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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Yep, 'course he's gonna be in the next Smash Bros. (and all future titles). He's pretty much the mascot of Fire Emblem (except for maybe Anna?), and the vast majority loves him. And he's pretty awesome, one of my favorites.
  2. If he's looking for more unique characters, then maybe Micaiah could work for that. There haven't been any magic users among the FE characters in Smash Bros. yet. Or maybe Ephraim, or, as stated above, Roy with the fire in his sword. Maybe Lyn, she would be a little different than the other sword users. Hector with his ax... And, again as stated above, Robin/MU/Avatar.
  3. Well, when you're captured you use whatever your rescuers give you, right? It's all Ike's fault! He gave Brom a lance! Darn that Ike! Luckily for Brom, in Radiant Dawn he got his axes back!
  4. Dolph, Macellan, Ymir, Horace, Athena, Midia, Lorenz, Rickard, Bord, Cord. Yep.
  5. Eh, I think we're pretty good on the Kirby reps. I suppose I could see Bandana Dee being added, but I don't think Prince Fluff would be added unless they added Yarn Kirby first.
  6. I'll assume you're speaking of Kraid here. I'd like Kraid to come back as a "stage hazard" like he was in Melee, or possibly an Assist Trophy of some sort, that'd be cool.
  7. I kinda hope Mega Man is the ONLY third-party character in there.
  8. Ridley would be the best and obvious choice, and my personal choice, otherwise... I don't see many other Metroid characters making it.
  9. I'd like to see Samurai Goroh, Pico, and Dr. Stewart added, that way we'd have all four of the original racers. Beyond that? Meh, indifferent. Although the only one I really see with a chance is Goroh.
  10. Gah I was really hoping they'd use those graphics from the 2011 tech demo, they were awesome... But oh well, I guess. I also really like Link's look in the new Super Smash Bros. Wii U, so maybe that could be it. But then again seeing as we've "seen" it probably not... What else could there possibly be that we haven't seen?
  11. I'd highly recommend The Last Story. It's in my top five favorite Wii games. I knew it'd be good when I played it, but I didn't expect to love it as much as I did. Highly recommended. Anyway, I forgot about Golden Sun! I'd love it if Isaac became playable! I think that series needs a little more love than it gets. And a new game on the 3DS would be nice, ya can't just leave everyone hanging like that!
  12. I love The Last Story and would LOVE Zael to be added, but I know that's highly unlikely. Shulk would be awesome too, but since the new X game doesn't seem to have Shulk I have a funny feeling he won't be getting in either (I hope I'm wrong). Little Mac would be cool, I hope he gets in.
  13. I was under the impression the manga was canon. And no need to be condescending and sarcastic about it. I find Falco important, I don't find Krystal important, that's that, I'm not stating it as fact it's just how I view them. And for you to tell me I'm wrong and act like you know everything is just plain rude. I'll just leave now, since I'm being talked down to which always seems to happen to me in every discussion, why do I bother?
  14. I've done this multiple times, and it's never worked for me. Never gotten the true ending unless Falco was healthy and I got to Sector Y. I wonder what I'm doing wrong...
  15. So what new characters if any from the EarthBound/Mother (as it's known in Japan) are you hoping to see? Personally I think they'll keep both Ness and Lucas, and I hope they add Kumatora, I think she's pretty great. Although Masked Man and Porky seem likely, they're pretty popular and main characters. Wishful thinking says Ninten, as he's the original star if the series, but we all know that'd never happen.
  16. Which I have. Love interest isn't very important, what series doesn't have one of those? I can think of none. Falco (as stated above) has that manga, and in 64/3DS keeping him alive is the only way to unlock certain pathways which lead to the "true" ending, therefore pushing the "true" plot.
  17. I love the Ice Climbers, I hope they fix any problems and let them stay. Anyway, I'd like it if Little Mac, Takamaru, and Duck Hunt Dog got in. Little Mac is more relevant now since he was an AT in Brawl plus got a new game on the Wii, and Takamaru's series got an attraction in Nintendo Land so people are remembering him. And the DHD? Well, I love DH. I have no other reason for that one.
  18. Ditto to you good sir/madam, really the only ones who'd know for certain are the developers, so.
  19. I'd hope they keep everyone they had in Brawl, I quite like that cast. Bringing back Mewtwo would be cool too. Really the only Pokemon rep I haven't cared for is Pichu. But, I doubt they'll keep them all. Pikachu and Jigglypuff yeah, they've been there since the beginning, but they'll likely replace the Trainer with another of a different generation, and Lucario with another from the 5th or 6th generation.
  20. I think Palutena and Medusa both have good shots. Magnus, eh, I'd like him in, but he didn't seem all that important in the plot of Uprising. But, if the Wii Fit Trainer can get in, then he can too.
  21. I'd love it if Roy returned, but I don't see it happening. Both he and Mewtwo were planned for Brawl, but were cut due to limitations (if my brain is remembering correctly). But, with that being said, they might add everyone they had planned to in Brawl but weren't able to, since there wouldn't be those limitations anymore (yeah limitations, but not as many).
  22. No, I think I'd be correct. I think as far as main characters go, it'd be Fox>Andross>Wolf>Falco>Krystal>Everyone else. I don't count Command, that game was pretty unnecessary. Assault didn't need Krystal at all, in fact it really needed no one except Fox and the villains, same with the original/64/3D. Krystal has only really ever done anything useful in Adventures, otherwise she's been nothing except drama for Fox (which I find kinda lame).
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