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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I dunno, I just saw that Jenni was motivating you for something or something
  2. One time I tried jumping off a diving board but slipped on the board in a way where I fell straight down and ended up straddling the board, and then fell over straight in the water with the most stinging horrible pain thanks to my legs being cut by the diving board while falling over and also the chlorine getting in said cuts I slipped out of the shower once and it kinda hurt I have a noticeable scar on my knee from one of the times I fell I'd like to think I have better balance now
  3. Well this entire thing was a joke then again its on gamefaqs so what isn't, but stilllllllllll-- OoT won as far as I'm concerned I heard Undertale fans also mass downvoted Rocket League or w/e its called on Steam because they were angry about it winning for indie games for some award show so I'm not surprised they'd also resort to rallying for their lameass game literally anywhere just to shove it in people's faces as "BEST GAME EVARR ^_________^" like how pathetic do you have to be honestly lmao
  4. He did some of the music in it I think I think I get it, yeah like it seems like its only acceptable to people to like nostalgic stuff is when the game itself isn't old and just "inspired" by those things its like what
  5. Just make anything indie like and pixel-y with limited palettes and it gets huge hype idk why, something similiar happened with OFF though it didnt quite hit Blundertale levels (also Homestuck but thats a webcomic though it was suppossed to get a game, I feel bad for people who put their money into that kickstarter lmao)
  6. oh whoopsie (⸝⸝•᷄ ᴗ•᷅⸝⸝)
  7. buttholes wait thats not the lyric
  8. Not that I'm aware of Iunno, I guess I feel like his theme looks like something Soul would use maybe because I keep forgetting what his actual one(Soul's) is
  9. I dunno if my interview would give a good look of my personality or not also I keep thinking Shezzy is Soul when they have completely different themes why
  10. Every Myers Briggs test I've taken gives me contradictory results lol
  11. o-of course At least we're both suffering. I've been trying to help him learn how to play to the best of my ability. Noice Thats mobages for you, lol. I feel like I shouldn't be too mad because I did snag Arturia and a few decent CEs for my troubles, but ya can't help what ya want q______q Don't give up hope yet!! Since Jing Ke's a 3star, you could also get her from the friendpoint gacha though shes rarer there. But the more outlets the better. I wish you luck in your future endeavours o7
  12. Pride is mean, I only have enough quartz for two 40 rolls on F/GO now because earlier he said I should take the plunge for a 40 roll because I really wanted Okita and I already tried 3 40 rolls/shitload of tickets for her but no luck, and when I get jack shit he claims that he tried to stop me and that its my fault!! ;_; He's just bitter because he couldn't roll her either Also thank god Scathach seems underwhelming so any desire I had to roll her is gone, I just hope they don't release any good servants before I get a good amount of quartz back.....
  13. You're welcome :^) go ahead and request something on the thread if you want, I won't be attempting any requests until I get back on later though since I'm leaving right now
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