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Everything posted by Canto

  1. Hmm, that is true. Aggressor is probably better served in the back since they get more attacks, which might make Stahl/Ricken!Severa somewhat more preferable. I'll have to rethink that. And admittedly I did forget about Lucina. So, I'd probably rank the game's non-Avatar/Morgan Snipers as Chrom/Ricken/Stahl!Inigo (for damage output) Stahl/Ricken!Severa (I value Armsthrift probably more than other people. Ignoring that you could probably drop her down one or two places) Virion/Chrom/Ricken/Stahl!Brady or Ricken/Stahl!Owain Galeforce!Lucina Chrom!Cynthia (Whoops, forgot about her. Aether + Luna's still awesome.) Gaius!Noire Donnel!Noire (Armsthrift + Luna + Galeforce, but has problematic SPD) ETA: I guess that's true, Craig. I still think they're better off as sages, but I guess I should be disregarding opportunity cost with this list.
  2. Chrom!Inigo is probably the best Sniper in the game (baring Male Morgan), because of Aggressor (since Snipers are more or less exclusively player-phase), Galeforce (to get more player-phase kills), and Armsthrift (to effectively be able to use the Double Bow). Limit Breaker and Luna round out his set. Alternatively, get rid of Armsthrift to use Bowfaire and grind IR for Double Bows, but that's a real pain. Stahl!Inigo's more or less the same thing (+2 STR/+3 SPD vs. +3 STR/+2 SPD), and Ricken!Inigo's comparable (+0 STR/+2 SPD, but gets Sage access). Your next best bet is probably Stahl!Severa. Ricken/Stahl!Owain and Ricken/Stahl/Virion/Chrom!Brady get Aggressor/Luna/Galeforce, but that's more or less fitting a square peg in a round hole since they're really better off being Sages.
  3. I voted Virion/FeMU because I liked their supports, and Inigo/Morgan because it's one of the few Inigo S-supports I like.
  4. Because he has none of the tools to abuse the class except maybe Luna? He doesn't have Armsthrift, or Sol, or Vantage, or even something like PavGis. And if we're talking Apo then offense > Nosfertanking. He could probably pull off a skirmish set with Waste or do Mire sniping, I guess, but being in the Sorcerer class with +1 SPD will hurt.
  5. I wish Owain were a female, period. Then Vaike would clearly be his best father and I wouldn't have to waste Ricken on him every time. Luna? Check. Merc Line? Check. Inherits three classes? A SPD mod greater than +1? Check. Sure, Vaike kinda completely takes a shit on Lissa's offensive mods, but it'd be worth it. Libra!Brady is an incredibly shitty Sorcerer. Sage is better. Donnel ruins Kjelle's stats less, though Donnel!Noire does have some solid options. Kind of a meh Sorcerer, but you can use Armsthrift + Double Bow to take out a lot of enemies, although I don't think she'd be able to one-round the Apotheosis Snipers. Stahl!Severa/Chrom!Inigo could probably fulfill the role better. Donnel!Noire's also probably an alright Dark Flier too, though she's slower than any Cynthia. Valkyrie is also a solid choice for her. Gaius!Kjelle is solid. Though, Gaius is pretty solid with a lot of kids--Cynthia, Laurent, Brady, Yarne/Gerome, Nah, to a lesser extent Severa (i.e. worse than Lon'qu so don't ever do it). Gaius!Noire + Donnel!Kjelle minimizes the damage Donnel does, and maximizes Vantage and Galeforce efficiently. Noire won't terribly miss Armsthrift, and gets solid mods and classes to work through most of them, while Donnel!Kjelle's class set becomes absurdly wide and +2 SPD is bearable. Noire will miss Valkyrie, though.
  6. If you're not LTCing, you could always just Dance-abuse her in Chapter 11 or so (save a Second Seal, kill almost everyone, trap one of the thieves between four guys with unequipped weapons, and have her dance for Chrom until she gets to level 30, then Seal her to Dark Flier). That wouldn't break any of your rules, I think, though it'd be ~200+ turns of boredom.
  7. You know, I sincerely wonder what IS was thinking with Sumia's limited options. I get that it's because she's the canon girl or whatever, but at least Chrom's options made sense gameplay-wise (besides Sully, who makes sense story-wise.). It feels restrictive to have only three real choices (and FeMU, I guess) but the only other person who Lucina would remotely want is Cordelia, and that was never going to happen from the start. What does Sumia get? A guy who if she marries him will screw over another kid from Galeforce, a guy whose mods fight with hers badly and gives Cynthia nothing of value, the Avatar, the main character (Cynthia doesn't really give a shit about Cavalier or Archer, but Aether's pretty boss), and Henry. And unlike Chrom, she would've actually liked some of the male options that she misses out on, like, say, Lon'qu. Or Virion. Or Gregor. Or Vaike. Or Stahl. Or Ricken. You get the point.
  8. It's tweakable with AS+2, I suppose, but Henry!Cynthia doesn't need it (though I guess she could use it to raise her damage output), Frederick's not bringing much to the table (Breakers, I guess? I guess she could also do Lancefaire Paladin, I suppose, but why? Or, rather, why not Chrom?) and it uses up a non-Luna father. ...Eh. I'm fine with conceding that Frederick!Cynthia is entirely usable, but it still seems to me to be her comparatively worst option.
  9. Not really. It's beneificial to Cynthia since she's almost always a Dark Flier (so Henry's mods aren't going to waste, and Freddy's mods hamper this sort of build), and Brady's able to stack offense with Aggressor, Luna, Limit Breaker and Tomefaire (all of which are innate!) that his MAG mod's more or less insignificant. You're honestly better going for a father with speed.
  10. Henry!Brady's good, but Henry!Cynthia is efficient for Luna distribution (only Gaius shares this trait out of Cynthia's limited potential fathers, and Gaius!Cynthia isn't Galeforce-efficient) and Cynthia's not getting much out of Frederick that other kids can. Brady's base set is good enough that he can take trash parents like Virion and Libra and get away with it.
  11. I don't think Gaius!Noire has Tomefaire either.
  12. Uh, the whole point of Double Bow Snipers is to attack from 3-range, without worrying about retaliation. While they'd appreciate Vantage, Galeforce + Luna is more than sufficient for my needs, and it'd free Stahl to go to Owain so I can finally do Ricken!Inigo, which is a pairing that I love on paper that I almost never do because of Owain. It'd just be nice to have the added flexibility that a second Luna-efficient Chrom pair would bring.
  13. Eh, I'd still consider doing Chrom/Cordelia if it were possible. I would totally make both Lucina and Severa Double Bow Snipers with Armsthrift/Galeforce/Luna/Aether/Limit Breaker. Not that it's really significantly better than Maribelle/Sumia/Olivia!Lucina, but it'd be a nice option, and it'd be Luna-efficient, (which is really my main problem with Chrom's pairings) and Lucina would get three classes without screwing over the other kid.
  14. This board does not have a lot of love for orange-haired Cynthia, does it...
  15. Can you please stop using the phrase 'sorc tool'?
  16. I thought that subliminal messages had to be... well, subliminal? It seems pretty liminal to me, at least.
  17. Well... at least it's better than being a prehensile dick.
  18. Oh. Um... well, I'm glad you're amused?
  19. So, uh, what exactly is this thread?
  20. It's great for Lucina, and shit for Brady. But Brady doesn't really give a shit regardless. (As in, innate Tomefaire/Luna/Aggressor/Galeforce means he's never exactly in need for skills/classes. And it's not like you'll ever use him as anything but a Sage. Still pisses me off, but if there's one character to gimp, it's Brady.) So, it's more or less fine.
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