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Status Updates posted by Vykan12

  1. I just noticed your fegenesis forum has been spammed to hell with nike ads. May want to clean that up.

  2. PM's not working right now. I just remembered how I actually 2 turned 3-9, you have to have Marcia rescue Calill, move up as high as she can, and intentionally die so Calill can move on player phase. Then on player phase Calill uses meteor for the awesome victory.

  3. I had a half decent reason. I told Paperblade about it, but maybe I should start a new thread.

  4. Where's my car?

  5. I eat door mats.

  6. That is in case you didn't get my PM.


  7. I've looked at this chapter a bit and I don't seem to have any chance at 3 turning it. Even if Reyson uses a laguz stone and Soren and Calill use seige tomes, there's just no way you can kill that many enemies. My situation is further complicated by having disarmed most of the DB units, and having a third tier Nolan and Laura, the latter of which has a sleep staff.

    It wo...

  8. What did you use to hack FE10? I want to buy it off ebay.

  9. You better have some IM

  10. What Mekkah said


  11. What was it about my speedrun you wanted to discuss?

  12. Don't forget about our debaet.

  13. Reply to Smash by monday.

  14. I figured out how to 1 turn chapter 17. Basically, if you warp south-north, it's possible to get one of your units close enough to bolting one of the units blocking roy. At this point, everything carries out as normal aside from the extra hammerne use.

  15. You gonna have your opener ready by monday?

  16. Would you consider banning e_s? All he's done is trolling since he made an account today.

  17. I replied in our debate :)

  18. I still haven't gotten that PM lol

  19. btw what's your MSN?

  20. This guy is driving me nuts on the gamefaqs boards


    (see last pages)

    Since I respect you as a debater, I wouldn't mind getting your opinion on some of the stuff in that topic.

    Oh and btw im back more or less.

  21. Why aren't you answering my SDA PMs?

  22. Hey Mekkah, never knew you were a w1nsome FE debater. I'll have to look through some of the topics though a lot of other people's comments I've seen so far are pretty fail (eg/ that crap about earlygame Boyd in the FE9 topic).

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