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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. The same can be said for Christianity. My opinion of the matter is that Islam is currently in the middle of its own dark ages that began with the fall of the Ottoman Empire. It sucks, but at some point it will have a renaissance and return to the days of the Ottoman Empire, where the extremists were kept in line by the Sublime Porte. Of course, then the Young Turks got elected and everything went to hell, but we're too far off topic already.
  2. The irony is that he absolutely had the authority to be a Stalinism figure if he really wanted, he just didn't want to rule. In most monarchies that would be for better, but in Japan it was for worse. But yeah, that assessment is probably accurate.
  3. Were attacked by JOHN CENA, who broke Cilans neck like a twig! Everyone reacted by
  4. I know of another LPer, Chorocojo, who really hates Starmies. Of course, one is my ace for my competitive team, but whatever.
  5. Prevent the assassinations of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Abraham Lincoln, and Tsar Alexander II. First, however, they needed to
  6. Fair enough. I was speaking more generally, in that he could have dismissed the military government and called elections, but I see what you mean.
  7. Spinach. To get the spinach, Bruce Lees brother Chin needed to, besides realize that Mussolini led the Fascists and not the Nazis
  8. No, I was responding to the guy who said they didn't learn their lesson, which is obviously flawed logic on many levels.
  9. I could probably write an entire book on how MacArthur fucked up the war crime tribunals with rampant corruption. As it stood, not only were a lot of the bad guys not prosecuted, a bunch of the wrong people were prosecuted. Take for example the Yamashita case. My opinion on the Emperor is that he certainly was a ware of war crimes, and probably could have stopped them, but the same can probably be said for the people of Japan at large. The Emperor was negligent to am extent unbecoming of a monarch, but that is not a crime.
  10. You know Trump is crazy when I agree with Fox News about him.
  11. The best I can figure is that the Japanese people in general were never shown the atrocities of their government first hand, while the allies showed the concentration camps to the German people. There's also the issue that the Japanese people never really wanted to admit their wrongdoings, while there was a pretty big colt urial movement in Germany to admit the mistakes of the past. Japanese culture in General is also more nationalistic than German culture. Still, it is an interesting question, one that is by no means easy to answer.
  12. It can also be called in to question who is willing to kill over this joke. I don't think that there is some terror organization dedicated to killing people who make jokes about disappeared planes.
  13. And lost, because blah2127 wanted to suck up to Anonymous Speed. The reason for this aberration in the usually quite rational and handsome Blah was that
  14. By blowing Dick Cheneys head off! Mario arrived but he was so great flu to Bowser for killing Dick Cheney that they decided to make amends. The two new friends then
  15. Well, you got a nice monarchist Pokemon in the form of Princess. That's consolation for me!
  16. True, but I was talking in terms of hate speech, which this was clearly not. It's nothing to get worked up over whatsoever.
  17. The P 1000 Ratte, the largest Tank in the history of the world! Never one to back down from a challenge, Bowser
  18. I pretty much agree with everyone else here. Free speech should only be restricted if it is an explicit call to violence against another, whatever the reasoning. Neither of Charlie Hebdo's covers did that. The search for the plane is stupid anyway.
  19. Bowser, like the good enlightened absolutist he was, flew to France with JOHN CENA in order to help the King pass the reforms the kingdom so desperately needed according to Mike Duncan. Suddenly
  20. I prefer strategy games, and I mean actual strategy, not like Fire Emblem. I like planning out my assaults, encircling the enemy, whipping them out, and hoisting my flag over their Capitol.
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