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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. Hey... I like those names, I think they did a good job :P
  2. Sorry my comment was directed at CT075 we posted at the same time lol...
  3. Well is there anything specific I should use? Will it crash my laptop? Will I get the official names or just weird fan names? How do I download them, is there other things I have to get first?
  4. I've never used an emulator before or a ROM or anything else like that, I have no idea how any of that stuff works. So if I wanted to play Genealogy of the Holy War, how would I do that?
  5. I'd be fine with that. I like both large and small casts of characters. Either way is fine by me.
  6. I believe in 7 the handaxes function like boomerangs? As for javelins, I have no idea.
  7. I should say more about my five favorite... Super Mario: The best platforming games ever, in my opinion. Each one has been at least pretty good. I fell in love with the series after playing Super Mario Bros. 3, then went and discovered the rest of the Mario games. It's just straight up fun, you can pick it up and play it whenever you want, it isn't complicated. And the characters are great! Super Mario Galaxy 2 has even gone on to become my current favorite video game of all time. Zelda: Oddly enough I had heard of Zelda, but for the longest time never played it. Even thought that Link was Zelda. Then I discovered Twilight Princess (GameCube version). I loved it. After beating TP, I went back and played the original Zelda, Zelda II, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask on the little collection disc on the GameCube. I loved them, too (to a lesser extent with Zelda II and MM, but still). And after that I played more (Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, etc.) and each game was just so great. Fire Emblem: I had never heard of Fire Emblem until Super Smash Bros. Melee came around, which is probably the same case for most people. After playing as Marth and Roy, I wanted to try the series. But I could never track one down. Then finally, when Shadow Dragon came out, I was able to buy it and try the series for the first time. Shadow Dragon impressed me, I enjoyed it thoroughly. After playing SD, I went and tracked down the two GBA Fire Emblem games (ya know, the ones that were officially released outside Japan) and Radiant Dawn. I thought each one was great, especially the first GBA one (which is my third favorite game of all time), the incredible depth of the characters and the deep stories really hooked me and pulled me in. Metroid: My first Metroid game was Metroid Prime. I had a little trouble at first, just because I suck at first-person games. But eventually got the hang of it, and as I played the game and explored the environment, I loved it more and more. After Prime, I played Prime 2 and 3, then went and got Fusion and Zero Mission on the GBA. Zero Mission is what really got me hooked on the series. I absolutely loved the graphics and origin story. I also thought that the setting of the series was awesome, I like the more brooding atmosphere. Crash Bandicoot: Oh boy, Crash Bandicoot. The first Crash game was the first video game I ever played. I loved it. I got each game in the series faithfully all through the PS1 era, and loved every single one, especially Warped (which is another one of my favorite games of all time). I got all the other games of the series too, just not at launch like the PS1 games. And while the original four Naughty Dog games are the only amazing games of the series, it has a special place in my heart. I won't write anything about the other series I mentioned, it'd take too long!
  8. It's not that I thought they were bad, I just got bored reeeeeeaaaally quickly with them. Don't know why. So my enjoyment went way down because of it. I've never heard of Duke Nukem... Is he important?
  9. Mine are: 1: The Super Mario series (not the RPG/Kart/Sports/Party ones, I mean the main platforming ones like World, 64, Galaxy 1/2, etc.) 2: The Zelda series 3: The Fire Emblem series 4: The Metroid series 5: The Crash Bandicoot series (I mean the original four Naughty Dog games, those were amazing, everything after was pretty good [bash, Wrath of Cortex, Twinsanity, Huge Adventure, N-Tranced], decent [Nitro Kart, Purple, Tag Team Racing], or bad [boom Bang, Titans, Mind Over Mutant].) Some honorable mentions are the original Insomniac Spyro the Dragon trilogy, Super Smash Bros., Ratchet & Clank, Tekken, Castlevania, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, plus more.
  10. I'm not a huge fan of Sonic, in all honesty I don't really like any of the newer games I've played, I like the older ones a lot more. Colors bored me and Generations looked bland but this looks like it could be pretty decent. I also think I'm the only guy who likes Big the Cat
  11. I have all the DLC. I've completed all of them up to Death's Embrace.
  12. I LOVE The Last Story! It's one of my favorite Wii games. Awesome game, anyone who hasn't played it really needs to.
  13. I think I've decided on two. I think I definitely wanna get Larcei and Lilina.
  14. I'll say... Chrom (de-confirmed) Lyn (de-confirmed) Pac-Man Shulk (both confirmed) Takamaru (de-confirmed) Palutena (confirmed) Toon Zelda/Tetra Little Mac (confirmed) King K. Rool (6th Gen Pokemon) (confirmed) Isaac EDIT: All I've done is add a "(confirmed)" or "(de-confirmed)" next to the corresponding character(s), no bet changes.
  15. I'm completely biased towards Brom. But most prefer Gatrie over him. But one you should most definitely raise is Shinon, he's great.
  16. I've never cried in any part in any video game, but there are some parts in the Fire Emblem games that make me sad, like... When Eliwood's dad died, and then after that when Eliwood killed Ninian. Eliwood is the least popular main character of that FE, but man he went through a lot... Everything about Lyon. Such a tragic character. Just everything about it... Emmeryn's sacrifice and the chapter that follows. The music just added to it all. Tragic...
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