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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. I did kinda feel that Chrom was a mix of Marth and Ike as I played through the game... But I thought Ike was in a different universe than Marth? Unless that whole go-to-another-universe thing is true (can't remember if that's canon or not).
  2. I don't remember Tiki being Naga's daughter... Ah, so definitely not Anri. Hmm if it isn't Anri and it's probably not Sigurd or Seliph...who?
  3. Glad I'm not the only one who thought that! That is true, I never really thought about her age or the distance of travel. Maybe her parents were from Jugdral and moved...? Anri is another possibility, I thought of that after I thought of Sigurd and Seliph. I can't remember how long Anri was before Marth, though.
  4. So in Tiki's supports with male Robin, she says he reminds her of Mar-Mar (Marth), but Chrom reminds her of someone else from before Marth's time. I immediately thought she meant Chrom reminded her of Sigurd or Seliph. FE 4 and 5 were before Marth's time, right? Like 1000 years? So was I the only one who thought that?
  5. I would want Gaiden remade. MAYBE 4 and 5, but honestly I'm not sure about them, they seem fine as they are and I love those portraits in 4. As for 6, I'd rather they make a sequel to it and just have 6 as an unlockable thing kinda like in Metroid: Zero Mission where you could unlock the original Metroid. A sequel has zero percent chance of happening, but I love Elibe...
  6. Oh, they've been out that long? Well uh...I feel kinda dumb now...
  7. Were these just recently released? I've browsed around the web but found absolutely nothing on them anywhere, except for here of course.
  8. The only one I really don't like is Vaida, otherwise I like them all. But my absolute favorite is Lyn.
  9. I want these to come to America. I SO WANT IT!!!!!! Seriously, Elibe is my favorite FE setting with my favorite FE characters (besides Brom)! And those three pairings being used? YES! My favorites for the three lord characters. What other pairings (if any) were used?
  10. Really? Idk, that seems kinda odd to me. I like his character lol. That would just...ruin it for me.
  11. Yeah Hector's dream really hints at Roy and Lilina, but I don't think anything canon has been confirmed. That makes sense for the DLC, I suppose I look too deep into things lol. I'll have to play it again to see exactly what they see, but I'm lazy...
  12. I wouldn't want a remake of them, they're fine as-is in my opinion. And I love those battle animations, don't go and mess those up with a remake! If anything were to be remade, I'd want it to be Gaiden.
  13. Yeah I have Windows 7 paint. All right I'll try finding a different Paint and perfecting that to start.
  14. There's more than one version? I was completely unaware of this...
  15. My paint doesn't look anything like that... :/
  16. I'm not really sure if this is in the right section of the forums... But I thought sprites and pixel art were kinda similar so *shrugs* assumed... Anyway. I'm trying to learn and get into pixel art (and sprites), but every program I've tried has been too complicated (I seriously couldn't even figure out how to start drawing on some...), so does anyone have any recommendations for easy to use programs? I have NO drawing talent whatsoever, so if I have to draw it on paper and scan it into the computer then that would automatically be a "no" (and it doesn't help that I don't have a scanner...). *Sigh* Yes I suck. Sorry...
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