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Everything posted by MoonlitSonata

  1. So wait, does this mean we've gotten through two events with little to no casualties? EDIT: So 1 casualty via
  2. ... does pricking yourself picking berries mean you die? Cause that'd be a hilariously bad way to die.
  3. Question:is the "Blame Takumi" meme really a spoiler since most of the jokes reveal nothing about the game at all alongside of the character being revealed long before the 20th of June?
  4. I think that was the furthest I've ever gotten! /in And I'm completely off of everything that day, woo
  5. Glad to see I lived through one of the last updates before I have to go! Yay for friends for the night?
  6. She knows haha I'm tempted to make a crappy MS paint joke out of it but it would likely fall flat :P And then I got ninja'd!
  7. No worries~ I can look for my name instead of my kitteh, to save you the effort~
  8. Holy cow I'm here in time \o/ Don't have much to do for a short while~ WHO WILL SURVIVE THE BLOODBATH
  9. And Maurice is back to streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/himynameismaurice
  10. Are you able to take the class of Nishiki or Flannel when you marry them?
  11. [spoiler=You don't want to see this] [spoiler=Like, seriously, you really don't] [spoiler=It will ruin your gameplay experience] [spoiler=This is your last warning] [spoiler=Are you really sure about this?] [spoiler=You can't say I didn't warn you] [spoiler=Okay, here it comes] Sean Bean [spoiler=Have something to comfort yourself] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
  12. When I go to my inlaws they eat dinner between 3 and 4. Compared to my family who usually eats dinner between 7 and 8. I usually end up eating a much smaller portion when visiting my inlaws simply because my lunch has barely had enough time to digest before they're throwing more food at me.
  13. What I'm wondering is how, say, a Kamui solo run would turn out? Also how LTC strats would work, especially with their reliance on Jeigans at the beginning. I do wonder where this game's difficulty will rank in comparison to other titles of the series? Will FE:Fates Conquest end up rivalling Thracia in terms of difficulty, or will FE:Fates Birthright be comparably termed in difficulty as Awakening? [spoiler=Speculations] In my opinion, Fates: Conquest seems to be more difficult than PoR and Stones but seeing that the only streams I've watched either had people bad at Fire Emblem or decided to go Normal/Casual assumably for sake of keeping the stream moving. Meanwhile Fates: Birthright seems to definitely be on par with Awakening Hard simply due to growth rates in Fates and the buff enemy AI got for the Dual system. Otherwise, I simply can't wait to play both because the AI is much more intelligent than it's ever been, and this is fantastic for the series, dating sim aspects or not.
  14. http://www.twitch.tv/himynameismaurice:D Although I don't know how much longer he'll be going for, he said he was only going for 6 hours like 8 hours ago
  15. Yeah, that was poor phrasing on my part. I meant that we interpreted it "wrong" from what Nintendo intended it to be read as. I've been watching streams pretty much nonstop between helping a friend out for her wedding on saturday and have only gotten like 6 hours sleep total the past two days ^^;
  16. Cyrus into Silas is a legitimate translation, I've read, and Silas is his name internally. It's just that we interpreted it wrong to begin with. Marx into Xander is understandable since this is post-Cold War USA we're talking about. Tsubaki into Subaki.... I don't really have an explanation for that, other than they might have been trying to make it obvious that he wasn't female? After all there is a well known female anime character named Tsubaki in Soul Eater. And if they're really trying to get the anime crowd by adding VN aspects, they possibly thought it'd differentiate him?
  17. Nope, that was chapter 7. This was chapter 10. When it comes to the skinship dialogue, while I'm not a fan of such a silly mechanic coming into Fire Emblem, a series I enjoyed for the serious tone it often took, I'm not going to complain either. Children announced? I grimaced, but it was a core part of the game that saved the series. Skinship? Weird, but at the same time I think we're running into a bit of a cultural misunderstanding between the east and the west. The dirty talk? Seems pretty tame, honestly, other than the implications of sex. I know I've heard things that are much too inappropriate to mention in a polite setting. Just remember that Nintendo is always reviewing reviews and if enough people react to skinship that badly they'll probably keep it out next game.
  18. With Maurice running Elfie/Arthur defense stance it's giving me flashbacks to the first Nohr streamer: "AHAHA! -dink-" @_@
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