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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. Makaze & FFM have about the same experience level if you count up total games played (iirc, someone corrects me if I'm wrong here), so that argument doesn't exactly work, Rapier.

    When did I say I was scumreading Makaze? Or were you referring to Paper there? Besides that, I never said I had a good reason for a scumread on Paper, I even pointed out that it was gut. Not sure if you're just derping or nitpicking, Rapier.

    Shin's seeming pretty townie so far. Makaze's actually seeming a bit townie despite how odd his reasoning is for voting me. Rapier is at worst derptown unless his answers to my questions here are bad.

    Via's probably town if they aren't ITP, but I'd need to reread them a bit better.

    Vote's staying where it is; still not a fan of LG's (admittedly still fairly small amount of) content thus far.

  2. [spoiler=This convo should maybe help give a better idea?]

    [10:45:45 AM] Duggers: so pooly
    [10:45:56 AM] Duggers: how are you gonna go about people and their personae
    [10:47:02 AM] Blackhawk Stinger: same manner as you did the Fate RP
    [10:47:17 AM] Blackhawk Stinger: take applications, determine main team, make personae after
    [10:47:27 AM] Duggers: meant like
    [10:47:34 AM] Duggers: are you going to use existing personae from the series
    [10:47:53 AM] Blackhawk Stinger: oh
    [10:48:30 AM] Blackhawk Stinger: eh, if they aren't a "main" persona (like, of one of the playable characters aside from the wild card) then I'll allow it
    [10:48:47 AM] Blackhawk Stinger: but if someone tries to use, say, Take-Mikazuchi, I'll nope them
    [10:48:54 AM] Marf: awww
    [10:48:54 AM] Duggers: NO
    [10:48:56 AM] Marf: why?
    [10:49:03 AM] Blackhawk Stinger: already used, gg no re
    [10:49:10 AM] Marf: what about OROBAS
    [10:49:19 AM] Duggers: 'cause that's kanji's persona
    not even the MC gets it
    makes sense that no one else would.
    [10:49:19 AM] Blackhawk Stinger: Orobas is acceptable if you so chose
    [10:49:24 AM] Blackhawk Stinger: yeah
    [10:49:33 AM] Marf: oh so like
    [10:49:42 AM] Blackhawk Stinger: like, as long as it isn't a party member's persona or the evolved form, it's okay

    and yes, statless
    but hey it looks like we've at least got enough people to create a main team and a couple S.links, so neato
    I'll maybe throw a signup thread tonight or tomorrow, dunno if I'll be able to address anything about it afterwards until Monday though, so maybe I'll give this the weekend to see if anyone else is down and go from there
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