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Everything posted by Shahrivar

  1. Noone ever told me so at my rating (diamond), but at least noone complains about Victor picks either. Unlike Heimer, Sion etc. As I said, I think he's quite fine. Good damage, not so great utility, meh to okayish cc and fine range.
  2. I do agree - actually I didn't use Dratini because Dragonite looks so dumb (no offense), although Dragonair is awesome. I like the idea of a winged serpent, the examples 1 and 3 look great. Another one: I don't like Haunter -> Gengar. I do like both Pokemon but the evolution just doesn't make sense to me. @ Silver Lightning: Get thee hence, Satan! Because of your signature I begin to doubt my decision to preorder Y.
  3. He's a fine champion. Not op but still viable imho. His abilities feel a bit clunky but his damage and laning is great.
  4. No Vega/Balrog? I thought he was pretty popular. Not the same level as Ryu, M.Bison/Vega and Guile, but still up there.
  5. Well, most people in the chat went for "Golden Sun"-avatars and I was a follower. And Karst is one of the most awesome characters in GS.
  6. All queues. The skins so far: s1: 1 skin for 10 games in the season, 1 skin for gold and plat s2: 1 skin for gold and above So you should target gold if you want a skin, I don't expect a second one this time.
  7. It's not just that - if you think the american subs are bad, try the german Naruto ones.
  8. Let's give it a try. Should have checked earlier and.. avoided posting. Mustafa.
  9. SNES: A Link to the Past Nintendo 64: Majora's Mask Nintendo Gamecube: Metroid Prime (F-Zero GX and SSBM are close though) Nintendo Wii: SSBB Gameboy/Gameboy Color: Metroid 2 Gameboy Advance: Fire Emblem (Rekka no Ken) Nintendo DS/3DS: Fire Emblem Awakening Sega Dreamcast: Soul Calibur Xbox: Ninja Gaiden Xbox 360: Skyrim (I'd choose Dark Souls but I've played the PC Version) PC: Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn
  10. Too slow - "Japanese" it is then Eh, sorry - double post. Meh.
  11. Opera - Mouse gestures, it's fast and my Firefox didn't like youtube.
  12. Still his range makes him superior to some bruisers. I wouldn't pick him everytime, but in some cases he's great on top lane (and mid, adc is still the default role imo). For example, I picked him accidentally (no explanation needed) and had to go top vs Jarvan instead of adc - being able to dodge every single q/e combo with your E screwed him hard in lane, stacking armor doesn't change that. But you'd need a initiator/tanky jungler or mid as Ezreal doesn't offer much but damage. On the Lolkingscore: Wins at 100 LP don't matter. S2 rating was the reference - you had Plat with a 1850 Rating in s2, you needed 2200 to reach Diamond. As Plat V with 0 LP you have a Lolkingscore of 1850. Diamond V + 0 LP = 2200. 350 Score to cover -> 5 Divisions with 100 LP each -> 1 LP = 0,7 LKS
  13. Master Yi with ultimate activated, Youmu's and Scimitar active. Outrunning Quinn in her Ultimate
  14. If you're still searching, I would help you, Raven.
  15. Alright, I'll give it a try - just waiting for the hard copy at the moment (or at least an announcement for the voice patch). Grisaia no Kajitsu got fully translated and the patch was released last weekend - if you like comedy/romance stuff and military jokes, you might want to pick this one up.
  16. The third question should be: "Who deserves a good smack?". I think Cynthia once in a while. Edit: I voted yes in both former questions before you judge me.
  17. Voted for Gregor because of his personality (favorite), least favorite is Ricken. He's annoying and trying too hard.
  18. Sold my Snes, stupid me (although I just bought it to play "A Link to the Past"). But I still have my n64!
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