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Loki Laufeyson

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Posts posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. 1. How many units are in the original Dawn Brigade? These are the ally units that are hiding in the streets after 1-1. (Bonus: Who is their leader?)

    5 Nolan

    2. How many SS weapons are there, not including Laguz Strike levels? Name them. EDIT: Don't include Fire, Wind and Thunder Tails. I forgot to tell you not to. You get bonus points for catching that, VincentASM

    1. Wishblade

    2. Alondite

    3. Urvan

    4. Rexflame

    5. Double Bow

    6. Rexcaliber

    7. Rexbolt

    8. Rexaura

    9. Ashera Staff

    10. Basilard

    11. Balberith

    3. Which fire tome(s) has/have the best critical?


    4. How many characters are in FE10? Do not include the Black Knight, but do include the second playthrough exclusive characters.

    70 i think.

    5. Which character(s) has/have the worst availability (counting each chapter as 1) before Part IV? Do not include the Black Knight or any unit that does not have any chapters before Part IV. Also, count a joining chapter as ½ chapter. (I.e., Leonardo comes on the 4th turn of 1-P. This counts as a half chapter for him. Micaiah joins on the first turn. This counts as a full chapter.)

    I think its Sigrun and/or Tanith

    6. Which class(es) has/have the best innate critical (i.e., all myrmidons get +5 critical)? How much do(es) that/those class(es) get?

    Trueblades. i believe its a +20 crit

    7. What is the only Mastery Skill that's activation rate is (Strength)%? What class(es) does it belong to?

    Colossus?? and it goes to Reavers. i may be wrong here.

    8. What terrain(s) do horses have the inability to move over?


    9. Which character goes down in levels and stats once he/she is playable after appearing as an NPC? (Bonus: What level does he/she appear as as an NPC and what level does he/she join your party as?)

    This one i fail since i just dont know.

    10. Besides Trueblades, Whispers, Vanguards, Chancellors and Assassins, which playable class(es) has/have the highest speed cap? What is the cap? EDIT: Sorry for the unclarity. Please do not include Laguz stats when they are doubled.

    Seraph Knights, maybe.

  2. Metal. I really love love love metal. Black metal not so much though. But Death metal is my true love in the genre of metal as a whole.

    Also goth rock (The Cult, Bauhaus, etc) and Industrial.

    Grunge (Not Nirvana) and just anything else that sounds good to me.

  3. sorry but... LOL at your Soren ranking. I mean seriously, have you used him? Sure he gets a slow start (just like PoR) but once he gets going, shit! Hes nearly unstoppable. (also one should mention data transfer bonuses)

    Adept is pretty great for him starting out because at first he doesnt double much. Only morons would pit Soren as a frontline fighter at the beginning, leaving him open. I mean seriously. But having him max out his weapon levels (which isnt very hard) he can spam Bolganone and Thoron AND Rexcaliber. thats not too bad. Plus Flare works in his favor. His skill caps easy so i dont see the issue there. Raising his rating to about 6.5 to 7 would be more fair.

  4. Hell, I'll bite. (im doing this for fun and dont expect a high score. especially since youre gonna get more opinion based answers anyway. Also im not looking at other peoples responses)

    QUESTION 1: Ike and Haar

    QUESTION 2: Volug

    QUESTION 3: Meg, Fiona(even though i like her), Lyre, Kyza, Tormod, Vika (although i use her too), Leonardo, Rolf, Danved, Geoffrey, Sigrun.

    QUESTION 4: Id have to say 4-3 simply due to to lack of movement.

    QUESTION 5: Hmm..Uhh you know? im not sure since during my playthroughs it always varies but i think Nolan or Volug. Why? Nolan for level growing or Volug for untransformed spam.

    QUESTION 6: Hmmm. Excluding Astid? well my answer is gonna go to Makalov.

    QUESTION 7: Edward

    QUESTION 8: Soren

    QUESTION 9: Nailah, Tibarn, Caineghis (i never use him though), Giffca, Naesala, Kurthnaga

    QUESTION 10: Keiran

  5. Titania is really bad compared to the rest after all is said and done. Ive done the Paladin playthrough at least twice and the only one worse than Titania is Geoffrey (yeah ill probably get flamed for that but hes just blah). Hell, even Makalov could do more damage!

    I voted for Oscar since hes really the best one out of the bunch (Keiran in second), its a shame he got so nerfed in RD.

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