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Everything posted by Shahrivar

  1. Still warm/hot days. Not as annoying as summer, but not as awesome as winter.
  2. Chrom 50 Stahl 41 Sully 3 Cordelia 36 Lissa 17 Miriel 25 Lon'qu 50 Maribelle 30 Anna 50 Henry 49 Libra 31 Panne 16 Say'ri 30 Tiki 39 Basillio 26 Flavia 29 Priam 28 Emmeryn 30
  3. Favorite: Assassin. I love Bow + Swords, fragile class with high speed is another plus. Pass as a skill is another favorite. Least favorite: Great Knight. I don't like mounted knights.
  4. Watching Baccano! at the moment. It's confusing but Nightmare and Specta are the protagonists.
  5. Yeah, never tried contact lenses.
  6. Chrom: 119 Marth: 169 Alm: 54 Celica: 68 Seliph: 67 Lyn/Lyndis: 101 Eliwood: 68 Hector: 104 Ike: 180 Lucina: 120 Eirika: 110 Ephraim: 121
  7. I see many differences. The area wasn't too big (smaller than Isle of Thunder), the gold income was great (the gold gained from daily quests did hardly increase at all in 3 addons) and BC's PvP actually was great. Isle of Thunder was okay, but the 5.0 MoP daily quests were/are an insolence. Cloud Serpent , Tillers, Anglers, Golden Lotus, Klaxxi, Shadopan and August Celestials, you could do dailies for half a day.
  8. Idoun's of course. Best FE boss theme - IMO the most impressing (not the hardest) boss aswell.
  9. I, Not at the moment, last girlfriend narrowed me down and I need a lot of freedom, I get quickly annoyed by other people. II. Independence, reliability I guess. III. No idea.
  10. Chrom: 114 Marth: 167 Alm: 64 Celica: 74 Seliph: 77 Lyn/Lyndis: 102 Eliwood: 71 Hector: 100 Ike: 180 Lucina: 115 Eirika: 110 Ephraim: 127
  11. Just my impression, but Sony and Microsoft fans seem to be far louder than any Nintendo fan. After selling my soul this week, I own at least one device from each of these companies - goodbye sweet Microsoft fanboyism.
  12. Two, a younger half-sister (rarely contact, like once every 2 years) and a (also younger) half-brother (never saw him, no idea if he even is alive).
  13. Hard choice. I'll just post two, can't decide.
  14. Always physical, I just don't like digital copies.
  15. As Rogue - no changes in 5.0, becoming freaking underpowered. Buffs in 5.1 and 5.2, becoming OP (noone wanted that either), some nerfs in 5.3 and buffs again in 5.4. Neither me nor my Rogue classmates (they're still playing) understand what Blizzard is thinking. It's not like any of you have to agree. But if I have to pay monthly fees, I want to have access to all of the content. I didn't buy a mount in the shop, too, still I wanted a bat for years.
  16. Monthly fees and shop items are the problem. Not to forget, most ingame mounts are recolors anyway. Who cares about 10 serpent recolors if the only bat mount is available at the shop? Blizzard got greedy, no game should require a monthly fee and still withheld items/mounts/pets/whatever from it's customer. Just my opinion, I don't like WoW's business model since WotLK. It's not my only reason to dislike WoW, in addition the ilvl is out of control with 5 (or even more?) different gearlevels per tier, balancing in MoP was bullshit and 8 years of the same character models and abilities becomes annoying. It's fine if you disagree or this things don't bother you - but imo they're bothersome. I don't hate MoP. I think that it's not as great as TBC but at least it isn't bad like Cataclysm. Too many dailyquests though, too much reputation grinding. And bad balancing.
  17. Fortunately I spent two weeks in Munich after the early access weekend - so I didn't experience the bad start. Overall the game is a pleasant surprise, good visuals and interesting gameplay (at least for the classes I play, 50 Dragoon, 37 Whitemage, rest ~ 20). I didn't play Guild Wars, so the Fate system was refreshing aswell. I enjoy(ed?) leveling a lot thanks to the hunting log and fates. My only concern: Melee gameplay seems to be unnecessarily complicated (having to use attacks from the flank or back) compared to ranged. It's not impossible or extremely challenging, but a boss can screw your combo by turning in a bad moment. Hopefully I'm wrong or melees get rewarded in some way - just got to 50, it's not like I can evaluate the situation.
  18. I stopped playing WoW at 5.2 - Rogue balance went rollercoaster, my guild went derp and 8 years of WoW ( 2 half a year breaks at the start of TBC and WotLK) were a long time. IMO TBC was the best addon, followed by WotLK - MoP is still better than Cata, but (after all this years) I'm done. Edit: In addition: Screw the shop. Monthly fees + most of the new (and special) mounts for real money is expecting too much.
  19. World of Warcraft, LoL probably doesn't even come close. Edit: You guys with your 100-300 hours. I have more days played in WoW - sad.
  20. Support GP got harass, support abilities, global presence and survivalbility and is considered a trollpick (at least here at diamond). Not saying that she's totally useless, but even better support champs are considered trollpicks. There are obviously worse supports than Sejuani (Garen, Katarina and Mordekaiser for example), but still she's not good at it. She's far away from being one of the top 20 best support champs (and rarely someone else gets picked).
  21. Pretty bad. All abilities but her ultimate force her to melee combat, she's rather squishy compared to other melee supports (Alistair ult + heal, Taric heal + aura). In addition these work better with few items than she does. Surely you can give it a try, but I think it's bad - she has no poke or supportish abilities, not a great choice imo.
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