouldn't even need to make a new game every year, just patch the current one. I mean, people are buying these amiibo anyway. As for genre, I dunno what it would be, but hopefully Pac-Man, Mega Man, Ryu, Sonic, the Pokemon (because lol the Pokemon Company and Woolly World), and Shovel Knight would be usable. Your thoughts?
  18. I doubt it highly. Some characters did look slightly off on that CSS, and the notion that we'd get 6 whole more DLC fighters is a major longshot. I do expect 3 or 4 AT MOST. (so it'll be squirtle, ivysaur, bandana dee, and dixie kong please sakurai)
  19. This game looks more hype the more I see. If I had say, the only characters I'd kick off the roster would firstly Zangief and Birdie because Mika's a full grappler and Laura's a semi-grappler, so we don't need another full grappler and semi-grappler, and Nash because I don't care for him that much. I'd replace them with Guile C. Viper Dhalsim and then make the last old character Sakura and the last new character Zen since we already know about him. Of course, this would make Mika and Karin the only classics, but *shrug*
  20. I definitely get what you're saying. Obviously villains should have some reason to care about them. I think what I'm thinking over is along the lines of Suikoden's Luca Blight. That's my favorite way ever to do an antagonist. Everyone being the same would be boring though. I mean, Lyon's pretty cool. EDIT: Also, to the above post, Luca Blight is pretty much exactly that. No real life rulers required. Unless of course you think Luca was bad at which case lol although I'll continue by taking offense to TC's lack of tactCalling Ganz and Iago "cartoon villains" is terribly grating. Whenever people consider animation inferior is when I get mad. I mean, animation has come really far from Dick Dastardly and other Hanna-Barbera villains. It's asinine to typecast all animated villains like that. Would you call Bill Cipher, Jasper/Peridot, Plankton, or the Ice King "cartoon villains?" How about flat villains for Iago and Ganz? Cartoon villains makes you sound like the last cartoon you watched was in the 70s.
  21. Certainly this. With games like Awakening, Shadow Dragon, Xenoblade X, and Mario Power Tennis under their localization belt, 8-4 is certainly highly competent. Their translations have all been top notch. The catch is, they tend to change names. A lot. That's not inherently a bad thing. Stuff like Xenoblade's Guin to Gwin or Lyn to Lin is pretty minor, but still changes. I don't really have attachment to the Japanese names, so no problem here. As for Harold/Arthur, I do admit that Harold is probably better, but Arthur is probably from King Arthur so I don't have a real problem. also harold is a helicopter so there's that
  22. I don't care if villains have some overly thought out story. I really dislike the trend that villains need to be tragic that the video game industry has. In the end, there's nothing better than a good old fashioned sociopath who's entire motive is that they don't feel a thing. People like Trabant are actually kind of boring. However, that doesn't mean these villains were done the best. They all certainly had some problems, but I still love Gangrel at least. As for FE villains, I still think Ashnard is on top.
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