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Loki Laufeyson

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Posts posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. I think that you and Florina meant PoR where Makalov is decent. Because he became bad in Radiant Dawn (18 base AS and strength, not to mention his inventory starts with a steel sword? Lawl).

    Actually no. I was referring to RD here. And umm, take that out and give him a killing edge?

    Makalov is kinda horrible in PoR.

  2. Ganondorf for his evilness! "To the evil jar with you!"

    Magus because Magus is the most awesome.

    Dracula (Castlevania). He just keeps coming back for more and is just too cool!

    Kefka does have brilliant lines.

    BK is pretty good.

  3. I had bluish hair once. (blueblack) it was awesome! it faded like real fast though. Maybe you should go blue black because that way it looks black most of the time but in the light and stuff its blue!

  4. Im going with Zihark simply due to the situations he's placed in. Where he is and what hes doing makes him more useful than Mia for reasons Red Fox and others have already stated. She would most likely do the same as Zihark if she was placed in those chapters. If you recruit Zihark to the GMs (3-7) he does lose a bit of his usefulness.

  5. Frankly I like both Fiona and Astrid. With a little babying then a forged lance, Fiona can be helpful to the DB which needs additional units. Her canto allows her to help chip away at units on 3-6 and then retreat to safety.

    Yes! thank you! It just takes a bit of patience to get Fiona to be pretty decent!

  6. Oh yeah thats hilarious! i saw that elsewhere.

    I Love The Twilight Series But The Movies Mess Up So Much Its Unforgivable

    You mean because we dont get to hear Bella's stupid thoughts? I thought that was actually a plus.

    Also werewolf effects look nice.

  7. Oh, come on now there has to be someone else here over 30? I've never felt as old as I do now!

    Nope. As Charlie said Super Bus is 29 and i am 28. D: i know how you feel!

    Also you could have Soren have the Celerity skill and ninja up there and spam Pelleas and have Mist or someone use the rescue staff (you can find it in that level) or have a Paladin or mobile unit grab him. thats usually what i do. Also did you attack Micaiah in Rivals Collide? thats actually a requirement.

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