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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. I'm Apollo Justice and neighbors with Dragon. The only information my role PM provides about hers is that her character is Trucy Wright, who isn't a prosecutor in-lore. Given that role PMs don't lie to us, this is probably her real character (and not a fakeclaim character like SB's), so I question if Dragon is SK or something...? Either way, lynching Dragon today will necessarily yield a scum lynch, whether it's today or tomorrow.
  2. I have OC'd with Dragon and she claimed to not have a night action to me. Time to follow the cop follower. ##Unvote ##Vote: Dragonflare7
  3. Mm okay. ##Vote: JB Nothing much has changed since last phase. I would be more confident in this if Eury had flipped scum. More rereading to do I guess, though it's weird to do a wagon analysis when the whole game was on Eury's wagon .-.
  4. You said you'd have two scumreads if Eury flipped town. If Elie was one before his flip, who was the other?
  5. I would really like to hear what JB thinks about this, actually.
  6. (This assumes millers do count as roles that are returned by rolecop scans.) Even if Eury were more interested in learning about riptor, it would have been more telling to cop kirsche. Rolecopping kirsche would have confirmed his alignment. If kirsche were lying about being miller, this would also almost guarantee town!Riptor, because seriously, who tunnel busses that hard? Rolecopping Riptor would have maybe told you his alignment if you were lucky and his role were alignment-exclusive. It benefits town more to rolecop kirsche, because it yields more info. It benefits mafia more to rolecop riptor, because they know town!kirsche's miller claim is legit and can learn if Riptor is ITP or something.
  7. Elie is probably town. Null on Via. I was more interested with JB's iso. I think he could be scum, a read that would be stronger if Eury flips scum. tl;dr reasons for it are: -Baiting Toren's claim (why would anyone protown draw attention to a crumbed vig claim? esp. from a player that seems new to mafia and might respond exactly how Toren did?) -casing the two most inactive players (at the time) is easy and less likely to be genuine -defending Eury with just "IDK why people are voting her? I wasn't personally scumreading her" (my paraphrase) without actually explaining why she's not scummy. Just tries to nudge people into considering town!Eury without argument -"how is GP clarifying the rules townie at all?" I mean... without the mod clarification, my clarification would have literally confirmed scum!Kirsche on d1 :|
  8. You were unlimited shot rolecop in SF3 mafia and were unlucky enough to get three consecutive inaccurate results due to tailoring/redirecting shenanigans. Anyone who experienced something like this should want to avoid having to undergo something similar in a future game. Why were you so against theorycrafting on millers/"guarantee of accurate investigation results" in D1?
  9. Also I feel like Dragonflare is actually reading stuff, judging by their expressed willingness to answer questions, just not knowing what to say or how to case people due to being new. I doubt scum!Dragonflare's buddies would continue to allow her to continue to be hesitant in casing people, they'd at least feed her some lines and not let her keep saying "I'm not sure but I'd like inactives to be more active" etc. I can't really say the same for Toren though.
  10. Yeah, that itself is why. I haven't commented on their posts before so I want to read their isos and then do that
  11. Was going to say something about Arctic Fox likely being active lurking scum since he and Poly were inactive since game start, yet only the latter got subbed. But I guess that ship is sunk
  12. Actually nah, no reason to wait really ##Vote: Eury
  13. My thoughts on Eury after reading her iso are mostly extensions of what I initially thought towards the end of d1. After experiencing SF3 mafia, in which role shenanigans caused her to get several inaccurate cop scans despite being a sane cop in a non-bastard game, I would imagine Eury would have every reason to work towards ensuring accurate scans. But her play this game has been wholly against that, spending large chunks of her posts (e.g. the good first third/half of this one) on discussing moderation/info ethics and semantics on what it means to be a miller. I say "semantics" because the mod confirmation prior to her post had already ruled that millers/godfathers simply do not count as "tampering," so each players' personal take on the functionality of the roles ceases to matter in the context of this game. After this ruling, arguing over definitions with other players contributes nothing to hunting scum. I don't recall seeing Eury get this tangential from her actual in-game cases before. Usually I'd expect her to hide this kind of discussion in spoiler text, but that it is not done so here makes it appear as filler, for maintaining the appearance of her usual wallposts. I have a similar issue with one of her earlier posts, in which her points #3-6-ish speak out against theorycrafting. I feel like, especially on d1 when no one has better evidence to base their votes on anyway, advocating against seeking information is rather antitown. More to come. I'll take a look at Via and Elie and see if anyone strikes me as scummier than Eury before voting.
  14. I received a message as well, but it was about halfway into the night phase. Will post thoughts on D1 SB interactions soon.
  15. And yeah, I buy the medium claim. The quote does seem to be legit, since Proto's pretty much the only person on this playerlist who refers to me by my full username and JB as "Joshaymin."
  16. Riptor's first post of the phase was a tonwnslip imo. Mafia already knows SB's role and none of them would have failed to recognize that the Lotta and Von Karama PMs belonged to the same person, and even if they were going to pretend to do so, I doubt they would come up with such a plan within two minutes of seeing the flips.
  17. Yeah, he was just an insomniac janitor with a fakeclaim role PM provided to him.
  18. out of time so cursory thoughts on eury eury casing elie and then arguing with riptor but not voting either is weird but not inherently scummy. judging from how she expressed her train of thoughts I got the feeling that she straight-up just forgot to put a vote down. what I don't like is how concerned with miller/"tampering" semantics she gets and how much text is devoted to that and a discussion on moderator ethics and such. feels like filler? doesn't contribute to her case on riptor, it's just a disagreement on gameplay policy I would rather lynch riptor still
  19. Getting caught up now. Deadline is in 35 minutes, right?
  20. I agree with most of Eury's second content post, particularly her replies to Riptor, save this bit: I don't think there's anything objectionable about asking a mod to clarify if their definition of "investigation result tampering" lines up with one's own. It clarifies misunderstandings and benefits every player. It is up to the host to protect the integrity of their game. Someone being overly/aggressively nosy about setup specifics, or clearly trying to break the game via mod interactions, can be denied further answers or simply modkilled at the discretion of the host.
  21. Could you list what it is about Kirsche and his posts that lead you to believe that he is scum outside of roles? It could be a difference in opinion but I'm not recognizing where in your posts you talk about why he's scummy or vote-worthy, independent of his claim.
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