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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Cain 5 Sirius 14 Felgus 9 Alan 23 Lance 22 Percival 19 Kent 9 Titania 13 Oscar 18 Geoffrey 8
  2. I'm honestly not sure I'd be interested in any of them, I'd be fine if this were the last contest.
  3. I won't be participating in that, I haven't played that series and really have no interest in it.
  4. After Charizard and Snorlax, I'd give honorable mentions to Blastoise and Feraligatr. I've always loved both of them, and Totodile was my first Pokemon.
  5. Cain 8 Sirius 14 Felgus 10 Marcus 8 Alan 25 Lance 26 Percival 20 Kent 9 Titania 12 Oscar 15 Astrid 3 Geoffrey 10
  6. Question: Do you think 5 is too many reps? Do you think there should be more? Who would you want to be in it? My thoughts: "Do you think 5 is too many reps?" No, 5 reps is fine. Honestly, it drives me crazy when people say Fire Emblem has too many reps. Why? "It isn't as big of a series as Zelda or Donkey Kong!" Okay, so? Seriously, so what? Just be happy that FE is getting good representation! And besides, if you really add up how many reps FE has compared to other series, the difference isn't really that big. In Smash Bros. history, Mario has had seven reps, nine if you count Wario and Yoshi (since I guess they're supposed to represent their own series?), and lots of people want Daisy and/or Waluigi as playable characters. Zelda has had six reps. Pokemon has had seven, nine if you count Squirtle and Ivysaur as separate. The only other series that are "bigger" than FE are Donkey Kong, Kirby, and Metroid. While I do agree with the majority in the opinion that DK needs more reps...who else could we get for Metroid and Kirby? Ridley is a controversial character, and everyone else in the Metroid universe just doesn't cut it in my opinion. Who are they gonna get? Anthony? Oh boy, that'll cause more Other M hate! The hunters from the DS game? I could only see maybe one or two of them, and even then I have a hard time seeing how they can be different enough than Samus, and people already complain about clones constantly! As for Kirby, well again...who are they gonna get? Kirby really does not have that diverse of a cast, they pretty much got everyone. As for other series such as Earthbound and F-Zero, well FE is definitely bigger than those series, and I'd argue it's bigger than Star Fox. So the 5 FE reps is fine, especially when compared to other big series represented in Smash Bros.! It also drives me crazy when people say they wish/think Roy hadn't/shouldn't have been brought back. "He's not very unique!" Yes he is. He feels very different than Marth to the point that you can barely even call him a clone. "He's just another sword-user!" Who cares? Shouldn't matter so long as they can give him good moves, which they very much so did. I also get bugged about Lucina, I'm very happy she's a playable character, but I won't argue for her because I can really see why people are bugged by her. "Do you think there should be more?" I feel that there is no "should" or "shouldn't" about it. I feel that that's completely subjective. Would I like another character or two? Absolutely! There are three in particular I'd love to see for various reasons. "Who would you want to be in it?" As I said above, there are three characters I'd love to see. The first one is Lyn, and I have a huge bias for her because she's my favorite FE character. The next one is Ephraim, I'd love to see a lance-user and I think he'd be absolutely perfect for it, plus they could add Eirika to his Final Smash like they added Chrom to Robin's. The third is Micaiah, my reasoning for her is similar to my reasons for Ephraim. I'd love to see a pure magic-user from the FE cast, and Micaiah would be the best option in my opinion. Bonus Question: Eh, I have no interest in playing as any of the villains.
  7. Charizard and Snorlax are my two favorite Pokemon. They can both learn some good moves, and I like both of their Types (Fire/Flying/Dragon for Charizard [Dragon for Mega X form], Normal for Snorlax). I think their designs are really cool, too. Charizard just looks like an awesome dragon, and Snorlax kinda reminds me of a bear, and I like bears.
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