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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. Takako sighed and wiped a bit of sweat from his brow as the time came for Ichirou to leave. It sucked that things were tight around here, and that the kid was feeling bad for him; that was the reason Ichi got the job in the first place, was because Takako felt bad for him. Still, there was a small part of him that felt relieved that Ichirou was leaving without payment; that way, he didn't have to risk as much if business got really slow.

    "Alright, kid. Lemme know if ya wanna come in tomorrow, too; I might need your help sortin' out the back of the shop." Takako replied, knowing full well that Ichi wasn't too well versed in what was back there. Still, he'd give the kid something to do, if nothing else. Seemed like he'd need it.

    Though, speaking of...

    "Hey, kid. Gimme your cell, I'm gonna call yer folks and let 'em know you're goin' home late. Go see your friends or somethin'." Takako added, standing up and passing two thousand-yen notes to Ichi, knowing full well what that might do to his own finances. The kid needed it more, he figured. "And don't worry about me givin' you that cash; that ain't payment for your work today. That's me givin' you some cash to go do what you wanna do with it. Just don't hurt yourself, alright kid?"

  2. also shoutouts to Refa for being my go-to and for giving me incentive to shoot BBM (though I kept going back and forth N2 in an attempt to #BIGPLAYS someone that I thought may have been scum, before I thought better of it).

    the Strawman shot was obvious, and I went Terrador over LG because I thought that, if Terrador was scum, he'd be harder to lynch.

  3. Berserker had to hold himself back very significantly to keep from pouncing on the bird and letting his bloodlust take over. Thankfully, his Master had also theld him back in favour of hearing what the bird had to relay to them, which helped matters greatly. Presumably. The idea of going into war yet again was enticing to the crazed parts of Berserker's mind; after all, war meant spilling blood, and spilling blood was what Berserkers were made to do.

    If only I hadn't been like that in life, Berserker thought, deep within his mind.

    For now, Berserker turned his attention to the scent of cooked fish that now permeated his nostrils and filled his senses with some very faint degree of nostalgia. Eschewing the seasonings - he wouldn't know which was which anyways, what with his vision clouded the way it was - he attempted to sit at the table, but found that sitting was... not the easiest thing to do when all you want is food.

    Very well. I'll stand. Berserker eventually surmised, as he began wolfing down the food before him. It may not have been much for a man his size, but at least it gave him some sense of feeling... well, like himself again.

  4. Call Me, Beep Me

    Takako hadn't been having much luck in the way of customers of late. Sure, there were plenty of young people living in Kyoshoku who could be getting tattoos, but there was just something that kept the parlor from being as busy as it should. Maybe it was the fact that the place smelled like burnt metal all the time. He really needed to get some sort of air freshener for the place.

    As he was putting the finishing touches on his latest - and, hopefully, greatest - creation, his phone went off. Groaning, Takako checked who it was, and sighed. Of course the kid wants to come in and help today. I'm hurtin' for money to keep this place afloat as is... The artist thought, though he still felt sorry for the kid as he texted him a quick reply.

    Fine, but only until 6. Slow day today, so there ain't much work for ya.


    The cashier at MediPaX - a twenty-something girl with lots of piercings and a penchant for bubble gum - nonchalantly took the medicine bottle from Kinji's hands and scanned it across their till. Unfortunately for Kinji, the price was more than twice the amount of cash he had on hand.

    "It's 549¥, kid. Hope ya got enough." The cashier told him bluntly, blowing a small bubble of gum and letting it slowly deflate with a tiny pop. She really didn't get paid enough for this.

  5. ew what's effort

    I feel like with LG lynched and flipped scum, I'm not particularly seeing scum!Blitz anymore, and I'm willing to go off POE to lynch Marth. The only way we lynch wrong is if Snike (er, Scorri) is scum, and that'd suck.

  6. As the students, janitor, and various others were talking up on the roof after a rather tense confrontation, the school bell rang and everyone rushed back to their classrooms. As the day droned on, various hushed rumours about the altercation began to spread, but there was never one concrete rumour being spread, so nothing could come of it.

    When the final bell of the day rang and freed the students from their school lives, a sense of relief washed over the student body, and normality returned to the halls. It was likely to be a normal evening, busy for some, quiet for others...

    [it is now After School. Kenzo Watanabe may now post, though he may not interact with the students yet.]

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