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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. I'm completely biased towards Brom. But most prefer Gatrie over him. But one you should most definitely raise is Shinon, he's great.
  2. I've never cried in any part in any video game, but there are some parts in the Fire Emblem games that make me sad, like... When Eliwood's dad died, and then after that when Eliwood killed Ninian. Eliwood is the least popular main character of that FE, but man he went through a lot... Everything about Lyon. Such a tragic character. Just everything about it... Emmeryn's sacrifice and the chapter that follows. The music just added to it all. Tragic...
  3. I'd like Sigurd, Eliwood, and Hector to become DLC characters like all the other main characters, it just feels like they got robbed. But if not that, then yes I'd like to know where Morgan came from.
  4. 1. I never asked that, always knew they were separate. 2. I can never spell it right anyway. 3. Yep, totally ignored, and I'm glad about it. Ike married a lovely girl and had a wonderful family, obviously. 4. It is officially Binding Blade. 5. Never played it or heard of it, what is it? 6. People actually do that? 7. I didn't when Awakening came out, then I started following all the Japanese news and it was spoiled for me. 8. Or they could officially localize it through 3DS eShop or something... 9. Well, it is officially "Raigh" now.
  5. I didn't even look at the skills lol... I feel like a noob.
  6. I like both, I want both in the next (and all future) games, I like Rescue so I can rescue green units, and Pair Up I just find cool.
  7. Having never played FE 12, I'm forced to say Robin.
  8. I prefer to make Niemi my Ranger. I like to have at least one of everything in terms of classes, for the most part everything. And Gerik is the only one who can become a Hero, if I remember right, and I like Heroes, so he's the only choice I got. I already have a good Sniper in Innes, so Niemi would be my only choice for a Ranger.
  9. Wow, I'm surprised some of the SpotPass ones are better than their DLC counterparts.
  10. Yeah I was super surprised he wasn't included as SpotPass. He's one of my favorite Sacred Stones characters, too. Picking Marisa over Joshua? Hmm...
  11. Yup. For further clarification, that also means I won't be getting anyone from SpotPass who is already available from DLC. So I won't be getting Roy, Seliph, Leif, Alm, etc. from SpotPass.
  12. Just for whenever, but I do love that Galeforce...
  13. I'm not quite sure who I'd say are my favorites though. I've never played any of the Japan-only games, but from all my researching and stuff I've found I really like Sigurd, and Lilina, and Fee, and Lewyn, Ced, Arthur, and... Well, you see my predicament. That would be Sigurd, Eliwood, and Hector, right? I thought of that, but this seems like a good opportunity to get some Japan-only characters for the first time in an officially localized game.
  14. Okay, so, how about some advice about which SpotPass characters to recruit? Firstly, I remember hearing you can only have 20 extra characters, combined DLC and SpotPass. If this is true, then I'll only get 3 SpotPass characters, as the other 17 spots will be filled with the 17 DLC characters. So, which 3 SpotPass characters should I get? I want characters from the Japan-only games, but I'm not quite sure who. I was thinking maybe Lilina, Ced, and Sigurd, but I'm not sure...
  15. Micaiah, Ike, and Robin would be my top choices. But Robin is the Avatar, the self-insert, so I didn't vote for him. I like Ike, he's a good unit, so I didn't vote for him. Micaiah... Bleh. Voted her.
  16. Grind, grind, and grind some more.
  17. Eh... Not so sure about that. But to each their own. Right-y-oh I try to set aside bias for any character I want and be realistic, I think I've done fairly well so far, but probably not as well as I could be doing.
  18. Wut? That was my first starter ever... I believe we've said the exact same thing
  19. Man... The last one. Can't believe it's already the last one.
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