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Everything posted by Shahrivar

  1. Just my opinion: 1. Roller skates 2. Improved graphics 3. Easier EV training/resetting (I don't know if you could reset EVs in former gens, but in Y at least you can do minigames instead of killing Pokemon for EVs aswell) 4. A lot of online interaction (Wondertrades, friend safari, random stranger challenging you etc) 5. Clothing (I spend way too much time dressing my character >.>) 6. Balance changes (fairy type, buff/nerfs to dark/fighting/steel etc, ability changes, some pokemon got more base stats and so on) (7. I might be wrong but menu interaction and saving seems to be faster) And.. roller skates. Best addition ever.
  2. Do you still want to play Black 2? It's harsh to go back after playing Y. If you don't mind skipping Black 2, get Y. Otherwise get Black 2 first(and avoid getting your Black 2 experience ruined by the improvements of Y).
  3. Personal experience, I don't want to swear too much. He's a douchebag.
  4. Which one? Touhou is better, Rumble Roses more acceptable for most. 8(
  5. I don't know any of these guys 8( I hate Guardsmanbob and hopefully I won't meet him ever again. In addition the eu pro players are toxic as hell. You'll regret playing with Gosu Pepper (Edward?) as support. I've never met anyone being this angry. So no, I don't want to play with popular people. Most pros on eu-w (Alex Ich being an exception) is a huge cunt.
  6. No facebook, no google+, but I use Twitter. Not to socialize, but to get updates on translation works and releases.
  7. Sadly it's exactly the opposite for me. I can't play passive, I just "have" to be aggressive.
  8. Favorite: western RPG and fighting games I don't dislike JRPGs but the western style (Baldur's Gate for example) fits me better. Least: I don't dislike any particular genre but I choose "Sports" - not interested at all (I don't even watch soccer as a German >.>) I'm curious - what exactly are casual games?
  9. Makoto best Sailor Senshi. [spoiler=jupiter]
  10. I'm not interested in Playstation, so I probably won't get one. But same for the Xbox one - at least for now - the the launch titles aren't exciting at all (for both consoles). I will get one of them when DoA 6 comes out.
  11. I think noone but Syndra tried to play serious.
  12. Which one do you prefer - the African Cave Spider or the Camel Spider?
  13. IMO Mario got better games and stuff, but I don't really like him.
  14. I agree - fear is needed and useful. So I'd say "no".
  15. Cinematics were always Blizzard's strong point. I'll probably try it as Nova is reason enough. But Blizzard disappointed a lot in the last 4 years.
  16. Almost everywhere I go for female (RPGs, MMOs etc), so female most of the time. Baldur's Gate II is the exception, male thieves and sorcs look great and the female romance option(s) sucks hard. Always Viconia.
  17. Pm'd. I hope the code works - at least it should.
  18. I got a spare bonus code from the PS Vita Mega Pack - if anyone is interested in LittleBigPlanet, WipEout 2048 or another game, I'll gift it to you. Managing several accounts is too annoying and I don't really care about them (got the Vita for VNs and DoA, nothing else). Just reply in this thread or pm me if you have a European account and want to use the code (bought in Germany, but it should be usable for all of Europe. At least it's not usable in the Japanese shop).
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