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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Oh wow, I gotta take like 50000 but then again its once a week like I said so yeah forgot to mention but they said my B3 is low too, I have to look out for myself better but ugh... I don't have much of an appetite and I'm too much of an extremely picky eater to get much out of food if I'm lacking because of that
  2. So I got a phone call from the doctor's office today and they said I have a bad vitamin D deficiency so now I gotta take something for it once a week and have a follow up appointment in 12 weeks I feel like I am at least partially responsible for this oopsp Well I got some sleep, I feel a little better but I'm still p tired lol YEAH ugh, I wish I had better control over it, and I'm sorry you gotta deal with that too :< What happened Yasa Is it a bad game?? Did you get stuck somewhere???? I don't know shit
  3. Ahh, thank you. I can't really think of anything I'd enjoy at the moment, I'll probably just watch something and then attempt to sleep since I'm tired anyway I believe you, I just feel terrible about getting in moods like this since I know he wants to help aa I don't particularly feel too good about myself right now, sorry
  4. I don't want to keep this to myself, but I have to be careful who I tell as well as how I talk to my friends when it comes to finding out information about those people because if they find out I suspect those friends of theirs and I'm that talking about it theres no telling what they'll do-- they might get angry and abandon me, I can't risk that... So therapist it is, its just that I hate having to wait until Thursday, its eating me up inside and I have a bad headache now Yepyep, I can't let him down either. I'd be no good otherwise, I've already been too much trouble as is
  5. Yeah, I'll tell the therapist because theres honestly no one else I know in real life I trust or know to talk about it with concerning my friends and I'm getting in a bad place again over it and other things I can't deal much longer I feel like absolute shit I'll make it a point to go though yes
  6. I don't feel really comfortable going into detail in public, but its bothering me a lot...... To put it short I'm starting to doubt their sensibility and judgement considering the kind of people they've been hanging around with whose lives sound fabricated and I feel like they're putting themselves in danger and would endanger me as well if they choose to get more involved especially if I'm living with them and I don't know what to do anymore and I'm afraid to voice my suspicions and feel like I might not have anywhere stable to live now Thursday at 7pm, and this'll be my first time yeah
  7. I had peach tea if that counts, it was alright!
  8. I just use an alarm clock so generic annoying ass beeping
  9. I don't like orange juice though ;__; Uhh at least supplements exist??????
  10. Yeep I don't know, and I'm also starting to worry about my friends' judgment as of late too... s: Why does everyone gotta be acting dumb I seriously hope I can get some advice about this from my therapist I'm really worried
  11. Uhh, don't think so I just know its coming out this year over there He's turning 31 in September lol
  12. That might work, yes Notes are important yes, and uhh I know vitamin C is good for the immune system so maybe I should try that.. And I will!!!
  13. No not yet, its still gonna be quite awhile I think its just unfair how Japan is getting it for the PS3 too while we aren't, Bamco is being a bunch of cheapskates I'd imagine, I just wish he could be ejected to some remote island and my parents didn't give a shit about him
  14. Seeing Berseria stuff sucks because I don't think I'll be able to play it or anytime soon I wish I could just take my brother's PS4 but nooooo, I'd have to go down in the dank ass basement to play it and who knows how dirty and unsanitary it is knowing he's been there >_> also it sounds like things are going bad for him in Cali already so I might not even get the chance to play it anyways pffffffbtbpfbgpnftg
  15. Ahh, thank you and well they're usually on at least once or twice a day but the times they come on and how long they're on tend to be unpredictable... ;v; I'm mostly worried that I can't retain information anymore and I don't know why, like sometimes I'll try to read and learn about stuff on the internet for fun and I don't comprehend a thing and it flies over my head like ???? I'm hoping it won't be a problem in class-- also worried about the people, though at least its the same college my friends are going to so that should hopefully make things easier another shitty thing about having to be around groups of people is when colds and the like are going around, my immune system is shit and colds affect me worse than the average person and it takes me a longer time to get over them and getting the flu could easily be outright fatal for someone like me ~_~ I'm constantly paranoid about getting sick but I can't just shut myself away either aaaa but yes its better I try going than doing nothing at all!!
  16. Well thats been the main reason lately, but in general I have a hard time getting out because I get anxious fast and want to go home even though my current home is toxic and I can't stand my parents so I also want to be out and this is really unhealthy and probably sounds pathetic but I don't like being in situations where I might miss out on talking to certain people and if I haven't talked to them for awhile I get anixous and prone to going into a downward spiral and having breakdowns and being out where I can't talk makes it worse, my tablet is wi-fi and hueg and I don't have a phone I can use internet off of and both talking/texting takes away minutes so I feel like I can only use it for emergencies I am too dependent on people :/ thank And I get what you mean you're right, I've been getting out more with them and I'm starting classes next month, which should hopefully improve my mood but I'm kinda worried about it making it worse and me feeling pressured and stressed out because well, school
  17. I'm ambivalent about going out ehhhhhhhhg hg hghhhhhhhhhgh I feel cute sometimes, probs feel cuter if my parents weren't constantly mooching my money so I'd have some to spend and I could actually BUY SHIT ..would also need to know what makeup looks good on me and how to apply it I know theres tutorials out there but theres like a lot so its overwhelming and I don't know who to trust aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I agree but at the same time I'm like, I dunno and I only went out because my friends were free and offered and I was up for it, usually its hard to go out and I wish I could go out alone but my parents probably wouldn't allow it and even if they did I'm not sure if I'd feel safe I'm always contradicting myself when it comes to how I feel about going out Hopefully yes! I don't have a data plan and my tablet is incomptatible with it, so I'd need that and a phone that supports it ;_; Also wtf man I'd imagine there'd be more stuff where you live theres probably nothing here
  18. My head is usually foggy and my self-loathing is one of the few things I know how to talk about and if I don't talk for awhile its very bad for me oops also I saw a bunch of people playing Pokemon GO while I was out and it feels bad because I can't play I feel left outtttttttttttttttttttt
  19. I hope this means I'm not unintelligent otherwise pls kill me
  20. what what is wrong with people thats none of their business what a fuckface
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