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Loki Laufeyson

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Posts posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. Last one (kinda weird actually considering my play style)

    5. Zihark (barely trained him..)

    4. Ike ( odd sometimes he never shows up in the top 5 at all)

    3. Nolan (that one was expected since i spammed the hell out of him! but he didnt go to endgame)

    2. Jill (O_o yeah i did get her in 3-6 but wow. i didnt realize. i dont think she's ever been in the tops. ever.)

    1. Soren (as always. ALWAYS)

  2. I think Pegasi are more plentiful in Begnion but the game never states it. Just theres more peg knights there (Holy Guard)

    I assume more wyverns dwell in Daein for they seem to have a greater number although there are the Dracoknights that serve the senate in Begnion.

  3. Last playthough some strange things happened.

    I didnt really use Zihark but he made it to my endgame team simply because he destroyed everything in 4-4.

    Astrid raping everything in Endgame.

    Rolf kicking the crap out of Dheginsea.

    Volug killing Sephiran.

    Pelleas actually destroying Izuka.

    Jill making number 2 in the top 5 and Zihark making number 5. O_o

    Using Sigrun in endgame and actually making it work. (yay wishblade!)

    yeah...it was an odd one this time around.

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