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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. You know, I need to apologize. I know there's no spite, I'm taking this too seriously. After losing every other contest so far, I just really wanna win this one, more than any other because Bowser is involved. But, again, I feel I owe an apology for my own attitude. It is just a game, after all. No more griping or complaining, I will silently vote...and what happens, happens. But can we please stop saying they're "dying." I don't even know why, but it gets to me for some reason.
  2. I'm surprised Navarre is so far down already. I thought he was more popular than that lol.
  3. If we're doing 3, then I'll add +1 to Karel and -2 to Trewd for my third votes.
  4. Ayra 10 Holyn 8 Larcei 10 Ulster 10 Shanan 10 Machua 10 Shiva 10 Mareeta 10 Trewd 10 Shanam 10 Eyvel 10 Rutger 11 Fir 10 Karel 10 Guy 10 Karla 10 Joshua 11 Marisa 8 Mia 11 Zihark 10 Lucia 10 Stefan 10 Edward 11 Navarre 8 Radd 10 Athena 10 Samto 10 Malice 10 Lon'qu 10 Owain 8 Say'ri 10
  5. I'm not all that surprised that Ike is on the list, but I am surprised that he's so high up. Top spot! I'm also kinda surprised that Lyn is on the list, and I'm pretty pleased with how far up she is (she should be at the top spot)! Maybe she'll become playable in Super Smash Bros., if popularity in Japan plays a factor. I'm also pleased that Ephraim is on the list! The thing I'm surprised at the most though is that Roy is nowhere to be seen. I thought for sure he'd be in there somewhere. I know right? C'mon Smash Bros., make it happen!
  6. Well, I have discovered that I should definitely not be a salesman XD I'm not so good at throwing a sales pitch :3
  7. No one dies in Smash Bros. :3 The Bowser hate is saddening, c'mon don't knock him out! He deserves it more than Luigi and Pit, at least.
  8. Not looking so good for Leonardo Here's the next list for when it's time: Ayra Holyn Larcei Ulster Shanan Machua Shiva Mareeta Trewd Shanam Eyvel Rutger Fir Karel Guy Karla Joshua Marisa Mia Zihark Lucia Stefan Edward Navarre Radd Athena Samto Malice Lon'qu Owain Say'ri
  9. Yeah, c'mon! Let's get those Bowser points up! Mario fans, unite! Non-Mario fans...join us! No one's supporting Luigi, get him outta here!
  10. Now people just need to hop on the Bowser Train, join the Bowser revolution. Out of all the contests I've participated in, this is the one I'd want to win the most. C'mon people, let's vote for Bowser! Yay!
  11. Are we ditching the only vote once a day thing? Edit: forgetting about timezones, aren't I?
  12. Yeah, I'm thinking Yen'fay will be taken out though, since we haven't used any spotpass/post-game characters and I forgot that he was one. Still a big list though lol.
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