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Everything posted by Sorin

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAAAAAAAAAAAAT~~~ Let us eat cake and toast to cheerful times! Good man Sorin, slid it in there before it wasn't her b-day anymore. #achievements
  2. Note to self: when signing up for a forum, never do it on your father and sister's birthday!

  3. I want the Cordelia figure >_>

    1. Lance Masayoshi

      Lance Masayoshi

      i wish I had a Elise figure but you don't see me complaining

      start a kickstarter

    2. DodgeDusk
  4. Let's see what I found... Linkmstr on YT finished the Hoshido route and started the Nohr route. He also included the amiibo battles as well. [spoiler=Links] Hoshido Playlist Nohr Playlist omegaevolution also has a walkthrough going of the Nohr path and I think he said he'd do the Hoshido route afterwards. [spoiler=Link] Nohr Playlist And of course, SoC is playing through the game as well. His channel should be rather easy to find though so... Note: I have avoided watching them all myself, because while I don't have the strength to resist story spoilers, I don't want to spoil map design. ^^ Hopefully, at least one of them will be what someone is looking for. Edit: And there are probably more out there, it's just these came to mind the quickest.
  5. Kazahana truly is best wife. There is no debate.

  6. ...my god. So I did almost marry my daughter... *collapses*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HK Motendra

      HK Motendra

      Y'all had to have the same avatar...

      Ya don't know how many times i mistook you both

    3. Sorin


      *scratches head* Haha, my bad~

    4. Starman


      yo spoilers

  7. I believe, it's been decided. For my main avatar, at least.

  8. Good to know we won't have to worry about difficulty. Edit: Rip Orochi
  9. Okay, no harem. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* This is difficult! Oh, to be born a creature of love...

    1. Sentacotus


      Never give up! Trust your instincts!

    2. Lance Masayoshi
  10. *watching the stream* ...today's been great. Not even gonna trip about Kazahana dying. Just let me know when we get her Amie S Rank lines.
  11. *protects Carter from the Amie lines* I will not let them corrupt you, my beloved! I swear it upon my life!

    1. Carter



  12. Screw this, making a harem

    1. Lance Masayoshi

      Lance Masayoshi

      stop being me >v>

  13. Y'know, I was gonna be set on Kazahana, but then life happened and umm... Hi Felicia!

  14. Kirokan, you do great things! I really appreciate all of the work you've done just out of kindness. I'm sure this 10 pages was a large task, but I'm sure everyone has noticed your efforts.
  15. FE4 didn't use time travel, which is what everyone has a problem with.
  16. I swear to god if they use time travel again... Praying for an FE4 timeskip where they're too lazy to redraw everyone's mugs? ... *siiiiiiiiigh* H-Have a little fa... fait... I can't get the word out... On another note, looks like the children will be based on the father this time.
  17. Kazahana, please forgive me! I've been a fool! I will never falter again...!

    1. Lance Masayoshi

      Lance Masayoshi

      a wise fool indeed

  18. Just when I thought Kazahana won, Setsuna happened. GG me

    1. Lance Masayoshi

      Lance Masayoshi

      getting wrecked by the waifus huh

    2. Sorin


      I don't have waifus... but yes.

    3. Lance Masayoshi

      Lance Masayoshi

      but do you have harems

      i knew it

  19. Fair enough. Looking back, I can definitely see where you're coming from. I was a bit too excited when I first read it. But, look at it from another standpoint. Why would you all want the same character to reappear in a story that isn't theirs? I probably could have phrased that better, but this is totally from curiosity. If you liked the character, then letting them have their ending, be it good or bad, is important in my opinion. It'd be like watching your favorite show reach its climax, only to have the end dragged out with an attempt at another climax. And, last I checked, expy only had to resemble their original most, if not all, to count as one. Course, take everything I say with a grain of salt. I have no more canon information than you and will gladly admit when I'm wrong. So, we're in the same camp. Hold on though. While nobody but the developers can say for sure that it would, other notes from her character would lead one to believe this would actually be the case. Note her father-daughter A Support for example. Once the father tells her he loves her despite all of the comparisons to her mother, she softens considerably. If her parents were there as soon as the comparisons started, and HAD PRIOR KNOWLEDGE DUE TO KNOWING FUTURE SEVERA AND WHAT SHE WOULD PROBABLY GO THROUGH, the natural parental instinct is to reassure the child with love. Something future Severa couldn't get because her parents were dead. Her tsun tendencies sprouted because of her abandonment issues followed by her inferiority complex. I should probably cite, but the hints and such are littered across her supports. Even if younger Severa was still a tsun, there would have to be a different reason for it. When you pull destiny into it, especially when already dealing with unknowns, it becomes hard to reach an agreement, or at least a common ground. I would like some answers to this though. If only so I can see it from everyone else's viewpoint. *raises an eyebrow at Carter* When in doubt, go Hoshinohri as I did
  20. When have they ever made expys... expies... expi? A-Anyway, they make them all the time. FE6 as a whole was basically one of the original Fire Emblem. Compare the units side by side and tell me you don't see at least a few. This is one of the few times it has been so obvious though.Edit: Well said, NeonZ I would take it being an archetype. But because I just don't see them not using Outrealms as a means of justification otherwise... Pretty much. Most if not all her problems come from her abandonment issues. And if Cordelia knew that future!Severa was that bad, wouldn't she do all she could to make sure she didn't end up that way?
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