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Loki Laufeyson

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Posts posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. Already covered :V

    Which book was this in? I contemplated on reading the rest of the novels, but I got to the third and found the quality of the second half to be so utterly horrible that I decided I would not continue reading them if they were at all similar afterwards.

    Though the first and second I found to be entertaining.

    Maharet first appears in Queen of the Damned which is the third book...

  2. I got Loki from Valkyrie Profile. He's just a norse God or something.


    He was the god of mischeif and deceit...he is the very reason Ragnarok came into being in the first place..and im not just talking about the game, im talking real Asatru mythology..wikipedia is your friend...

    my other names:

    Maharet: one of my first user names on the internet...Maharet was a character in Anne Rice's vampire chronicles..she was a 6000 year old vampire witch...

    Super Mahrio: a play on the above user name..alot of people ended up calling me "Mah" so i went with Super Mahrio as a friend of mine kept coming up with silly variations of "Mah"

    Zeldoom: the name i use on ZU...came up with in the irc chat with a few other members as i was trying to get a user name not taken...

    Future Name Change = Bella Swan: In order to mess with the Twilight haters :)

  3. Another heapin' helping from me.

    First, a sketch. Meet Isara, Welkin's kid sister in Valkyria Chronicles. Awe at the fact that she looks like Laura, if you will. The sketch was partially done as a randomness bit during a Ustream session on Friday from YouTube user Sagemaster15, so I whipped it up quickly for him.

    And now, well, gotta get into Yu-Gi-Oh! character again and pull a quote from the early parts of the show.

    "Be reborn!"


    "Blue-Eyes White Dragon!!"

    Now, run in fear of its 3,000 Attack.

    that dragon thing is freakin cool!

  4. If you sell your existence as nothing more than property--your labor for cash, then you're getting as much as anyone would expect.

    At least you didn't lose your job. It's entirely not unheard of for buy-outs to ditch every last employee that doesn't matter (i.e. you) and plop their own, or even new random people into your place.


    Good luck trying to get a new job in these times.

    Also this

  5. Capitalism is a harsh mistress.


    I have an old RCA Lyra from 2005...the thing never holds a charge anymore but all it does is play music...personally i dont think ill buy an iPod because of the fact they are really expensive and i can get something else that fits my needs for a better price..

    This brings me to my next whine and questioning: should you really get things because "everyone" has it?

    LOL!!!! no! Ive always got things i found appealing, not because everyone else has one! i wanted an mp3 player for its convenience, not because its the "hot thing" right now...People do get things that are trendy because they want to look cool..i never really understood how getting something that everyone else has is "cool" D:

    Another question is this: are people buying now anything Apple releases because it's Apple?

    Apple has a reputation of making decent products..i assume thats why people buy their stuff...I wanted a Mac for the longest time due to the fact that the OS is usually much safer and easier to use than PC...I never got one due to the price however...Apple is also known for "innovation" so to speak..usually when some nifty device comes out, its their product first...thats just my opinion however...

    and no i dont refer to all mp3 players as 'iPods'

  6. heres how i do it:

    Artur: Arthur sans the H

    Neimi: NEY-mee

    Colm: just how it looks "Coal-m"

    Forde: Ford (Prefect)

    Franz: Frah-nz

    Moulder: as in Agent Moulder

    Innes: EYE-ness

    Lute: Loot

    Cormag: CORE-MAG

    Ephraim: EE-Frame

    Eirika: Ear-i-cka

    Gerik: Gair-ick

    Tethys: rhymes with Tetris (TETH-is)

    L'Arachel: hmmm...Lair-achel (that one is kinda weird...)

    Rennac: Ren-ack

    Duessel: Dwess-el

    Syrene: Serene

    Ismaire: ISHMAIR

    Vigarde: Vi-gard

    Sieglinde: See-GLIND-AY

    Siegmund: Seeg-MUND

    Renais: well you know im not sure...i always called it Renee-is

    Frelia: FREY-lee-a

    Rausten: Raw-sten

    Audhulma: its nordic you know...AUD-HOL-MAH

    Lyon: LEE-on

    Gilliam is a british sounding name GILL-e-am

    Caellach: CAL-LACK

    Ewan: as in Ewan MacGregor

    Riev: REEV

  7. RD was really easy for me compaired to FE7..i remember it taking me forever to beat that game! FE7 is my favorite out of the whole series (ive played thus far)...FE8 is fun but fails in a lot of different ways

  8. I like it because i dont care for overly complex storylines too much...i really despise Final Fantasy games for the most part and the only Tales game i played and enjoyed was Symphonia...FE is simple in the respects of story and gameplay..the gameplay is what really won me over...i like this style of strategy and i like the classes! its entertaining..I also like the art style and the simple graphics..i really dont care for overly lush "realistic" graphics..i think if a game has too much eye candy it takes away from the gameplay and general flow of things..

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