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Everything posted by Eliwan

  1. Not to my knowledge and probably would be the respective answers from me But when you say "Awakening hack for 6/7/8" what do you actually mean Do you mean GBA!FE with Awakening mechanics? Characters/Story? A port of Awakening to the GBA mechanics? There are tons of things that you could mean and depending on which you actually mean the answers will vary somewhat wildly.
  2. well yay, but also boo I was going to do a thing but Char?/47948201 already has a note in the doc and in here saying that they're doing it so I guess me asking was kind of pointless (Unless they only mean the mug, as opposed to the battle sprite.) T0 units (A -> B -> C) only have 4 move*, so there wouldn't be stat loss there..? buh... but then you only have stat loss because you want the t0 to have 5 movement. Color me confused especially considering you can just say "armor knight with 5 base move". *not that you can't have a T0 unit with 5 move, just that all the example T0 units have 4. Yes, it requires animation timings and other effects if applicable I'm not sure if there's a GBA -> XNA porter though.. --- I guess I'll... start tackling the themed magic knights? White Knight [sword + Light] -> Holy Knight [sword + Light + Staff] Rune Knight [Lance + Anima] -> Spell Knight Dark Knight [Axe + Dark] -> Demon Knight [Axe + Dark + Bow] ugh that's a lot of anims.
  3. alwthwedgioklagwrj;edfl ahogreiljtgawrpe 89yuwojnhrkl yn359et8usnhcvjkl ah4w98 perio;gljPOIE:LDS JGSLD: FWENS :ILEJ !I HJEP OIU# *)#(@@IJO JLFKDSMZ<>GDMSG. ah so i'm just super dumb got it (I forgot about that part of it which is odd considering the video was demonstrating it the whole way through) that that does not look like a yes that looks like a "it wasn't bad at all what are you talking about it actually was glorious and you are a bad person for calling it bad" then again, it is also an emoticon.
  4. It's... it's almost okay. It's... okay, no. It's just bad. I hate it. WAIT I CAN HEAR THE WORDS. NO, THAT'S NOT JUST A BUNCH OF INSTRUMENT SAMPLES PLAYING NOR IS IT PLAYING IN MY HEAD. THAT'S ACTUALLY INSERTED SINGING. WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?!?!? I'm sad that such a good song is so thoroughly butchered... and lol it continues playing through the game over, did you actually insert it or did you just dub the atrocity in [and please tell me that it was intentionally badly done. please. please...]
  5. 0.1.1 on a clean rom worked for me pedantics re intro cutscenes: Jungby's glowing blue dot is one pixel farther to the left than other countries' dots are; or my vision isn't as good as it was Though Oifaye's name is taken from the tactician data, Alec calls Oifaye male ["Takes right after that famous grandfather of his"] even when you set tactician data as female The tactician input says "you are a tactician travelling across elibe".
  6. re: the BS with the mamkutes/manaketes in particular in the case of Fa, her Breath animation which is included in that sheet isn't part of her battle animation but is a spell animation. :/ I believe that is also the case with the Fire Dragon-- and on top of that, I also think that the transformed/detransformed states of the two actually have different palettes, but I'm not actually certain of either of those statements. Also am pretty sure that the fire dragon transformation animation isn't part of the actual battle animation (and thus ALSO has its own palette). {that said this could definitely be really useful; thank you so much sir :3}
  7. even if it isn't true i have to download it and find out... it seems to just be feddop. ='w'=
  8. Well, uh, not precisely. Contrast the shaman with the mage- The Shaman raises their arms and their cape moves upwards, but they don't have any other motion. In contrast, the mage does a few steps and twirls. The latter is more lively, more animated. ...Does that make any sense?
  9. would more animatedness than this be alright, love? Also when you say "mage robe blue"-- do you mean using the colors of the mage robe, or using the actual mage cape?
  10. I recall this being the other way around-- Beta Eliwood stabs with Durandal, release Eliwood slashes with it? *checks* I mean, I think the beta animation is the better choice but if you're looking just at slash vs stab then it's important to get that correct isn't it? - As an aside is there anything specific I could do to help, or nothing yet?
  11. Yeah. The hair shades still don't look ight to me but I have no idea -why-; it may just be because of the color that it is.
  12. I think it's his right eye that's the problem, given the shape of the nose. The eye is drawn as though the bridge of his nose is blocking it, but the bridge of his nose is nowhere near his eye. Either that or I'm completely misreading the angle of the face-- trying to see it a different way makes me think his nose is sunken into his jaw, though. I really like the saturation of these colors, but the icy-blue ike-like hair looks kind of odd to me; and the green feels like it needs more contrast with itself.
  13. Join Time: whenever you think the player needs a knight and or or that bow. :V recruitment method: imo it would make most sense for her to be team 4 (hostile to everybody) until talked to; upon which she'd turn green, then talking to her again would make her blue. Because holding conviction in one's ideals, finding out that they're slightly off... does not automatically mean that somebody would fall in line with the educator. :V something like... Talk1 Lead: "Why are you so indiscriminate?" Fira: "Because as far as I know, you're all in the wrong." Lead: "Well..." [i would put something here, but my brain is the dead.] Fira: "Hm. I guess that makes sense. I'll be off, then..." Lead: "Wait! ...She's gone." [Turns green] Talk2 Lead: "Hang on, I didn't.." Fira: "I haven't attacked any of your troops. What do you want?" Lead: "Your allegiance." Fira: "Convince me." Lead: :?: Fira: "I can accept that. Very well-- I, Firancas, will be under your banner from now on." Though I suck at writing and that sort of thing may be very difficult to have feel right from the player's point of view, so whatever you feel is appropriate would be a better idea.
  14. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=20745 Not too many, and as far as I know there was no other attempt started...
  15. Poison deals 50% of the enemy's HP in damage. In a single turn, or over some number of them? Is it %remaining or %maximum? (...sorry, question-person am I.) That's... a pretty far cry from the 1-3 damage for 3 turns that it is in GBA. At least it is predictable..? {If poison is that good then there's not as much use in having it have effective damage... or really anything besides its range and poison properties. It'd be ridiculous forever as weapon with that, please do nerf it so it isn't absolutely stupid.}
  16. Well now I have to ask-- How is it stronger? Is the 2-4 range an issue? (that was a make-archer-useful combined with make-knight-move-not-crippling, it's certainly excessive) I was thinking 2 weapons as armor knight-- because I always think 4 move is such a ridiculous penalty that the weapon diversity would be enough to make you actually want to use the unit. But if you'd rather have her bow-locked until promotion, that sounds good too; but how would an archer get the blood of her foes splattered over her armor? plotholes!
  17. No It's the best name for a weapon. Like, I've been sitting here trying to come up with interesting weapon names for weeks, and "Death Warehouse" is just so amazing I am recontemplating my existence. And since the reason for her existence is no longer something I plan to make.. lol i had most of this post made, three separate times, but each time I kept opening new tabs and forgetting I had already done most of it pfff. edit: lol quotes
  18. THE BLOOD PRICE HAS BEEN PAID. now to actually learn how to hack or work FEXP, wololo
  19. Ankle-length. I could make it longer (longer than she is tall) if you want. :3
  20. If said chick includes her own battle animation, would you leave animations on for her?
  21. Something that I was wanting to experiment with personally (and will almost certainly never get around to doing knowing my work ethic) was a really bizarre recruitment-- With significant text hints in previous chapters (relationship between this unit and previous unit-- siblings or lovers would make the most sense), a unit that appears to be a generic when hovered over in every way. Except when they enter a battle with animations on-- they'd have a unique battle palette, distinct from the rest of the army. The obvious problem with this is in order to make it work it has to be a map with green units that don't stand a chance against the group of enemies that has this recruitable. Also I'd be more than willing to help with anything sprite- or story- or character-related. (I really can't do maps, but it seems like that isn't an issue for you) [and I will totally have a character writeup + custom work if warranted for you later: collabs are the best]
  22. okay so i actually don't know what "magus" means but where are you inserting each of these? because if you insert one in D00001, then you need to leave space in the rom for the actual thing itself-- I have no idea how many bits each takes up though (you'd have to check with a hex editor). You should only be able to check "compressed graphic" after you insert and then reload the image in GBAGE... if my memory is accurate. I think that if you're completely unable to tick the box it actually means the insertion doesn't work, but I'll have to go fiddle with this myself now.
  23. What's the actual graphic you're inserting? (I want to try this myself to see if I can replicate problem)
  24. Yesss, Raichu. Something looks off about the robe folds but I can't think of any real reasons why. I think you need more shadow dropping on his face from the hood. On his left shoulder (towards the right side of the mugshot) I think you should change the second fold (the one that matches with where the cowl was when it was down)-- instead of moving down, it should probably move towards his center-- but that's my opinion. While that is a ball joint, the ball of that joint barely juts out. There shouldn't be anywhere near that much shading between the top of the shoulder and the arm, I would actually go for something that doesn't even connect. Also her posture reads kind of funny to me though no idea how so (something about her breasts probably). The back of the necklace should probably be a little lower. The trapesius matters surprisingly little in my experience. His cape looks a little too solid on his left shoudler and the plate at the top looks too thin to me-- it looks like part of the gold trim at the top of it should be covered by the cape, but the edge reads as rounding out to the end of the metal. Shading on left shoulder pauldron looks kind of odd to me. The armor highlights don't make sense to me, neither does the visibility of the cape on his left side (our right). His hair looks too same-y to me (though I don't know how old Franz was, so it may actually be appropriate). His jaw doesn't read well in my opinion (I think it should be one pixel more to his right / our left), his right arm I always interpreted as being more forward but it looks fine. Personally I like this one more than the other one. The pauldrons don't match in size, though. At all. make theeemmmmm. you actually have words with your post I see plenty of artists who just go "img name-of-character-or-nickname whee" ;; hope you feel better
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