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Everything posted by Shahrivar

  1. She's fine of course, but some adcs become better and outdo her late (Kog, Tris)
  2. ADC actually is one of the harder roles. mid/top/support are way easier imo.
  3. Sadly the early ones are quite expensive and he doesn't live in the same city anymore. But when he visits his hometown, it's Pokemon time.
  4. I'm 24 and I frequently watch Pokemon movies with a childhood friend.
  5. I don't care about most pre-order bonuses (I'm not sure if boni is correct. At least in German it isn't as there is no noun "bonus" in the Latin language. That's the reason why you use the plural form of the adopting language, in that case German), but I preorder stuff, if I want it at the first day. For example FF XIV Realm Reborn or the Wind Waker Wii U bundle. There are no books to preorder though, most stuff I (have to) read is quite old (Philosophy).
  6. Probably thieves/assassins/swashbuckler. I like mages, too, but most of the time I end as a rogue ( in WoW for example, but in BG II I always went for Assassin, Swashbuckler or Sorcerer). Unlike Makaze I dislike hybrids, I prefer "pure" classes.
  7. Hard one. It's tied between "I'll make a man out of you" and "Savages" from Pocahontas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udH7ZksCg5k http://www.myvideo.de/watch/4038887/Pocahontas_Wilde_Sinds_Final_Battle I actually prefer the German version, but the English one isn't bad at all. [spoiler=english version]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiWocwb8bIQ
  8. Nothing is as frustrating as the "matchmaking" at D1.
  9. It depends - do you want a great and incredible strong champion or just a decent one? >_>
  10. - Galilei Donna - Kyoukai no Kanata - Monogatari Series Second Season - Outbreak Company - Unbreakable Machine-Doll (best ED ever) - Yuushibu (I don't really like it but Fino is adorable) I still have to check White Album 2 and Tokyo Ravens. I think I'll drop Walkure Romanze as they go for Mio route. It was the worst route in the VN. Even if you ignore Mio cutting her hair.
  11. Open? 50-60. I guess I use.. about half of them?
  12. My opinion might be extreme,but I think Nasus is one of the worse top lanes. His early game is bad, many top lanes have stronger late than him and it isn't hard to kite him. Malphite is stronger late, Renekton has stronger early and mid - imo Nasus just gets outclassed. Jungle is a better position, his ganks are braindead and safe.
  13. Everyone is biased. Problem is, mid and jungle can support all lanes aswell as the jungle. That's why they have the most "carry power" imo. Top and adc are fine, but they're limited. At least adc does the lategame.
  14. Ghost > Dark = Ice > Electric > Dragon > Psychic > Flying > Fire > Bug > Poison >Steel > Rock > Fighting > Ground > Grass > Normal > Water Something like that. Sadly I don't like many Ice and Electric Pokemon, but I do like the types.
  15. Do as you please. I don't like it particularly, but who cares >_> And I mainly play mid and adc. Rageblade Sivir strong.
  16. It's still just a fun build. TF or Gauntlet are a must, then you either go classcannon with IE, GA etc or tanky. Don't do ap gp in ranked unless your troll jungle deserves it 8(
  17. I hate ranked. Won as Youmuu + Sword of the Occult + Rageblade Sivir, but lost as Kayle or LB mid. Nothing but your troll powerlevel matters in ranked. [spoiler=best gp] [spoiler= bestgpscore]
  18. Philosophers are searching for the truth, of course they doubt reality. There is a difference between theory and practice, in practice I expect the chair to exist and carry my weight. But I don't have any prove for it's existence or my body's- I don't know if I count towards your "normal people", but I'm studying philosophy,
  19. Just saw the Challenger icon on surrender@20. I hardly played ranked at all in the last months because I expected no Challenger reward (after all the system is stupid as well). Gosh, I'm so angry - one tier to go, I doubt it's doable.
  20. I wasn't serious, Proto just compares Isaac and Miria to those two.
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