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Loki Laufeyson

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Posts posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. Florina- My fave FE character

    Eccentrica Gallumbits- a sometimes mentioned character in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams..was always known as "The Triple Breasted Whore of Eroticon Six" that wrote for the Guide...

    Pete Steele- one of my all time favorite musicians and generally scary mofo <3!

  2. Mist must have been around 3 or 4 years old in the Memory scene...i always assumed the Greil incident was when IKE was like 3 years old until i saw that in RD...apparently he was like 7 or 8! so it was 10 years before the events of PoR...

    Rolf must be around 12 or 13 in PoR and 15 or 16 in RD.

    no...Mist is older than him by more than one year...

  3. I bounce around alot when using characters..i dont like using the same characters over and over..RD is awesome in that respect that my team can change no matter what...i use Peg Knights ALOT! ill field all of them if i have to...lots of movement wins that way..I usually have atleast one paladin no matter what the game...i hardly ever use archers...

    Magic users? that varies depending on the actual mage character..i prefer mobile healers like troubadors/valkyries..

    as for tactics, that always varies depending on the situation...alot of times i have weaker units pick off dudes in order to gain levels and spam my lord(s) in order to get their levels high early so i dont have to really deal with them later until promotion..

  4. (if this has been done before, lock accordingly)

    Well i popped in Melee for the first time in a dogs age and i immediately noticed something..

    Melee is a much faster moving game and has better moves..Sure Brawl has characters like Wario and Metaknight and cool stages but is it as competative and fun? hmmm...

    your thoughts?

  5. O. M. G.

    Huge Earthbound fan here! i have the SNES cart and boy i love it! its one of the best RPGs ever made in my opinion..i love the simplicity and the crazy enemies!

    its all about Moonside! "HEY parking meters! And youre walking around!" one of the greatest game quotes ever!

  6. Heh...

    I was raised a Catholic and well, i dont really believe in most of that anymore..im more of a spiritual person (which means many things to many people)

    Its the Christians that push their views on people that bother me..other than that i dont have any problem with it...what you believe is what you believe, whether it be God or science...

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