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Everything posted by Malexis

  1. Death: I was joking myself, and I am pretty sure Ivy was too. Destiny Hero: Great gift.
  2. Malexis


    Yeah, I'll get some clarification from my dearest Ivy about it; and, from the looks of it, it'll probably be more along the lines of "Zomg u fail lyle! ur the biggest perv on forest" Because they don't seem capable of saying "You" No offense to those that do use "u" and the ones who use "you" I obviously didn't mean you.But, nevertheless, I'll find it in my cruel black heart to forgive you, oh gentleman Lyle, because I often-times do the name flub myself.
  3. I'm the innocent maiden who everyone evil enjoys trying to rape.
  4. Malexis

    SUPUH POWAHS!!!!!!

    I would like to have the power to dominate Middle- Earth.
  5. Malexis


    Why, what do you mean by that?
  6. Malexis


    Oh. That's good to know. *Note to self: Lyle Dayek is not one of the perverts that I must kill torture beat into submission Avoid*
  7. Malexis


    Don't call me by my name, you! I am your E-Mom, RESPECT MEEE!!!
  8. Malexis


    Alright bitch! D:< *Bites three times* I am undefeated in bite battles! D: <
  9. Malexis


    @ Quetzl: *Bites your ear off* So bite me. @ Lyle: You aren't one of the pervs Ivy told me about, are you?
  10. You ladies/gentlemen earn extra points in the field of intelligence for knowing what "masu" means in Japanese. That means you all have ONE. Which is more than I ever thought that I would be giving. EDIT: I'm going to bed. =X
  11. I know that. Ivy told me, which is part of why I came. Well I'm saying it now. I agree. *Sigh* sorry if this seems like spam, but it's five am for me. I'll be able to make more educated posts after some sleep.
  12. Oh dear. A fat rapist with a vagina and tits? It's my Step-Dad all over again! :o
  13. mmm, it's times like this that make me wish I did more than just lurk there...Namine`?
  14. Malexis


    Really? Pfft! Well, I do! And I'm calling you Ivy here, so don't take that tone with me young man! D:<
  15. That's the one; not sure if it's who Death meant though.
  16. Drama much? Well...lesse here. Lyle, I highly doubt the Staff is ignoring it. They don't need to make all disciplinary actions public, and the people flaming you, if it's serious flaming, are probably being warned/lectured in private.
  17. Uhh...That chick who's name escapes me?
  18. The death of a thousand screaming children.
  19. She has a pretty bad boyfriend if he won't buy those. :\
  20. Malexis


    Hanz: XDD Ivy: lol you know you love me. :D
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