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Loki Laufeyson

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Status Updates posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. Well i think for some sprites, if the hair is too strandy, it looks kinda weird. Like Lumi's avatar is pretty damn cool but like, some of the hair on it is a little...too detailed? I dunno. Your sprites' hair doesnt look like toothpaste to me. ;)

    Yes tutorial! I hate not being able to make the right hair for a sprite!

  2. Yeah we old coots gotta stick together! Damn kids.

    You? Desperately need to get better with hair? LAWWL what madness is this? Your sprites' hair is always awesome! in fact, i was like "i wonder if she will give me a tutorial on how to do custom hair..."

  3. Omg hai!!!! <3

    Ive done some odds and ends. Not a whole lot though. (my sprite thread is still around. Nyarly's Sprite temple.)

    Yeah im...kinda older so yeah. Old timey vidya games! How about you? Any new sprites?

  4. The beginning of the game isnt too bad. Yeah you gotta grind deathblows sometimes but ehh. Its Nortune and Babel Tower that make my head want to explode. I mean, who thought Battling was a good idea? Fuck that guy!

  5. Oh i hear ya. I still have a file thats nearly 10 years old! :o I kept getting my ass whooped by Miang on disk 2. (i think i missed some key item buffers...)

    I did restart the other day, but the game is really long and there are parts (NORTUNE) that make me go "dueagh..."

    It is worth it to play through Solaris again. Krelian... :love:

  6. :o

    Yes! Very much so! I was a member of the old Xenogears God and Mind forums way back in 03! You a fan?

  7. omg your sig is amazing.

  8. Yeah same here. ill take the "fake" one over the real one!

  9. lol! I dunno. I sound funny when i hear my own voice recorded too. Im all "thats not how i sound! .....or is it? Deaugh!"

    My mic is really old and lousy and for some reason, when i use vocaroo, it sounds really loud and annoying.

  10. I swear when i read that, i heard Pinkie Pie in my head!

  11. Heh. If he ever does go through with it, let me know.

  12. Because everyone does things for Nightmare. Hes just too charming. lol!

    Also Elincia looks really pissed off in your member badge.

  13. lol yeah. Im also kinda lazy and stuff. Also i often wonder how many people here actually give a snot about what i have to say anyway. :P

  14. LOL not really. Im actually not very shy in general but when it comes to the interwebz and voice thingies, i get shy for some reason.

  15. Instead of spamming up that topic, i post here. Lets make a deal. You and i both work up enough nerve to at least do a vocaroo of us pronouncing names! :D Whattaya say?

  16. Your avatar always seems to dance to the music im listening to at the time.

  17. Yeah. Astelaine made it. She had blinking frames and talking frames in it too. Check out her sprite thread. I just animated it and added a background.

  18. I love the sneaky Pikachu! Hes such a ninja! and gr9!

  19. I thought your ban could be lifted unlike Teekay's. To be honest, i hardly know what they did with your ban after it was issued. Also i think EL got an infraction for that. *shrug*

  20. Oh if it makes you feel any better, ZU is...lol...kinda futz up real badly right now. (Jason is a tool.)

    I know you might not stick around a lot. Too many threads about drafts and arguing about stuff that doesnt matter. But you could stick around for the lulz! :P

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