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About Bindi

  • Birthday 08/11/1994


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    ✧*:・゚✧Rey's PR Manager✧*:✧*

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. Hey! It's been a while, how are you?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sunwoo


      Oh jeez, do I know that feeling XD Is he staying sane at least?

    3. Bindi


      Oh yes, I make sure he doesn't get too salty~

    4. Sunwoo


      Poor Rey, he still seems to get salty every once in a while though. It must be hard work being one of SF's few translators.

  2. I want orbs! ....For Rey ;w; I just want to see him happy!
  3. Time for my yearly post before I vanish into the ether again. I jest! I missed this thread! How has everyone been? \ O /
  4. This is 4chan we're talking about. They crap on everything and everything in there, you should probably stay far away from there if you want to talk about anything you love without getting a corrupted response. Its for the best if you ignore them. That being said, while the FE community has been rather poor lately, its nowhere near as bad as some other fandoms I've seen, and its due mostly to the severe Gatekeeping some veteran fans spout, mostly against casual mode and other changes made to encourage newcomers. So its suffering from a different problem entirely than the Sonic fandom is. If you still feel animosity about Conquest, than its because of 4chan, rather than the game existing.
  5. Hey Bindi, hope you have a happy 22nd!!

  6. happy birthday, kohai's husbando

  7. Hmmm.... there's a fire extinguisher underneath the sink. I wonder what kind it is? I'd get up and check myself, but I'm too lazy :F
  8. even more so now we have our own apartment haha Heehee, I've been caught~ Edit: Ahhhh, yes. The waifu days. He's changed so much over the short time I've known him that the "him" of those days seems like a completely different person than the loveable dumboat gentleman I love today~
  9. True, true~ I'm pretty sure this was a thing. Might have been in Japanese?
  10. I'm still young! Can't be one of those couples who rush into those things and end up miserable! \o// Ye, besides, I wouldn't trust you to run an apartment on your own. It would be too messy, and you would eat mini pizzas all the time, and you would be too lonely. I can't let that happen~
  11. SNRK AHAHAHAH NO WAY I'm so glad I checked this thread today oooooh boy. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ Thanks for the laugh, honey~
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